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HPV/Genital Warts Support Thread


HPV/Genital Warts Support Thread

After looking at many pictures on the internet, I have come to the conclusion that I have HPV (more commonly known as genital warts). I think I have had them for about a year now, and they seem to keep on spreading. It’s very depressing to write this because I know that I have to be responsible about this by not having sex with anyone…and coming from a college student, this is very hard to do. So once again, I am turning to you guys for support and advice. Here’s what I have gathered so far:

1. Genital Warts is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the U.S.
2. You should not PE (jelq) if you have HPV because it will spread the virus.

Other than that, I am clueless.

I’m thinking about going to the doctor soon, the only problem is that she is a close family friend and my insurance is under my parent’s name. The embarrassment of telling my parents would be too much to handle. Don’t get me wrong, they are very supportive…I just don’t want to get them involved. So I’m asking anyone out there who has some light to shed on the subject to help me out of this tight fix. I did a lot of searching at products that cure HPV but got lost in all the 100% guarantees and herbal remedies. Have any of you guys tried these products, and if so, which ones work and which ones don’t? I’ve heard that Aldara is very beneficial, but it requires a prescription (i.e. a trip to the doctor). This is some really depressing shit. I don’t even think I can masturbate because of the risk that the virus will spread. What did you guys do to get through this crap?


Know your enemy (if that’s indeed what you have).

Here’s a sort of basic run-down site:

http://www.niai … ets/stdherp.htm

What college students (who are supposed to be basically smart) often overlook is the Health Center at their own college or university because they, having been slaves to their parents all these years assume that everything has to go on their parents’ health insurance.

Not necessarily so. These centers are often very discrete and very up on sexually transmitted diseases. Check yours out. Tell them your parents are not to know about this (they know you are going to say that, but you can say it anyway just to amuse them.)

Don’t try to treat yourself, especially before getting a professional dianosis.



I have them too. Get some tea tree oil…stuff has worked wonders for me. I apply it throughout the day and it is currently taking care of some warts I currently have.

Avocet8, thanks.
I’m almost certain that it’s HPV but i’ll check out my uni’s health care center anyway. I am assuming that you don’t need insurance for these places?
Good to hear that your warts are going away. How long have you been trying it out for?

I’ve decided that living a year in reluctance is long enough. Hoping that it will go away is a stupid philosophy to take up. If my new weapon doesn’t get out there soon I think he’s going to get pissed at me and fall off.

I’ll probably catch some flack from you folks for what I’m going to say, but oh well, its information…

I discovered I had HPV about 10 years ago. I immediately went to the dermatologist and he froze the ones he could see with liquid nitrogen, and gave me an external application called Condylox gel. It works but works slowly. I treated the remaining warts with that stuff on and off for a year or so. Eventually I ran out of the treatment and patience, so I just started using regular wart medicine. Yeah, I know, you’re not supposed to use that on your dick. But I did anyway cause I was tired of fighting this shit, and I didn’t want to have to fork over another 50-80$ to see the doctor and another 50$ for the medicine. With some care and dedication I got rid of the warts.

Later I discovered some small returning warts so I went back to the doctor to get more condylox. He was surprised that I was nearly wart-free. I told him that I was using regular wart medicine and he said “thats ok, whatever works”. As I see it now, the warnings not to use wart medicine on genital warts is simply to protect the company from liability. It works just the same and the dermatologist thinks its ok. You just have to be careful with it. Your dick will heal back up just fine.

I haven’t seen any sign of warts now for a few years. I realize that once you get it you have it for life, but I’m not going to walk around feeling like some kind of leper. I jelk and do PE with regularity. So don’t get stressed out. If you don’t think you can deal with the confrontations, then take the easy route like I did. But at least get rid of the things.

Originally Posted by YouknowD
I have them too. Get some tea tree oil…stuff has worked wonders for me. I apply it throughout the day and it is currently taking care of some warts I currently have.

I’ve used tea tree oil and it has gotten rid of sinus bacteria that I’ve had for years. It’s also taken away sinus infections. Stuff that I used to take so many antibiotics for, has now been(permanently?) cured just by inhaling tea tree oil vapor(5 drops into boiling water).

It is truly an amazing substance.

I’ve seen it recommended for all sorts of things and I think herpes was one of them, so it’s worth a try.

I always scoffed at herbal remedies, but this stuff has totally changed my mind. Maybe research it a bit and see what it can do for you. Of course get a medical opinion as well.

Bpel 7" Eg 5.5" - Start Aug 25 2005 Bpel 7 3/8" Eg 5.5" - Nov 4 2005 Bpel 7 1/2" Eg 5.5" - Dec 26 2005 AKA italguy.

Avocet8: THat link was about herpes, not HPV:) Herpes is also a STD and a virus, but it is not the same as HPV (which gives warts). So many STDs nowadays:)

Originally Posted by GunnarStaalesen
Avocet8: THat link was about herpes, not HPV:) Herpes is also a STD and a virus, but it is not the same as HPV (which gives warts). So many STDs nowadays:)

Thanks, Gunnar. Maybe we sould leave it there in case it rings a bell for someone else?



ok well the good news is that even though you may have it now you may not have it again. Some peopel never get them again so dont go crazy like I did when I thought I had them. Turns out I never did have em but the point is.

1. your immune system can eventually fight off HPV

should be mr 7 inch updated girth 4 7/8 7.25 BPEL 4.75 girth Penis to Height Ratio: 1:8.96

5 1/8 girth 9/21/11


What do you mean by “if you don’t think you can deal with the confrontations.”?

I went to the doctor and they gave me a solution that slowly burns them off. Rather painfull at times but the warts have calmed down and do not pop up as much. You can barely tell on me unless I’m shaved but I don’t do that no more.

Originally Posted by cocksman77
What do you mean by “if you don’t think you can deal with the confrontations.”?

Confrontations meaning facing other people with the truth … “The embarrassment of telling my parents would be too much to handle.”

There are a lot of dating sites that deal with HPV infected partners - look it up!

It would be nice to have a girlfriend who has the same problem as me, but personally I want to get rid of my warts. Everytime I’m in the shower I look down at what I got and lament the fact that I have it. That’s just me. I did a little bit of research on Tea Tree Oil, which seems promising. I think I’m gonna try it before I go to the doc and get a prescription.

I was watching the tube the other day and a commercial for Doctor Scholl’s Wart Remover came on. I am curious to see if this would work on my HPV. It’s basically the same type of treatment you get at the doctor’s office when you freeze your warts off. What do you guys think? Bad idea or no?


Originally Posted by MrClyde

I was watching the tube the other day and a commercial for Doctor Scholl’s Wart Remover came on. I am curious to see if this would work on my HPV. It’s basically the same type of treatment you get at the doctor’s office when you freeze your warts off. What do you guys think? Bad idea or no?


If you reread my previous post I stated that I used over-the-counter wart remover to get rid of my genital warts - Doctor Scholl’s to be precise.
It works similar to having your warts frozen. You just have to be careful when applying it to your skin not to let it spread to the healthy skin.
Treat the same wart a couple times a day for about 4 days then stop and let it shed the dead skin. Then let the new skin below heal over abit, then repeat.

I was aggressive and applied it on the fresh wound after shedding the dead skin. It stings abit but is not harmful. I got rid of my warts pretty quickly using that stuff, and they haven’t come back. I don’t have any noticable scars or marks from the treatment either.


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