Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I'm Pretty Sure I got Genital Warts.

Could be that too, even if it is warts, it’s really not a big deal. Go to the doc and have him remove the lesion if it bother’s you that much.

My goal is to be the best me, mind, body and soul, PE is part of achieving the best me.

Originally Posted by HardbodyPEer

Could be that too, even if it is warts, it’s really not a big deal. Go to the doc and have him remove the lesion if it bother’s you that much.

Now will the doctors be able to tell which one it is? I mean do they just simply look at what is on my dick currently and able to tell? Or will he/she actually test something on it.

He could tell if he took a biopsy of the wart- there is a localized virus that causes the wart to form. Just like on your hand, or wherever else. Typical home wart fixes like an air duster and a cotton swap, or just digging it out with a sharp knife won’t work here, although roughing up the skin of the wart constantly will cause an immune response which can occasionally destroy it. Also- roughing the surface of it and getting some sub dermal contact with silver nitrate like in old- school 35mm film can be very effective, it is a super powerful antimicrobial agent.

Originally Posted by bodybuilda
Now will the doctors be able to tell which one it is? I mean do they just simply look at what is on my dick currently and able to tell? Or will he/she actually test something on it.

For men, there is no real effecient test for HPV (genital warts). In women they do a pap smear and can detect the virus, but they don’t really do that for men and there is no blood test to check for HPV, so they pretty much will just look at it. You can do a quick test yourself: put some vinegar on it and if it turns white, it is most likely a wart. Molluscum tends to have a crater at the center and may express some junk if squeezed, a wart will not.

Don’t sweat it if it is a wart. I’d guess about 70% of people in this forum have or have had HPV. Most of the time it doesn’t even show but still can be spread. Most people’s immune systems fight it off in time, or you can have them frozen off or get a cream (or other treatments). If it is only one, I’d recommend getting it frozen, especially if it is small. Just keep an eye out for more though as they may continue to pop up after treatment.

Everyone that is sexually active (non-monogomous) should get a general yearly screening for the major STI’s : HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia.

On a related note, they recently came out with a vaccine (Guardasil) that protects against the more serious types of HPV, but it has been focused on women as it supposedly helps prevent cervical cancer. Now they have started recommending the vaccine for men the last I checked. It may be something to consider and discuss with your doc if you are younger than 26yrs.

Start: 8"BPEL 5.9" girth Current: 8.5"BPEL 6.5" girth Goal: 9"NBPEL 6.7" girth

Last edited by suziesun12 : 04-25-2009 at .

Here’s an update I just went to planned parenthood today they did everything for free as I have no job or insurance so no source of income.

Now the bump on my penis the doctor said it’s most likely mollucusum contagiousm, she told me to first rub that alcohol rubbing thing to kill the bacteria first then use a needle (sterile of course) and pick it. Now when I did that when I came home no puss came out instead blood did. Now how long will it take until it heals because it’s kind of like a cut now. I put a bandaid over it incase it doesn’t spread around my penis.

As for other tests. I am HIV negative and will find out within a week if I have other STDs or not. It’s crazy they let you know 10 minutes after the rapid HIV test whether you have it or not.

Anyone that has had MC before? Anyways it looks like the cut is healing up now.

I just called in for my results I am HIV, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphlis negative. I am very happy about that but now I just remembered when I was there I asked if I should also test for Hepatitis she said no. Now that I did some research it is in fact an STD, so why do you think she didn’t want me to test for it? Should I go back?

Look up sebaceous glands on the shaft. It’s very common. ;( Sadly I know

Why are you now worried about Hepatitis?

Hepatitis is not an STD. Yes, it can be transmitted sexually, but so can the flu and a myriad of other diseases; that doesn’t make them all STD’s.

If the doctor said you don’t need to worry about it you don’t need to worry about it. Unless you’ve been sharing needles or being wildly promiscuous.

You seem to have caught hypochondria, more than anything else.

Relax. You’ll live longer.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Well sites say Hepatitis is an STD, but okay. Now just a general question like I said earlier post I put a bandaid on my cut after I popped or whatever the molluscum contagiosum that the doctor said it was. When I did that blood came out so I put a bandaid over it.

Reason why I am kind of tripping is because last Thursday the doctor said it was molluscum contagiosum on my mid shaft and told me to simply at home rub this type of alcohol on it to kill the bacteria then get a sterile needle and pop it, which is what I did but now it is Tuesday and it still hasn’t healed all the way, maybe it left a scar? If that is the case what a fucking way to go with a scar in my mid shaft. Anyways of preventing the scar?

I put some neosporin on the cut on my midshaft, I did some research and it looks like putting neosporin on your penis is not harmful. Hopefully the scar goes away and heals.

Originally Posted by bodybuilda
I put some neosporin on the cut on my midshaft, I did some research and it looks like putting neosporin on your penis is not harmful. Hopefully the scar goes away and heals.

That’s what I’d do.

No need for a band-aid either.

A word about STD’s. The terminology is a bit confusing.

"Sexually Transmitted Disease," as a term, typically applies to diseases which are expressly and specifically transmitted this way as a primary means of infection. They are typically genital or urinary tract diseases.

Viral Hepatitis B does make many lists, as sex has become a common means of passing it.

However some of us think of it more as a liver disease, one that can be transmitted sexually, like the common cold, which also can be transmitted sexually. So can Streppe Throat. Mucous membranes are particularly vulnerable in terms of a wide variety of transmission actually. So if you’re sick with just about anything it’s safer for your partner if you skip the sex until you’re better.

But the bottom line is: if the doctor is sure you don’t need a test, and you aren’t sure: get a second opinion.

My experience of you on this forum, though, is that you tend worry when you don’t need to. So think about that. Do you really need a second opinion, or are you just worrying?

They say that people who worry less live longer, you know? :leftie:

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

I thought the duct tape treatment was pretty cool:

http://en.wikip … iosum#Duct_Tape

Reminds me of an ex-colleague who told me about how his old friend from Highschool had caught the crabs, and decided to treat it on his own: First he rubs his entire genital area with plenty of denaturated alcohol, then he covers it all with duct tape, and to top it off he goes to bed.

Next morning, his crotch is really hurting - tries to get the duct tape off which makes it a brazilian waxing session :) and then everything down there is bright red, painful and raw from the duct tape waxing, alcohol and the drunken and maddened crabs.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains


Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:


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