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I'm Pretty Sure I got Genital Warts.


I'm Pretty Sure I got Genital Warts.

Now there is a very tiny white bump in the mid shaft of my penis about 2 inches below my head. I’m pretty sure it’s either genital herpes or warts. Most likely it’s warts due to the fact that it’s white. It’s only one bump. Now I know I should see a doctor but in the meantime I checked this web site Somxl® Genital wart removal a Genital wart treatment to remove genital warts which is a treatment for genital warts.

Now my question is this.. Has anyone used something like that before? Any better recommendations for treating it? And let’s say this tiny bump is not even genital warts if I were to use it would it have a negative impact on me if I used the genital warts cream and say it’s not even warts?

I know I’ve made horrible decisions in my sex life in regards to safe sex, so please I been stressing enough over it and who knows what else I may have been infected with? So please don’t reply saying I’m stupid and etc.

Heads up thanks for any replies.

Originally Posted by bodybuilda
Now there is a very tiny white bump in the mid shaft of my penis about 2 inches below my head. I’m pretty sure it’s either genital herpes or warts. Most likely it’s warts due to the fact that it’s white. It’s only one bump. Now I know I should see a doctor but in the meantime I checked this web site Somxl® Genital wart removal a Genital wart treatment to remove genital warts which is a treatment for genital warts.

Now my question is this.. Has anyone used something like that before? Any better recommendations for treating it? And let’s say this tiny bump is not even genital warts if I were to use it would it have a negative impact on me if I used the genital warts cream and say it’s not even warts?

I know I’ve made horrible decisions in my sex life in regards to safe sex, so please I been stressing enough over it and who knows what else I may have been infected with? So please don’t reply saying I’m stupid and etc.

Heads up thanks for any replies.

The only answer we can give is seek medical opinion. It would be foolish of us to try and diagnose from a description of one bump. For us to attempt advice may only make things worse if it is not an STD .. And would you be sure in your mind about it from advice from us?

Sorry. But see a doc. Herpes would sting and be a blister

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

As petifaun said, see a doctor. They deal with this stuff all the time and will put you at your ease and relieve all that stress.

Thanks for the replies and yes of course I’m not asking for a diagnosis from some random person online. But again like I said it’s pretty safe to assume I got genital warts I mean I am sure it’s herpes as it’s not reddish at all and doesn’t sting whatsoever. I mean if it’s not genital warts what else can this white bump that popped up out of no where a month ago and still hasn’t gone away on it’s own. It hasn’t grown in size but it also hasn’t gone away.

My question was has anyone tried any type of creams that helps these go away?

Hi Bodybuila,

I have not had genital warts, thankfully but when I was young I had an annoying wart on my index finger, it had been there for a year or so. After several creams and some sort of witch doctor’s spell, the wart did not disappear. So I took matters into my own hands and bit the wart off, a little blood ,not too much pain. The wart never grew back again in 20+ years, so I have been wart free for over 20 years. This is what I would do, best of luck. Diesel.


I have a whit bump that sometimes I can squeeze stuff out of. It is very small. I have been checked and it is nothing. Hopefully for you it is the same.

Originally Posted by dieselpower
Hi Bodybuila,
I have not had genital warts, thankfully but when I was young I had an annoying wart on my index finger, it had been there for a year or so. After several creams and some sort of witch doctor’s spell, the wart did not disappear. So I took matters into my own hands and bit the wart off, a little blood ,not too much pain. The wart never grew back again in 20+ years, so I have been wart free for over 20 years. This is what I would do, best of luck. Diesel.

Oh and if you do successfully bite the wart of your dick, can you please share the technique you used to get your penis that close to your mouth?? :)

Starting 10/08 - 7.125" EL x 4.5" MSEG

As of 12/08- 7.5" EL x 4.75" MSEG

As of 1/19/08 - 7.75" bpel(previous 7.5" was due to inaccurate ruler) x 4.875" MSEG

It has been in the same spot for about 4 years.

There is a chance you got molluscum contagiosum. I thought I had HPV or worse, but it turned out to be this. Apparently you can catch it from shaking hands or touching someones used towel. I can’t describe how relieved I was when I found out what it was. STD clinics are scary, but you should def get it inspected by a doc. Put duct tape over my 3-4 growths and it was gone in a few weeks.

Molluscum contagiosum - Wikipedia

Should probably try and rule out sebaceous prominence as well.

Hmm well hopefully it is molluscum or sebaceous prominence in either case I’ll go ahead and set up an appointment to get tested at a local clinic. This will be my first time ever getting tested I went to planned parenthood before by accident I thought it was a different store and it was PACKED as hell. So I checked out a local clinic, how ever they charge unlike PP but I am assuming it will be less people in there? What are your guys experience in getting tested? What time of week is best to go/ time of day where there are few people at clinics and type of clinics.

You sure it’s not a pimple?

Get it looked at if you’re worried. It’s a good idea to get an occasional STD screen anyway. You’ll usually just have a visual inspection by a doc (or they’ll ask you if anything looks odd on your genitals, without even inspecting if you say no) and blood samples drawn.

Bro, I remember you :)

Intercourse while female on cycle
Infected right after sex
Pimple on Penis and etc.
Just had sex first time UPDATE
Just had sex first time
Just had sex first time


Judging by old threads, you’re probably fine. Do you find that you worry about things in your life in general, or just STD/pregnancy issues? If you go to a doctor about this bump (which you should, if it concerns you and isn’t going away), you should be honest about your repeated worries on this topic. Seriously, you might just have some mild OCD, and it’s treatable in many cases. You don’t need to live with so many persistent worries :up:

Well yeah but that was years ago and I still never got tested? I guess I really didn’t actually think I got anything until last month where this white spot in my midshaft concerns me. And I mean it’s too small to say for sure it’s a wart but then again it’s more close to a wart than anything else.

I will go to local clinic like I mentioned but like I said I would hate to go to one where are tons of people in there like Planned Parenthood. The ones where you have to pay for tests obviously less people go to them huh?

Heres an update I just set an appointment for end of next week to go to planned parenthood. I let them know I have no insurance and that I have absolutely no source of income, at the moment. They said it’s fine that I just need to fill something out. So it will be absolutely free? Anyone have experience with going to planned parenthood that can confirm this?

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