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Intercourse while female on cycle


Intercourse while female on cycle


Almost 2 weeks ago I had intercourse while the girl was on her period. We had intercourse by way of “doggy style”. I was wearing a condom. As soon as I inserted my penis into her vagina right away blood start coming out, so I just continued until we were finished. Now of course my penis is all bloody and I know for sure that the odds of contracting STD’s or even HIV definitely increases. My question is how much does it increase by? I used a condom but still a condom doesn’t protect the blood going down your penis’s shaft because blood was on the bottom of my shaft. Please give me your thoughts on this.

lol This thread title threw me. I thought it was going to be about sex with female bodybuilders.

I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains and with my hand turn fortune's wheel about... - Marlowe's Tamburlaine

I had sex with my girl the other night while she had her period, maximum!

She was pretty horny, sitting on me and splashing down on me.

The result: tiny blood spots all over the bed. The best: blood spots on the wall. About 50 or so, 2-5 mm in diameter.

The bed is new but the spots on the walls are still there. She says she doesn’t know who to get it away. - I like it.

Later - ttt

I thought the thread will be about sex on a bicycle:)

I don’t think that the risk is greater, unless you have wounds on your shaft.

I think you should be all right. As long as your Johnson was well covered with a condom. It only increases if you go “bare-back”, and have an open sore, ect.

Let me make my question more simpler.

Let’s say a guy has unprotected sex with a female who is HIV positive while on her period and only vaginal intercourse. Obviously the risk increases due to her bleeding because of her period, but the question is how much more does it increase?

Originally Posted by bodybuilda
Let’s say a guy has unprotected sex with a female who is HIV positive while on her period and only vaginal intercourse. Obviously the risk increases due to her bleeding because of her period, but the question is how much more does it increase?

Are you still worried about the incident from September? :-k

bodybuilda - Hiv

Wait? You would have unprotected sex with a girl thats HIV positive? That’s just asking for trouble bro

No this is not the one from september, like I stated in my original post this was almost 2 weeks ago.

I had sex with a random chick and I used a condom but she was on her period, even though the condom is protecting the blood from going in my penis it still had some contact on the bottom shaft of my penis. What is the risk from that.

Random chick? You just pointed at her at random and she said “Cool”?

Seriously, noone can really tell. Maybe you have minor cuts, maybe you have nicks from shaving. Maybe she is HIV-positive but on meds so she has a very low virus count. Maybe she has high virus counts. Maybe she has no STD’s at all.

But in general, I’ve understood that even if HIV positive blood comes in contact with unbroken skin, the risk is low. But we can’t help you anymore than that.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

That’s what I’m confused, a lot say it’s very hard to get and yet it is estimated about 40,000 new patients in the US contract HIV.

That doesn’t make sense.

I would suspect that blood (such as from a period) contacting micro-abrasions on the skin (as from shaving recently) or the urethra is the main way guys contract HIV from women vaginally. Vaginal fluids may also be sufficient for transmission when the lesion on the penis is significant (e.g., herpes).

I see.


Any advice on how once can learn not to make mistakes like this because this has happened to me a lot in the past and still even with knowing all this knowledge from you guys, it still seems like I may make the same mistake in the future. So that tells me knowledge is not enough and hopefully it’s not too late already.

How are you meeting all these women you have casual sex with?

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