Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Intercourse while female on cycle

I looked into all this a while ago, and I will say what I remember, but I am no doctor.

First, how much a condom protects is controversial, and a lot of the discussion is what you mentioned, the skin at the base, below the edge of the condom!

Different STDs are transmitted differently. Diseases like HIV, chlamydia, Gonorrhea, for example, are spread by bodily fluids and they infect the male by entering through the urethra or an open sore. For these diseases, a condom is thought to be pretty damn effective.

Other diseases can be spread by skin to skin contact, for example herpes or HPV. So, for example, if a herpes sore comes in contact with your skin at the base of your penis, or scrotum, transmission is possible.

In your case, a condom is meant to prevent disease transmission through bodily fluids, and I don’t think it matters if that fluid is blood or vaginal secretions. In that sense, you should be no more worried than if she was not on her period.

The problem is, even when you use a condom, afterwards you can still have doubts in your head and worry that you might have been infected. And you are right. The condom greatly reduces the risk but does not eliminate it. And you can read 1000 pages on this topic but you will never find the answer “did I catch something from her” without getting tested.

I am married, and I have frequently traveled to Mexico, where the strippers are very young, beautiful and inexpensive. I have often been tempted to go down there and have a fuckfest, but I never have. For a married guy, the risk of catching something is more than just a disease problem. It would be my life, family, home, etc. A condom does not provide enough of a guarantee for me to risk all that, just to fuck some strange pussy.

If you are looking for a more definitive answer, you will not find it without getting a test. Although it seems silly to practice safe sex and still go for a test every time you have sex, that is the only sure way. For most people, if they used a condom properly, then that is assurance enough.

Horny Bastard

mravg said it. The only way to know for sure is to go get tested.

Sex with anonymous strangers? Hmmm, are we talking prostitutes here? Who are we to judge.

Besides the obvious VD risk that have been discussed, the blood issue brings up other concerns.
There’s many other things you can contracted because of it. Two of the biggest would be TB and the many forms of hepatitis.
Both of which will survive in DRIED blood. And incidentally, both of which are on the rise in certain segments of the population.

Be it anonymous sex, sex with prostitutes, or sex with your GF or wife, when ever you have sex there’s certain risk factors involved to one degree or another. The only “safe” sex is abstinence (which I do not promote). The next best thing is awareness (education), protecting yourself (condoms, etc.), and being tested, if for no other reason so that you can sleep at night and NOT develop an anxiety disorder.

Personally I won’t screw any woman who is on the rag, I find it disgusting, but she can blow me if she wants.
I double wouldn’t screw any “pick up” or other “anonymous” woman who is on the rag for the simple reason your risk factor
just increased by about 1000 %.

This has been a Thunders Place public service announcement. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the site, the mods, or anyone else for that matter. But it’s how I choose to conduct by business.

I was gonna say, RootCap's hot. - kitten

Why don’t you chill on screwing random chicks that you know nothing about? It seems like it’s not worth the headache, especially since it is happening to you quite often.

I have also read in many studies that it is possible for the HIV virus to pass through the pores of a latex condom. Supposedly it is much smaller than sperm, so it can possibly pass through.

Originally Posted by averagejoe437

I have also read in many studies that it is possible for the HIV virus to pass through the pores of a latex condom.

I think that’s true of lambskin condoms, not latex. Got a link?

From the CDC:

Originally Posted by US Center for Disease Control

Latex condoms, when used consistently and correctly, are highly effective in preventing heterosexual sexual transmission of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

http://www.cdc. gov/hiv/resourc … s/qa/condom.htm

Horny Bastard

My mistake, it is lambskin.

Still not worth the risk IMHO.

I like to know where a girl has been, and condoms don’t protect against exterior VDs.

Originally Posted by ticktickticker
I had sex with my girl the other night while she had her period, maximum!

She was pretty horny, sitting on me and splashing down on me.

The result: tiny blood spots all over the bed. The best: blood spots on the wall. About 50 or so, 2-5 mm in diameter.

The bed is new but the spots on the walls are still there. She says she doesn’t know who to get it away. - I like it.

The best: blood spots on the wall. About 50 or so, 2-5 mm in diameter.

The best???

She says she doesn’t know who to get it away.

I’ll assume you meant how to get it away.

This is the strangest interior decorating I’ve ever heard of.

When I first saw this thread, and that it was started by bodybuilda, I envisioned it was a hot story about him fucking a girl on one of those gym exercise-bicycles.

Alas, it was more mundane.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
How are you meeting all these women you have casual sex with?

Yes, because I want to meet a few “random ” women.:rolling:

Random as in meeting a girl at a bar and/or party. Either way like I mentioned many sites state that it is pretty much impossible with the given odds that they give for a male to get transmitted from a female through way of only vaginal intercourse, yet 40,000 new people become infected every year. So with that I assumed that would be mainly homosexual males because we all know the highest risk of HIV transmission from sex is through anal sex especially receptive. But again it said out of those 40,000 it is half women and half male so I guess that means there are a lot of bisexual men out there plus a lot of women who are into anal sex.

Originally Posted by mravg

I am married, and I have frequently traveled to Mexico, where the strippers are very young, beautiful and inexpensive. I have often been tempted to go down there and have a fuckfest, but I never have. For a married guy, the risk of catching something is more than just a disease problem. It would be my life, family, home, etc. A condom does not provide enough of a guarantee for me to risk all that, just to fuck some strange pussy.

You see this is the problem, unlike you I have no control if I was in that situation. I would definitely move towards the fuckfest even with all this scares I’m going through, it seems like I never learn. Well if I was actually married like you I would definitely consider what you just said being more than a disease problem because then I would have to worry about making sure my wife doesn’t get it if I were to get it. So I will get tested in 3 months from now for everything and if all goes well I think best thing for someone like me who has a very perverted mind and would do anything for sex is to just settle down and get married.

So you think 20,000 women per year getting HIV are all having anal sex with bisexual men?

Got a link for these stats?

Horny Bastard

Okay so I was wrong about it being 50/50 it’s actually 70/30 30 percent being women and if you look on that page it shows 75 percent of the women who are infected is through heterosexual sex.

I have a question.

Doesn’t the thought of having sex with a girl on her period totally gross you out beyond belief?
It does for me anyway.

I guess you don’t get as horny as me, that’s all I can think if.

Since then I can say only symptom I am having is extreme irritation in my testicle areas. Even after I shower so it can’t be that it’s dirty or anything. So I am definitely assuming I got something hopefully not HIV though, I’ll have to wail until 3 months to go by which sucks to wait that long because as we all know that’s the for sure time to wait to get most accurate results from the HIV test.


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