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Indiscriminate contractions

Indiscriminate contractions

Hi all, I have wanted to get the answer to something that has plagued me for years and years and thought asking as wide an audience as possible would be the best idea.

I’ve been reading loads about premature ejaculation and the possible link with the BC muscle, which got me thinking about something I have been wondering for years, but too ashamed/embarrassed to ask.

You know the “contractions,” or “throbs of ecstasy” (“TOE”) as I like to think of them, just before orgasm and during ejaculation, well, I seem to have these contractions at other times not related to sexual activity, although on a far lesser scale and never to orgasm.

What I mean is that ever since I was a child, and I mean young, probably 3 years old when I started “child masturbation,” I have felt these TOE almost undoubtedly when my bladder is full or just after I’ve taken a crap (for lack of a better word), among others.

That’s what led me to believe that perhaps my BC muscle is extremely underdeveloped (theorizing here), and that has led to my premature ejaculation (although I have become a master at overcoming this through mental willpower).

What I really want to know is:
1. Are contractions at non-sexual related times normal/abnormal ie common/uncommon? Does anyone else experience this?
2. Could it hinder potential growth through PE?
3. Can this phenomenon be linked to premature ejaculation?
4. Is there any way to fix this situation? (Extensive kegaling?)

I hope you catch my drift with this. Basically, it is one of those things that I have held inside for so many years, but figured that it was time to get it out in the open. For some reason, it’s quite difficult bearing the soul.

If anyone has any input on this, I would really appreciate it.

I catch your drift but your experience is not a common one. I’m thinking, though, that this cannot be a bad thing. Sounds like fun, actually. What tips it off? and are these events accompanied by an erection, or no?



Originally Posted by avocet8
I catch your drift but your experience is not a common one. I’m thinking, though, that this cannot be a bad thing. Sounds like fun, actually. What tips it off? and are these events accompanied by an erection, or no?

I guessed it wasn’t common, and you’re right, I don’t necessarily think its a bad thing, but its just something that I’ve wondered about for ages. Its never accompanied by an erection. In some respects, I just think I’m super sensitive in that region. As I mentioned, the times it happens are more often than not when I have a full bladder or have just taken a dump. This suggested to me that it was somehow connected to a problem with my BC muscle. What do you think?

I know it all started when I was about 3 years old, believe it or not. I started masturbating, obviously without an erection, and with no orgasm or ejaculation, but just because I could rub my unit and get the “contractions.” Yep, I started young. I continued doing this unon and off until I was a teenage, puberty hit, and I began “normal” masturbating with an erection. But, the “affliction” has persisted ever since. Seems weird, I know.

I wonder of there’s any medical explanation and whether this is something that will stay with me for life, or whether in fact its even worth thinking about.

It may be that when your bladder is full or a bowel movement is due, the weight of the bladder (above the prostate) or the contents of the large colon (behind the prostate) are pressing against and perhaps somehow stimulating your prostate.

Many men report that they sometimes ooze some seminal fluid with a bowel movement.

Whatever it is, it’s obviously not dangerous and is probably in fact a pleasant experience for you, so enjoy your “toes.” :)



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