Brinkmanship: avoiding contractions
Brinkmanship, otherwise known as edging.
I’ve been practising recently. In fact, I haven’t had a wank in which I bring myself to orgasm as quickly as possible in at least a month.
Every wank I have these days I take my time over, or I don’t wank at all.
One thing I’ve realised is that I learned at a very young age that kegeling hard brings me to orgasm very quickly. Therefore up until very recently contracting my PC and BC muscles was a natural part of wanking, and therefore wanking never really lasted very long.
Since I’ve been practising brinkmanship, or edging, I have found that I can masturbate for a quite a long time, depending on how horny I am, or how much cum I’ve got stored up, and that I am always one good, hard, sustained kegel away from cumming.
This has prompted another realisation that part of the premature ejaculation thing is that, for me anyway, I have devolped my body to associate the pleasurable feelings in the sweet spot, with the PC and BC muscle contractions. So part of the way brinkmanship might work is to dissasociate these phenomenon.
Not sure about this at the moment. What do you think?