Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

avoiding losing sensitivity

avoiding losing sensitivity

what are some things to avoid doing to not lose sensitivity?

especially for jelqing

Hi Glober, welcome to Thunders.

I don’t happen to have the answers you seek, but I’m sure the guys on the board will help out shortly.

I would like to ask that you go read the guidelines on capitalization and punctuation. Some of us here get our noses bent out of shape over stuff like that. (I’m one of them ;) ). This will do for all of your posts, since I don’t want to copy it three times.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Sorry about not reading the guideline, i’m on it now though.


sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

There’s only one rule. If you notice any loss of sensitivity, stop doing PE until it’s back to normal. I’ve never experienced anything like that, and I’ve done PE for several years now.


Stay away from any and all advanced exercises until you know what you are doing and have conditioned your dick with a couple of months of standard, beginner exercises. The more you educate yourself, the less likely that you will injure yourself.

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Originally posted by ThunderSS
The more you educate yourself, the less likely that you will injure yourself.

Thunder is 100% right on that one. The first month here I made sure to read up on everything. Now after PE’ing for a few months, I realize how many mistakes I would have made if I just skimmed the instructions for some of the more advanced exercises. Take your time and read a lot about all of the exercises before attempting them. You’ll be glad you did. Also, below is a great thread by soon2b9 with links to information on most of the PE exercises discussed here.

A Quickstart Guide to Manual Exercises

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