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losing sensitivity year by year

losing sensitivity year by year

Hello all

I am getting a bit worried as my glans seem to be getting less and less sensitive over time. I have my ideas as to why this is. I was circumcised aged 17 around four years ago due to phimosis (tight foreskin). After my circumcision my Glans were hypersensitive and it hurt to touch as they had been under my foreskin my whole life, anyway the sensitivity calmed down over a period of months and years to where it was pleasurable to touch. It still is pleasurable but nowhere near what it used to be and it seems I am still gradually losing feeling. The tip is 90% numb. I find myself feeling less during sex to the point where it is extremely hard to climax, I have been having sex recently and giving up because I cant cum after hours of trying. Masturbating is barely worth it anymore. I just don’t no what to do.

I’m getting very worried that I’m going to end up with no feeling left at all. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there anything I can do to increase or keep the sensitivity I have got at the moment. Any advice or ideas welcome. Thank you.

Maybe this product is for you?

http://tlctugge … .com/prodRC.htm

The Your-Skin Restoration Cone allows you to comfortably keep your own skin rolled up over your glans. This allows your glans and "inner" skin (between circ scar and glans) to regain natural health and sensitivity.


I am cut, was cut a birth 50 odd years ago. When I started PE I also started taking Gingko Biloba. At anyrate something made my glans so sensitive it was painful to touch it directly. I ended up reducing the dosage of gingko to get it calmed down.

I wear the Your-Skin Restoration Cone for the half a day that I’m not actively working to restore my foreskin. My experience has been the opposite of gainerihopes. Every day my glans becomes a little more sensitive because of being covered. As our glans is left exposed it becomes keratinized, and thus less sensitive.

:_pump: :donatecar

Thanks Sta-Kool and clgp7 I will buy one of those and give it a go.

I am not so sure how this relates to your question, but here goes. My “EQ” was sagging badly after too strong a PE program and I analysed as best I could and found these answers that work for me. That knot of nerve unions that exist on the top of your dick from which they follow downward and to the frenulum and surface profusely over the glans, should be respected and given a wide berth: 1) During wet jelqing your stroke stops before the glans, which is fortunate, but I have found that it is better to use an overhand grip and allow a little light and air at the “V” formed between your index finger and your thumb. This minimizes pressure and trauma in the nerve union area at the end of each 3 second stroke at the glans. 2) Girth exercises involve stretching the sub-cutaineous sheath that binds the corpi and therefore should not involve the glans—which should be left out of it. You can be inventive. I searched amoung my wife’s cosmetics and found a very short clear plastic, domed cylinder bottle cap which I use by inserting the end of my dick while semi erect. I force all the air out. And then I twist back and forth while kegeling a little to get erect for a short (5 minute ) clamping. I also use the cap for “Horizontal Movements” I have improved my “EQ” a lot as well as my sensitivity. If you need glans work, do needling.


Originally Posted by sta-kool
Maybe this product is for you?

http://tlctugge … .com/prodRC.htm

The Your-Skin Restoration Cone allows you to comfortably keep your own skin rolled up over your glans. This allows your glans and "inner" skin (between circ scar and glans) to regain natural health and sensitivity.


I am cut, was cut a birth 50 odd years ago. When I started PE I also started taking Gingko Biloba. At anyrate something made my glans so sensitive it was painful to touch it directly. I ended up reducing the dosage of gingko to get it calmed down.

Interesting. Where can you get Gingko Biloba and are you saying it improved your sensitivity? I was also circumcised at birth and would like to improve sensitivity.

Originally Posted by Ezio

Interesting. Where can you get Gingko Biloba and are you saying it improved your sensitivity? I was also circumcised at birth and would like to improve sensitivity.

You can get gingko at any natural foods or health foods store. Or Wal-mart or Kings Super. Anyplace that sells vitamins and supplements. On-line at puritanspride, or vitacost or a dozen other places.

:_pump: :donatecar

Originally Posted by clgp7
You can get gingko at any natural foods or health foods store. Or Wal-mart or Kings Super. Anyplace that sells vitamins and supplements. On-line at puritanspride, or vitacost or a dozen other places.

Thanks. So how exactly does Gingko affect sensitivity and the penis in general? Just increases blood flow? I did some research and this is all I could come up with. Please explain further.

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