Thunder's Place

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Sensitivity and PE


Sensitivity and PE


This will probably be another involved thread, but I think it is important. Probably my last one, but maybe it will help some guys.

It has always disturbed me when I hear about guys reporting numbness, or loss of sensitivity. Usually it is a breif bout. But it has happened to guys in the past, and then they tend to fade into the mist, never heard from again. Many times, I am sure it is due to bruised nerves or even worse. Back when guys were using a loop type device to hang with, it happened all the time. Simple over-training can be a culprit too, giving a symptom much like a chronic refractory response.

But I think there is a hidden reason for many guys that have experienced this. Recently, I worked with a member who had some chronic numbness. From his description, he felt he had damaged something while hanging, and had taken a good while off to allow for recovery. It did not recover much at all. Seldom has anyone complained of a lack of sensitivity while hanging, especially with a Bib, so I really worried about it.

So, we started communicating about what might be causing the problem. We looked at supplements to help heal damaged nerves, etc. But nothing seemed to cause a lasting increase in sensitivity. But all of our concentration was on the nerves. Big mistake.

So I started going over past PMs, looking for clues. He had also complained of a ‘buzzing’ feeling toward the head, and some wrinkling in the area. Also, he was able to get erections, but they were often weak and the head would not fill completely. Then it hit me.

I have reported this many times, but it might not be within these forums. One time, fairly early in my PE career, I was jelqing fairly lightly behind my balls. All of a sudden, I felt something race up my penis, obviously within the CS. It felt like lightening. Then, the same feeling raced down my penis, and into my body. It took a couple of seconds to realize that I had dislodged a piece of plaque within my blood vessel, and this former obstruction had made a trip through my plumbing. Without thinking too much, I expected to have a stroke in just a second. Heh heh.

Well, after re-reading the communications, the thought entered my head that this member’s problem might not be nerves at all. Or at least not directly. In much the same way your hand or foot can go to sleep when in a bind and with blood flow reduced, I realized that his penis was asleep.

When we perform almost any type of PE, the blood vessels of the penis are manipulated. PE is probably about the only time any blood vessels of the body can be so dramatically impacted. Just about everyone, except the very young has at least some plaque within the linings of the blood vessels. Usually, it is very tightly bound to the wall of the vessels. Unless of course, something occurs to dislodge this plaque.

Further, the penis is somewhat unique in the internal diameter of the vessels. The vessels feeding the penis are rather large, especially when erect, and then the return vessels narrow rapidly.

My theory was and is, if a piece of plaque of any significant size is dislodged, the odds of lodging somewhere to limit blood flow are high. Smaller pieces might pass on through without incident. Further, the vessels feeding and draining the CCs are probably not as important as the vessels feeding and draining the CS and head. While reduced blood flow in and from the CCs might cause some oxygen/nutrient deprivation to parts of the shaft, it would not be as bad as reduced blood flow and oxygen/nutrient loss to the nerves in the head of the penis.

So, thinking about it from a plumbing standpoint, the member needed to get the obstruction out. The first thing I recommended was to take a baby aspirin a day to thin the blood somewhat, and hopefully increase the ability to flow a little better. After a few days of aspirin, I recommended he start with light jelqing, moving onto heavier jelqing.

At some point, he was able to determine the blockage was in the CS, right where the head attaches. This is where the buzzing was. I thought the buzzing might be the obstruction fluttering within the blood stream. He also started manipulating that area in an attempt to break up the blockage. Then, he graduated to Ulis, engorging the shaft and head, then releasing the pressure and repeating many times.

Gradually at first, his sensitivity began to return, along with much better blood flow. I think the results were not dramatic because the nerves had been blood deprived for a long time and had to regenerate somewhat. While he had rested, he was actually starving the tissues. The only time the tissues were fully blood enriched is when he got an erection.

There are a variety of issues concerning this problem. First, being able to diagnose what has happened. Then, being able to take the plunge to do more PE, when it appears PE has caused the problem. Then, even if correctly diagnosed, being able to dislodge the blockage and get blood flowing again may not achieve very noticeable results right away. Probably the best thing would be a situation like I experienced where I could actually feel the obstruction as it traveled. But if the vessels are expanded, blood is thin, the blockage is broken up, it may occur slowly, a piece at a time.

I guess the best thing to do when a lack of sensitivity is noticed is write about it and thoroughly explore the symptoms before undertaking a cure. Did the lack of sensitivity occur quickly or over time? Is there an obvious lack of blood flow? Does the penis appear lighter in color? Is there any buzzing or other abnormal feelings associated with the numbness? You will not be able to simply assume any lack of sensitivity is associated with decreased blood flow. But I do not think you can assume it is a nerve issue either.



Is it possible that with plaque blockages, you might experience weaker erections without loss of sensitivity? Or do the two go hand in hand?


bib - I understand your ideas and they seem sound to me. Do you think someone as young as I (19) would have any considerable (eg worth removing) plaque at my age? Also, what would you say this plaque is composed of? Is it the same artierial buildup found with cholesterol or soemthing?

Also, I find it difficult to visualise what you are saying about jelqing “behind the balls”. Surely not with a standard OK grip? I don’t see how it’s feasible, except if the top half over the shaft was stationary, while the thumb or whatever was lower (behind the balls) was moving…. correct or no?

Re: Sensitivity and PE

Originally posted by Bib

Probably my last one…

Watch you talkin’bout Willis?

Re: Sensitivity and PE

Originally posted by Bib

Probably my last one, but maybe it will help some guys.

Please don’t even think about this being your last thread. you aare a fount of knowledge especially for newbies like me.

This may be a way to lower cholesterol, he, he, he; haven’t felt any of this (pain, soreness) in the week that I’ve been hanging, just plain joy and as a byproduct of hanging, I get my emails answered while hanging.

Start 2/1/03 FBP: L: 3.25", G:3.00" EBP: L: 5.85", G:4.25" 7/7/03 FBP: L: 5.50", G:5.25" EBP: L: 7.00", G:5.25"


>Is it possible that with plaque blockages, you might experience weaker erections without loss of sensitivity? Or do the two go hand in hand?<

Sure it is possible. There is probably a range of things that can happen with blockages.


>I understand your ideas and they seem sound to me. Do you think someone as young as I (19) would have any considerable (eg worth removing) plaque at my age?<

First, I don’t think you can remove plaque, at least very easily. Angioplasty usually simply expands the vessels, then uses a stint to keep them open. That does not seem very efficient. At 19, you probably do not have a whole lot to worry about now. But as you age, the odds go up that you will have deposits. Of couse, diet, etc may determine how big of a risk this is. A lot of the Adkins information concerning diet is very interesting right now.

>Also, what would you say this plaque is composed of? Is it the same artierial buildup found with cholesterol or soemthing?<


>Also, I find it difficult to visualise what you are saying about jelqing “behind the balls”. Surely not with a standard OK grip? I don’t see how it’s feasible, except if the top half over the shaft was stationary, while the thumb or whatever was lower (behind the balls) was moving…. correct or no? <

This used to be something that was done by most guys, maybe it still is. It really helped me with improving my entire erection. I use my thumb and first two fingers, along with the body, forming a triangle to milk behind the balls. I actually just grasp and push up, then a stroke is from as far back as I can go, to well into the scrotum.


>Please don’t even think about this being your last thread. you aare a fount of knowledge especially for newbies like me.<

No, my last idea I guess would be more accurate. My head did not have much to begin with, and it is about empty now.

Everyone leaves sooner or later, and I am about a year past due. Thunder took away the opinions forum, so what do I have to live for? hehe

>This may be a way to lower cholesterol, he, he, he; haven’t felt any of this (pain, soreness) in the week that I’ve been hanging, just plain joy and as a byproduct of hanging, I get my emails answered while hanging. <

Please do not misunderstand. I do not think this is a big problem. Very few ever complain of loss of sensitivity, and I simply offered this as another possibility. Few guys will have to worry about dislodging plaque, but if it is only 1%, they need to know about it.


Originally posted by Bib

Thunder took away the opinions forum, so what do I have to live for? hehe

How about a dissertation on girth gains, similar to the one where you correlated LOT to length gains? Just a thought :D .

>Everyone leaves sooner or later, and I am about a year past due. Thunder took away the opinions forum, so what do I have to live for?<

Noooooooooooooo! Not a year past due, who will answer all the questions!!



>How about a dissertation on girth gains, similar to the one where you correlated LOT to length gains? Just a thought<

Lateral tunica gains are fairly straight forward. Just increase the internal tunica pressure greater than the marginal stretch for a goodly period of time, and you will probably make gains.

>Noooooooooooooo! Not a year past due, who will answer all the questions!!<

Other guys. All things must come to an end.


Hmm.. I would just tell that guy to go see a urologist immediately. But that’s why I’m me and you’re Bib, heh.


>I would just tell that guy to go see a urologist immediately<

That’s the first thing I told him.


>Other guys. All things must come to an end.<

Noooooooooooooooooooooo! Not come to an end! ;(



Your really leaving. Shit. What about the hangers?

Well if you do, I am pleased i had the privelige to discover this stuiff while you were still here for your knowledge and insights/ideas.

Thanks for the hanger and the instruction on how to use it well. It is all very much appreciated. I owe you a lot.

It wont be the same without you. :(

See Ya,



>Your really leaving. Shit. What about the hangers?<

No, I said this was about my last big idea. My head is empty. My son will still be making hangers, probably until about August. Maybe longer. I have no idea right now.

But the sky is green and the grass is blue and the baseballs are white. Or something like that. I have other stuff to do, but will still be around.

>Thanks for the hanger and the instruction on how to use it well. It is all very much appreciated. I owe you a lot.<

What about gains? I live for gains.


Originally posted by Bib

What about gains? I live for gains.


I suppose you mean new gains from others, right? ;) Surely you’re not after more.

I sure I’ll be able to ‘make your day’ shortly.


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