Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Sensitivity and PE



Yes, I mean gains from others. Further gains not allowed in my household.

Please, make my day. Gains are especially appreciated from those who put out as much effort and help for others as you.



“Please, make my day.”

Ok dude:

You remember i had to have a long time off because of my thrombus? Then i met a girl and i didn’t get back into being able to pe until recently - so anyway i have been pe-ing actively for only about 4-5 months this past year and a bit since i started (goddamn thrombus!!!)

So in that time i have gone from 6” to 7”1/8 nbp.

None too shabby for just a few months at it.

ps - this is certainly some of the “lot” that i owe you. (As well as Thunder and a couple of others of course…)

pps - its good that you’re not actually leaving.

On to 8.25”……

See Ya,


No matter what you decide, Thanks for all the information you have provided. The LOT theory may be truly ground breaking stuff.

It would be great to hear my girl say ” No more gains for you.”


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