Avoiding lost gains without mantanance?
Well, I’m just thinking,
I am injured and to be on the safe side I will be keeping away from all forms of PE for a month or two so my jelq injury can fully heal.
BUT, I was thinking (this also applies to those who retire from PE) that if I Masturbate and get erections daily will this help in preventing or cutting back the loss of penis size during the break?
—-Remember I can’t even do any mantinence because I’m injured so I can anticipate size being lost like the last time I took a break (that was only 6 weeks).
__I minght try going back to just the Blasters and just cutting the jelqing (source of the injury) to prevent loss but I’m not sure.
I’d imagine that masturbating would do some good by filling the penis with blood without having to jelq, no?
_I think I read somewhere on this board that it may help prevent atrophy during aging.
Loved going to Cuba! :)
I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!