Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Avoiding lost gains without mantanance?

Avoiding lost gains without mantanance?

Well, I’m just thinking,

I am injured and to be on the safe side I will be keeping away from all forms of PE for a month or two so my jelq injury can fully heal.

BUT, I was thinking (this also applies to those who retire from PE) that if I Masturbate and get erections daily will this help in preventing or cutting back the loss of penis size during the break?
—-Remember I can’t even do any mantinence because I’m injured so I can anticipate size being lost like the last time I took a break (that was only 6 weeks).

__I minght try going back to just the Blasters and just cutting the jelqing (source of the injury) to prevent loss but I’m not sure.

I’d imagine that masturbating would do some good by filling the penis with blood without having to jelq, no?
_I think I read somewhere on this board that it may help prevent atrophy during aging.

Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!

a lil' info

I think that masterbating and achieving frequent erections will help you. I can not see any downside to giving it a try. I have read once that people that were diagnosed as compulsive masterbators (the ones that were locked up) often had unusually well developed penises. I would assume that if you were to keep the cc holding the same amount of blood each and every day that it would not atrophy. Experienced members will be able to give you more info on this I’m sure.

If you feel that you could do manual stretches without affecting the healing process of your injury, do some blasters. This would keep your ligs stretched. Maybe do only the amount that you feel would prevent loss of gains, and not the amount that it would take to gain length..

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.

Well, assuming your penis is healthy other than whatever the injury is from jelqing….you get nocturnal erections….several a night….I dont know that masturbating or deliberately getting erections in your off time will provide any additional benefit toward maintenance. What type of injury did you suffer?? Just curious…might also help with others advising you as to what steps to take and what other exercises you could safely perform while taking time off from jelqing. You might even quit jelqing and get into other girth exercises. What are you really the most interested in at this point anyway Cascade? Length or girth? Also, for others reading this…I’m of the personal belief from my own experiences that once you have “cemented” a gain you will not lose it. Once I hit my final goal…whatever it ends up being….I’ll jelq once a week or every couple weeks…not for maintenence of size though….I’m confident I wont need to do any exercises to keep what I’ve gained…..I’ve take a couple months off in a row before with no losses….rather the jelqing will be for maintenence of penis health so that I never develop or am much less likely to develop the erection challenges and other maladies of the penis (oh I that has a ring to it…”maladies of the penis”) that the average man developes with age.

Last edited by Stillwantmore : 03-06-2003 at .

I had heard, read, was told that exessive ejaculation, 6-8 times/week whether from masterbation or having sex reduced the amount of testosterone and was harmful to the growth process. Could any of the more experienced PEers shed any light on this.


Start 2/1/03 FBP: L: 3.25", G:3.00" EBP: L: 5.85", G:4.25" 7/7/03 FBP: L: 5.50", G:5.25" EBP: L: 7.00", G:5.25"

I think that line of thought is B.S. Sure, sounds like it would make sense…because I mean golly gosh we’re “enducing growth” in our penises….but, it’s not the same type of hormone/testosterone induced growth that we experienced in puberty. So, merely reducing our testosterone levels through “excessive ejaculation” ….whatever that is….would not in my humble non medically based opinion hinder gains. I dont think anyone in the medical field has even pinpointed for sure which hormonal combination it is that causes our penises to grow during puberty anyway. We’re causing expansion/stretching of tissues that are supposed to have finished growing already. If anything….if you were somehow able to drop your testosterone levels low enough through ejaculations….I honestly think you would suffer more severe consequences such as “bitch tits” or a lowering in your tone of voice.

2 answers...

Originally posted by Stillwantmore22
What type of injury did you suffer?? Just curious…might also help with others advising you as to what steps to take and what other exercises you could safely perform while taking time off from jelqing. You might even quit jelqing and get into other girth exercises. ……….[cut out section of quote here]……….

What are you really the most interested in at this point anyway Cascade? Length or girth?

I have a jelq injury that makes me feel pain when I get the the end of each stroke (near head reigon).
_It has got considerably better since my 6 week bread a while ago but I don’t think it’s fully healed yet, so I’m taking another rest.

Here is a link to my full injury explanation in the ‘injury/treatments’ section of Thunders Injury - Am I just being a dick? —- jelqing far too hard?

I am looking for length to get to 8 from 6.5 NBP,
Girth, not so much, currently at 5 and OK with that, but ultimate goal is 6. (platinum club)

Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!

Have you tried manual stretching yet? Can you pull by your glans when flaccid w/out pain to allow you to engage in stretching? Sounds like you might have suffered some sort of temporary nerve damage in or near your glans? Do you only get the pain you describe when jelqing? Or is it there if you squeeze your glans or try to Uli when semi or fully erect? Just trying to help. You said youre after length mostly….so if you can stretch….you should probably go ahead and start. That would give you the time off you needed I would think.

No pain from Blasters...

Appreciate your feedback,

Also as to my injury, well I only get the pain when jelqing and funny enough after a few strokes of jelqing with pain (takes a couple of minutes to get enough blood pressure in dick to feel pain) my dick seems to feel like “setting concrete” as in that I don’t seem to get much of a “bursting blood cells” feeling and even at 50% erect it feels like I am jelqing over something semi-solid (hence the “concrete” thing) and just not moving blood down the shaft toward the head.

Even if I take a full break from all PE (no pain from Blaster BTW) I will still be sharpening my multi-orgasmic techniques, hopefully lasting two hours or more. (currently at just over an hour brofore just about collapsing of exhaustion!)

Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!

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