Thunder's Place

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Injury Question And List of Symptoms


Well I went to a Urologist last year and he told me nothing was really wrong, just I was a little “stiffer” than most his other patients.

And he prescribed Vitamin E in case of Peyroines, and I was the one who had to suggest warm soaks. The guy offered no help, and I’ve found out Vitamin E is an OUTDATED way to fight Peyroines, and no doctors actually prescribe it anymore.

8.5'' here we come!


Originally Posted by milwaukeesbest
Well I went to a Urologist last year and he told me nothing was really wrong, just I was a little “stiffer” than most his other patients.

And he prescribed Vitamin E in case of Peyroines, and I was the one who had to suggest warm soaks. The guy offered no help, and I’ve found out Vitamin E is an OUTDATED way to fight Peyroines, and no doctors actually prescribe it anymore.

Perhaps the doctor knows something we don’t know. Perhaps he meant to apply it topically, pure vitamin E oil is quite sticky and can be purchased at a drug store.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

^ Actually KP, he was pretty straightforward saying to take Vitamin E PILLS.

And again, it’s an antiquated way to battle Peyroines.

I still have no idea what this weird condition is. I get sharp pains on the sides and top, and it shrivels sort of, especially if I jerk off too much nowadays.

8.5'' here we come!



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