Originally Posted by raybbaby
This thread has quickly become more of a study in the myths and wive’s tales about steroids themselves, rather than a discussion of how many people at the original poster’s gym may or may not be on ‘roids….
Well, he said that a good number of guys in his gym openly speak about the cycle they are doing, so, I think, what he was asking is more if this is common in all gyms, not if it is common in his gym - a thing that he already knows.
But let’s find some objective number: according to this report, 4.3% of USA high school male students have used steroids.
Don’t know how much this number grows for people over that age, but consider this: 1) how many high school students are also very devoted to BB or other strength/speed sports? 2) How many people starts using drugs ony after some years of dedicated training? Even the most blind ‘roids prophets advice to never use steroids before you are 25 because it can only hinder your potential.