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Is everyone at the Gym on steroids?

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
I had two steroid shots in my eye to cure a swolen retina. They didn’t help the retina nor did my eye get bigger.

What you had was a probably a corticosteroid. Those are used in inflammation a lot. In the body they are produced by the adrenal cortex. Very different than anabolic steroids.

Corticosteroid - Wikipedia

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
I had two steroid shots in my eye to cure a swolen retina. They didn’t help the retina nor did my eye get bigger.

What “gear” did you use ? Have you used sources to confirm if it’s legit ?

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

Originally Posted by sta-kool
What you had was a probably a corticosteroid. Those are used in inflammation a lot. In the body they are produced by the adrenal cortex. Very different than anabolic steroids.

Corticosteroid - Wikipedia

Maybe I’m wrong but I think his post was meant to be ironic/funny . :)

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

I don’t know why someone would want to compromise their sexual function to get big. I mean think about the logic for most guys. Get big = get woman. With steroids it’s ; get big = get women = pecker doesn’t work.

Since you are my property, the contents of your mind are also my property, and you will give them to me when I ask.

There are a lot of pros in my gym and of course they are on gear, however I agree there are a lot of huge guys at my gym as well.
One thing I notice, I have been at this gym for almost three years and no lie I probably have missed maybe a month all together, from being sick; I have taken some breaks a week at a time. Being there for so long I know who is on gear, it is plain as day, when you see these guys fluctuate so much in weight big, small, big, small and then of course there are guys who know how to maintain this mass but are ridiculous.

There are some guys with freakishly insane genetics but they are far and few in between.

Originally Posted by kfarrelldba
I don’t know why someone would want to compromise their sexual function to get big. I mean think about the logic for most guys. Get big = get woman. With steroids it’s ; get big = get women = pecker doesn’t work.

there is a kid at my gym, hes probably 230 5-7 BEAST… he cant get an erection, this kid has a serious addiction!!! It is kind of sad really!
People are always commenting about him behind his back, how unhealthy he is, how he is going to die in his 30’s; pretty scary stuff.

I’ve been lifting for 20 years on and off. The only steroid i took was androstenediol back in the early 90’s for a month (expensive) before it was banned and before i knew it was ACTUALLY a steroid. IMO it makes NO sense to take roids to get stronger and NOT be able to fugg like a maniac. While on andro, got some results but nothing impressive. I’ve had/ surpassed similar strength gains going natural and supplimenting protein with properly spaced workouts. I’ve been ACCUSED of taking steroid s since around 1990 WHENEVER I’m consistent with my workout for over 6 months. My oldest son is 19 and NEVER has taken any form of steroids and freakishly strong for his size ( a ripped 5’8” 176lbs and benches 295 for reps on heavy cycles). I guess my point is that there ARE some guys that are out there that ARENT on steroids and really strong. Some are. Some people are built for strength naturally and/or have acquired it naturally over time.

07/08/08 nbp 5.75; bpel 5.93; eg ?;fsl >6.25

07/31/09 nbp 6.5; bpel 7.0; eg 5.93 ; fsl 8

08/24/10 nbp 6.75;bpel 7.25; eg 6.0; fsl 9.0-Too bad PE doesnt work =D

Originally Posted by sirmixalot
there is a kid at my gym, hes probably 230 5-7 BEAST… he cant get an erection, this kid has a serious addiction!!! It is kind of sad really!
People are always commenting about him behind his back, how unhealthy he is, how he is going to die in his 30’s; pretty scary stuff.

Do you mean 5 feet 7 inches… 5’ 7”?

If he’s 230lbs of rock solid muscle that is pretty beastly for that height (5’7”).

I know a bodybuilder who had three heart attacks before 30 from the juice and had only placed second in a small regional competition. I think it is some kind of sickness for some. I’ve personally taken creatine combined with Whey protein and put on 15 pounds in six weeks so it definitely works. I can’t think of a good reason to go on the juice though. Bodybuilding doesn’t seem to be that profitable unless you already have the freakish genetics needed to be at the top of the sport.

Where are the Pesos? There are no Mexican Pesos!!

-Steve Schmidt-

Sadly, if you take a lot of supplements yuo could be on steroids even if you don’t know : 15 to 30% of supplements are contaminated.

Originally Posted by sirmixalot
there is a kid at my gym, hes probably 230 5-7 BEAST… he cant get an erection, this kid has a serious addiction!!! It is kind of sad really!
People are always commenting about him behind his back, how unhealthy he is, how he is going to die in his 30’s; pretty scary stuff.

There are dudes here who are convinced that their dick will never be big enough, and over-PE or get surgery for it. That same body dismorphia affects a lot of dudes who do bodybuilding on the competitive level as well as recreational guys. After a while, what they see in the mirror is no longer an accurate reflection of what they see in their heads.

If you’re a novice lifter, drinking a gallon of whole milk a day can have nearly the same effect as steroids. Google GOMAD.

I think some folks have different metabolisms as well. I’m at about 4-5000 calories per day, seriously and I’m 175, 6’0 and 14% BFI

I am 39 and always have never seemed to gain much weight.

Since you are my property, the contents of your mind are also my property, and you will give them to me when I ask.

This thread has quickly become more of a study in the myths and wive’s tales about steroids themselves, rather than a discussion of how many people at the original poster’s gym may or may not be on ‘roids. Steroids are not magical, injectable muscles. The food and the work has to be put in to get the results. And if a person REALLY learns about and gets their diet and training in order, they will be surprised by just how much they can accomplish naturally. Unless someone is just absolutely freakishly big, I never just assume steroid use. It’s so typical of our human nature to ascribe big changes in physique to chemicals rather than discipline and hard work.

Originally Posted by raybbaby
This thread has quickly become more of a study in the myths and wive’s tales about steroids themselves, rather than a discussion of how many people at the original poster’s gym may or may not be on ‘roids. Steroids are not magical, injectable muscles. The food and the work has to be put in to get the results. And if a person REALLY learns about and gets their diet and training in order, they will be surprised by just how much they can accomplish naturally. Unless someone is just absolutely freakishly big, I never just assume steroid use. It’s so typical of our human nature to ascribe big changes in physique to chemicals rather than discipline and hard work.

True, but if you’ve compared how “‘natural” pros look compared to pros on the juice, there is a definite difference in terms of how muscle is distributed and overall size. I do agree that guys are too quick to cry “roids!” on a guy who’s big because he’s been lifting for 5+ years and has put the work in, if only because a relatively small percentage ever get to that level without plateauing or calling it quits.


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