Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Is she noticing, or just flirting?

Re: Moral of the Story: Take 2

Originally posted by deSol

Moral of the Story: Take 2

Don't be a sensative new age guy on Thunder's. People want to hear how you banged her brains out, and she loved the extra inch. (And like her, you'll have to wait a little longer…)

Hey this forum is full of sensitive people!

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

Not what I was getting at, deSol. Point was that you need to determine if you want to go that way in a relationship with her or not. If not, let her know. It is extra hard for many women to be initiators.

Rejection is never fun. But people with poor self-esteem can take rejection horrifically much of the time. This includes me. But it’s even harder when you stick your head out for a while and then get rejected. What we are saying is ‘yes, she wants you’.

You are presenting yourself as a caring guy. I think that’s true. I am saying, determine if you want that in a relationship with her or not and do the honorable thing by responding as you see fit.


Re: Moral of the Story: Take 2

Originally posted by deSol
Moral of the Story: Take 2
Don't be a sensitive new age guy on Thunder's. People want to hear how you banged her brains out, and she loved the extra inch. (And like her, you'll have to wait a little longer…)

I beg to differ. Maybe when you travel through the various areas you see the trial and tribulations that people discuss about relationships and love. A lot of times sex may be a contributing factor. Other times it is not. Sometimes it is just about life.

You told a story that was to be an inspiration and I apologize for not seeing what the whole point was. It seems you were looking for advice because you left your post open to interpretation. I assumed you were confused about what you wanted to do. I supposed if you had mentioned that you are developing a relationship with a women and sex was not your concern and twist of friends heart getting broke, would have given you different replies.

I wanted to know the moral to your story because there seemed to be some information missing. And now I know. It’s nice to be sensitive and caring. There are plenty of guys here like you. Please don’t assume that sex is our main concern because you will be mistaken.

I hope everything works out according to plan. My final say is this: If a girl is coming on to you and you reject her, but not in a mean way, it still feels like rejection to her. It’s called human nature. People tend to feel rejected when they come on to someone they like and they ignore their advances. (At least that is what I am getting from what I have read). This may have nothing to do with anything, but keep in mind communication is very important when feelings are involved. Feelings of rejection can turn to bitterness within a blink of the eye.

Be well!


You hurt my feelings, sniff………………….see I’m very fucking sensitive. Now go bang that bitch already before she gets away :D .


Dino -

You rock.
Perfect reply.


If I may be so bold as to add something to your itinerary… Make sure you POUND THAT ASS! & yes, I mean that in the literal sense…


I like a sensitive, hard to get, gentleman guy. (humm.. did that make sense?) Such a challenge!

Seems a guy that plays hard to get, you only want that much more.
Let us know how it turns out.


Being hard to get is good, but he’s already did that and she wants him now he has to close the deal.;)



what the hell good is hard to get……..

all that is DISHONEST

I think this is all about intellecutualism looking for an orgasm

gone amok, so that the internal predisposition is misconstrued

as an anvil too soft to hit with a hammer.

Phat, your triangle is falling.

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

Zig Ziglar

Phat9 -

What’s an orgasm gone amok?
Sounds interesting.

“Look out! Rampaging Orgasm!”

…and being hard to get isn’t dishonest for me. I am hard to get.. by which i mean that I’m hard to impress, and I need to admire a girl before I feel inclined to put my dick in her.

So there.

Didnt say not to ever give it if that is what you want..

JUST saying, you dont have to give it up right away.
But YES even a girl after a WHILE can get discouraged if you play to hard to get.
So if you dont want it.. just straight let her know.

You are a MORON. She is making huge, obvious, mallet-on-the-head hints that she wants to fuck you. What do you need, for her to come right out and say “I want to fuck your brains out”? You’re a fool for pushing this away, I’d hurry up and get it, opportunities like this are rare indeed, don’t fuck it up.


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