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It's amazing how little many know about STIs

It's amazing how little many know about STIs

A friend of mine recently decided he’s done with dating. He’s a pretty good looking guy who is successful so he has no problem meeting women. He’s divorced and his excuse is that apart from being disillusioned about the whole relationship thing, he wants to sleep with many different women and does not really have time for a committed relationship anyways. But here’s the thing…he has also decided it’s easier and less expensive to sleep with pros (no I don’t mean business women) than women he randomly meets.

I recently asked him how it’s going and he loves it. He says he would probably still be married if he did it sooner, rather than getting into a serious affair with a woman and getting caught by his wife. Anyhow the point is I said to just be careful…many of these sex workers may not be disease free. He tells me he only has unprotected oral with them but everything else is covered. I just about fell out of my chair. As long as we have sex with strangers, there is some risk, perhaps moreso with people we meet in a bar than sex workers since it appears that non pros are less likely to be knowledgeable on the subject or get frequently tested.

I told him a bit of what I know about STIs and I could tell it was an eye opener for him. I saved my saddest story for last. One of my wifes friends had a husband who cheated on her with a prostitute. He used protection for everything and I gather felt like he was not at risk for anything. Fast forward some time and he has crabs (eeewwwww!!!!). Not a big deal right…he gets some cream and takes care of it. Well he’s sleeping in the same bed with his wife who also gets crabs even though they were not intimate. Here is the sad and gross part. Their baby got crabs. There are no pubes on babies for the crabs to latch onto, so his baby had them on her eyelashes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you friggin believe that????!??!??!!?

Bottom line is a big dick infected with genital herpes is a lot less desirable to women than an itty bitty one that is disease free. Guys need to know their shit. Using protection is a no-brainer. But they need to be aware of STIs and how they can be transmitted even when a condom is used. It’s not about being paranoid and creating mass hysteria. It’s just about being knowledgeable.

Current (Sept 15, 2011) BPEL - 7.6 MSEG - 5.8

Goal 8 x 6 (preferably NBPEL)

Whats even more amazing is how our society has to keep rephrasing well established terminology in order to make it sound less threatening.

Last time I heard the term used it was called “STD” - sexually transmitted DISEASE.
What is it now? An ILLNESS?

Infections and Diseases are different things; thus, STD’s and STI’s are not the same.


I’m amazed at how every woman I’ve ever slept with didn’t want me to wear a condom. Except one-a stripper who insisted. It was like to regular women it was an insult to put one on but I still insisted.

Hookers abnd strippers tend to be the most vigilant in re ‘safeR sex’ practices— I’ve had hotties literally hop down off my meat stick just to pull the condom off and climb right back on.

Are STIs/ STDs a risk? Sho ‘uff— but then so is kissing a new hottie— so choose your poison with care.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Syphilis is usually something we don’t think is a real big deal. A shot of penicillin and it’s done. Not many men realize that getting syphilis makes you 3-5 times more likely to also get HIV. I had syphilis a year ago, the doctor told me more than 20% of people coming in for treatment of syphilis in Miami also find out they got HIV with it. The kicker is that was practicing safer sex for everything but oral. I thought that was safe enough, but it’s still taking a big risk.

“I was like, Am I gay? Am I straight? And I realized...I'm just slutty. Where's my parade? What about slut pride?”

― Margaret Cho

*Serious face* LMAO! ROFL! I’m sorry! Crabs on the eyebrows?! That’s the most unintentionally funny thing I’ve heard! Sounds scary! I really don’t get how people think that recieving unprotected blowjobs don’t put you at risk.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

True, but with any sex there’s a risk. You can get crabs and herpes easily even when wearing a condom. Sure, they help but your balls and base remain unprotected. Easy for her pussy juice to touch those areas. And if a chick doesn’t suck your balls during a sexual encounter she isn’t doing her job ;) .

STI’s are a real issue, but saying “just wear a condom” isn’t exactly adding all that much extra protection against many run of the mill STI’s (Obviously their efficacy at preventing aids is indisputable though)

The eyebrow thing still haunts me to this day. :(

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

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