I lived through the exact same thing about about three years ago, but this was pre-PE. Had my T level checked back then and it was 400, so the doctor all is fine and it’s in my head. Erections were near impossible and orgasm was something if the past… sex with my wife was non-existent. All I could do was please her orally (better than nothing). Saw the doctor again, saying things are much worse and ED has settled in and I was nothing more than a limp noodle and depressed. He ran a panel and said T was still 400 so it’s in your head and go see a psych and get some Paxil (I dIdn’t go). Last year; back to the doctor and told him I had ED, no libido, no erections ever, no morning wood of any kind, my unit shrank by over an one inch and was much thinner that I’d ever seen, testicles shrunk by 50%, lost 25% of my muscle mass, muchbof my facial and body hair had fell out and I cranky and miserable as a mule. I really thought i was at the end if my rope and just waiting and hoping for something serious, like a massive heart attack and be done wit it. The doctor ran another panel and my T was 200. Suddenly, he says I guess your T was too low at 400, which means that 200 a very serious problem and needs to be adressed asap. Low T contributes to cardiovascular disease and speeds up the process.. he says low T will kill a male. Fast forward one year, my T (last checked two months ago) was 932 (thank you, Clomid) and free T is well above the high range. I can now get erections, have a libido but there was a ton of nerve damage done to my unit since it was not getting used. Most of my unit was completely numb (more than 90%) and erections are about 75% EQ (big improvementioned from where I was at). Thankfully, through PE, I gained my inch back plus a bit, Clomid enlarged my testicles back to normal (which were much larger than average) and I feel a million times better. I think I have a long way to go to get back what I lost with the nerve damage but through PE, I think it’s doable… along with some girth and length gains. I’ve seen lots of improvements and I’m hopeful that I can be a normal male.
So that’s my story, for what it is worth. The OP needed to challenge the doctors over and over since they have no clue what is normal. He needed to take the issue in his own hands and explore all of the herbal solutions for increasing T. Never leave your health in the hands if a doctor, you need to be your own advocate.
Current: 7.5 BPEL, 6 BEG, 5.5 MSEG, 5 NBPFL, 5 FG, 8.25 BPFSL
Long term goal: 8 BPEL, 6 BEG, 6 MSEG, 5.5 NBPFL, 5 FG