Originally Posted by notmysequoia
Seems there isnt much info around this. Lets try this method. What hangers do you suggest to start with?
I’ve been using a U-bolt type hanger. It’s easy to put on and take off because of the low weight I use (.5lbs.). It’s just an appropriate sized U-bolt that will loosely fit around the glans, a U-bolt plate (which you should buy it with so it fits) and nuts or whatever else you want to attach to it to bring it to the weight you want. I use micropore tape over the metal parts to avoid abrasion and to keep it from slipping off and I replace the tape when it starts getting dirty, scrubbing the hanger with soap between tapings.
You can probably pick one up from a hardware store. You could also use a padlock if you find one that is the right size, they’re in the weight range I think is useful.
I just wear it sporadically for a few hours at a time. I haven’t invested the time into finding an ideal amount of time or frequency for using a light weight hanger yet. I think more time is better, but if I’m feeling soreness I take it off for the rest of the day, which usually happens after about 4 to 7 hours.
Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")
Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020
Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.