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For me, kegels do nothing more than blocking off the semen from coming out but it certainly doesnt delay my orgasm by any means. If I tighten my pc/bc muscle it seems it makes me go faster. I read somewhere that in doing this it moves the prostate into different positions and creates more or less sensation. Reverse kegels havent worked for me either. I have just come to the conclusion that certain positions will make a man go faster than others as well as speeds. Some positions I have discovered are more sensitive to my wife than they are to me. While others are the exact opposite and sometimes what feels really good to me also feels really good to her.

Even though in my mind I want her to go first and for her to pleased, this doesnt change the fact that its very pleasing to me and makes me almost go fast sometimes. I have found deep breaths help me more than anything. Long deep breaths from my abdomen and not my chest. Sometimes this method will prolong things for 30 minutes or 5-10. It really varies but it does work. I personally wouldnt want to take any drugs to help with this problem unless it was something herbal.

Jan 1st/07 - 7 14/16'' BP 4 Month Growth Comparison Pics - First Clamping pics

Feb 2009 - 8.15'' BP / 7.4'' NBP x 5.1'' EG New pics

I found never letting edging/masturbation/ballooning end under 30 minutes really changed the duration I can last. I can’t say there aren’t moments that the excitement is just too much, but I have control.

Also, it’s a major mind thing. Once you believe (know, not question, not doubt) you can last as long as you want, simply, you can last as long as you want.

Originally Posted by WorkingOut

Also, it’s a major mind thing. Once you believe (know, not question, not doubt) you can last as long as you want, simply, you can last as long as you want.

Amen! I agree with it all.

Originally Posted by hardgainer12
I have been doing PC muscle exercises for years and still can’t go for more than 2 minutes the first time. It’s terrible. Then, when I go to do it again and I don’t have the erection quality. I am sure you guys can relate. I think I just have a really sensitive dick, and a very weak PC muscle? Help please! I need a short term solution that could help a little. I was wondering if anybody has every tried those desensitizing lotions under condoms? Are there drugs that work for this? Whiskey doesn’t even work!

I’ve have found building strength in my PC muscle has made me orgasm quicker. But wait!!! This is a good thing. What you want to do is not worry about when you orgasm the first time. Just let it happen and enjoy it. The trick is, when you orgasm contract your PC muscles as hard as you can throughout your orgasm. This will stop you ejaculating and it interferes with the refactory period. Most guys find that they don’t lose their erection doing this. It might go down a little but you’ll still be hard enough to continue penetration. You can then keep going til you hit you second orgasm. Most girls I’ve had sex with aren’t even aware I’ve had 1, or 2 orgasms before I announce my last orgasm. This way you can have sex for 30 mins to an hour easy. You have more fun. You last longer so the woman has more fun. It’s win win.

You can practice this technique by masturbating to orgasm and then trying to hold in your ejaculation. It took me a couple of months to get this down. Kegel exercises help. Since I’ve learnt this technique, I’ve never need to use tissues when I masturbate. I just hold it in. I’m saving the environment too. Hooray!


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Originally Posted by paulski82
I’ve have found building strength in my PC muscle has made me orgasm quicker. But wait!!! This is a good thing. What you want to do is not worry about when you orgasm the first time. Just let it happen and enjoy it. The trick is, when you orgasm contract your PC muscles as hard as you can throughout your orgasm. This will stop you ejaculating and it interferes with the refactory period. Most guys find that they don’t lose their erection doing this. It might go down a little but you’ll still be hard enough to continue penetration. You can then keep going til you hit you second orgasm. Most girls I’ve had sex with aren’t even aware I’ve had 1, or 2 orgasms before I announce my last orgasm. This way you can have sex for 30 mins to an hour easy. You have more fun. You last longer so the woman has more fun. It’s win win.

You can practice this technique by masturbating to orgasm and then trying to hold in your ejaculation. It took me a couple of months to get this down. Kegel exercises help. Since I’ve learnt this technique, I’ve never need to use tissues when I masturbate. I just hold it in. I’m saving the environment too. Hooray!


I have tried it - does not work form me. I can not stop ejaculation…just can’t. Besides - I do not want any taoistic or tantra methods. I just want to have normal sex like I used to have…also I want to have control overt this process.

Same here disi. Contracting the PC muscle does not keep me from ejaculating. All it does for me is build up more pressure and when I finally go, I explode and shoot over my wifes head or all over her.

Jan 1st/07 - 7 14/16'' BP 4 Month Growth Comparison Pics - First Clamping pics

Feb 2009 - 8.15'' BP / 7.4'' NBP x 5.1'' EG New pics

I think DevilKnight666 and Disi have good advice, although developing the Kegel skills may take time. Most will require a lot of work to get anywhere near DevilKnight666’s ability, but clamping to stave it off (as both DevilKnight666 and Disi said) is a good intermediate step.

I tried the breathing technique during the past week and it helps a lot! Just focusing on maintaining slow deep breathing through the nose, regardless of some of the other aspects of it Disi mentiones, adds some time. I was quite surprised at how something so seemingly simple can make a noticeable difference! Reverse Kegel also helps considerably.

On the breathing, I think there are several things at play. Your brain can focus on only so many things at a time. By working on your breathing you are NOT as focused on the stimulation you are receiving or the response of your partner (the old “think about baseball” joke). It also seems to have an actual effect on the physical response, well beyond distraction. Quite amazing, really.

I understand about responding to your partner’s responses. I had one girlfriend that I’d have loved to watch self-gratify (no way she would though). Her face, breathing, and quiet sounds were hypnotizing and really got me going. I had to force myself to keep my eyes closed and listen to the radio or television or I’d lose it too quick (she seemed to have never caught on to the fact I’d kick the radio or TV on even when we were headed into the room to get down to business). Too bad I didn’t know about the breathing/Kegel back then, life would have been easier :) . It’s part of the learning process and you’re not the only one to have the problem. I will say I never had the “Wow, I’m really having an effect .”, it was the erotic nature of what I was seeing.


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