For me, kegels do nothing more than blocking off the semen from coming out but it certainly doesnt delay my orgasm by any means. If I tighten my pc/bc muscle it seems it makes me go faster. I read somewhere that in doing this it moves the prostate into different positions and creates more or less sensation. Reverse kegels havent worked for me either. I have just come to the conclusion that certain positions will make a man go faster than others as well as speeds. Some positions I have discovered are more sensitive to my wife than they are to me. While others are the exact opposite and sometimes what feels really good to me also feels really good to her.
Even though in my mind I want her to go first and for her to pleased, this doesnt change the fact that its very pleasing to me and makes me almost go fast sometimes. I have found deep breaths help me more than anything. Long deep breaths from my abdomen and not my chest. Sometimes this method will prolong things for 30 minutes or 5-10. It really varies but it does work. I personally wouldnt want to take any drugs to help with this problem unless it was something herbal.
Jan 1st/07 - 7 14/16'' BP 4 Month Growth Comparison Pics - First Clamping pics
Feb 2009 - 8.15'' BP / 7.4'' NBP x 5.1'' EG New pics