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legal issues with overseas viagra?

legal issues with overseas viagra?

I’m considering ordering some Viagra from Genegra for experimental use. I do not have a script for it. I’m concerned about any possible legal issues with importing the drug without a prescription. Does anyone have any experience with thus? What if any legal problems could I be opening myself up to?

I used to read several bodybuilding sites where people talked about ordering steroids overseas and the general consensus was that it WAS possible to get busted for this, but then steroids are much more tightly controlled then Viagra.


Just curious, but how come you feel you need generic Viagra?



I don’t really NEED it. But having read extensively about its effect on this site I thought it might be interesting to give it a try, starting with a quarter tab (25mg I believe).

I have issues on and off with PE and my refractory periods are longer than they used to be (I’m 24). That said I’m still well within the bounds of normal sexual functioning… so I guess my interest would be considered recreational use.

I know a number of the posters here occasionally employ “vitamin-V” especially when they’re with a new girl they want to impress :-)

So far as I know, you are not liable as a small consumer except for the prepayment (most sources I’ve seen ask for this). Your goods could be confiscated on arrival in the US. The site from which you bought it could receive negative pressure, if a US one, from Pfizer and be forced to close down.

Bottom line, you take a risk in sending the money that you will 1) get the goods, or 2) the same goods you paid for. If no shipment, then no money return in most cases. But don’t expect the police at your door is my read.



What I did is buy some regular viagra here, and part of the cost is the doctor’s “consultation” where a doctor writes you a prescription. When I ordered generic from India, I wasn’t worried about not having a prescription since I do. I didn’t plan it this way, but that’s the order of things.

I don’t think it’s something to worry about, but it’s a possible route.

I got mine registered mail and had to pick it up at the post office because our delivery person(s) is too lazy to come to the front door 50 feet from the mailbox. No big deal. I haven’t heard of anyone getting in trouble for generic viagra.

MDC if you were home to accept delivery at the time, file a complaint with the PO, or at least threaten to. Then your packages will be delivered if you are available to receive them. This crap is happening more and more lately, it is like they fill out the “not at home” pickup slips before they even leave the fucking post office.

If you are a postal worker and my post here pisses you off, explain this away for me.

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The law changed a couple years ago. It’s legal to have non-scheduled drugs in quantities for personal use shipped to you from other countries. The drugs are supposed to meet FDA standards to be eligible for importation.

Here’s a good outline of the situation.

Customs doesn’t care whether you have a prescription or not, but check your state laws. Penalties vary considerably among the states for possession of a prescription drug without a prescription. Prescriptions written in another country aren’t valid in my state and probably aren’t in yours either. Paying extra for an Indian doc to write one is a waste. It’s just a way for the store to gouge you for a few extra bucks.

I’ve ordered prescription medicines (non-scheduled) from Mexico without trouble.


The prescription I got is from a doctor in California that was part of my normal viagra order. When you order from India, they don’t do prescriptions. I’m pretty sure that one of the pages I “agreed” to when I ordered from India, said that I have a doctor’s prescription for Viagra.

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