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VIAGRA Overview

VIAGRA Overview

Pfizer, with its introduction of Viagra, did more to bring erectile dysfunction (ED)out of the closet than any public health information program ever did. Their commercials and ads are very effective. We see that not only old men get ED, but macho baseball stars, youngish firefighters, race car drivers, and construction workers get it, too. Why suffer when there’s Viagra? And worse, why suffer in silence when they can talk about it during Super Bowl breaks?

Viagra consists primarily of a drug called sildenafil citrate, a selective inhibitor of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)-specific phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5).

More than you wanted to know, huh? But try to remember the “PDE5” part because other up-and-coming erectile drugs work on other PDEs and so can give different responses.

Viagra usually works. It gives erectile improvement to over 80% of men with mild to severe Ed, but to just over 50% of men whose ED is caused by complications of diabetes. For men with diabetes, the newer drugs (Cialis, for example) show a higher success rate in field trials.

Viagra is not for everyone. Men who require nitrate drugs (like nitroglycerine for angina) cannot take Viagra because a fatal lowering of blood pressure may occur. Isosorbide mononitrate and isosorbide dinitrate (tablets that are swallowed, chewed, or dissolved in the mouth) preclude taking Viagra. Amyl nitrate, a still-popular recreational drug (“poppers”) and Viagra can be a deadly combination. Anyone with a heart condition - are you sure you don’t have one? - can be at risk and this is why buying V. on the Net or on the street is such a bad idea for guys who have not had medical exams assuring that they have no evidence of heart disease. Can men with heart conditions use Viagra? Some can. Discuss this with your doctor. Those taking certain protease inhibitors (such as for the treatment of HIV), it is recommended to not exceed a maximum single dose of 25 mg of Viagra in a 48-hour period.

Some users experience negative side effects. Headache; visual disturbances, in color - in the blue and green ranges, and/or in focus; and gastric upset are the primary ones. Fortunately most who take Viagra fairly regularly see a decrease or total disappearance of some or all of these side effects.

Food intake is a major complication of Viagra use. Fatty foods especially slow its timing but I have talked with many users who need to take it on a totally empty stomach – no snacks, even, for at least 3 hours prior – or the effect is postponed. (There are, btw, some ways around this if a romantic dinner is planned.) Alcohol in moderation does not interfere.

In spite of all the caveats above, Viagra has an excellent reputation for safety and is a wonderful drug for men with ED. Using it may take some experimenting to learn how to get the best bang for your bucks (Viagra is not cheap) but the results can change your life around. Having firm, reliable erections again after not having them takes away the mental pain of past, repeated failures.



I got a prescription from my family doctor because my wife is at the age where she wants sex constantly. Since my PE activities affect my erection quality from time to time, I thought that
I would give it a try. I get 50 mg. tablets and cut them in half. I dissolve it under my tongue and mix it with a mouthful of saliva and then swallow. This seems to hasten the effects. I can be hard as a rock within 20 minutes of taking it. I also found that the effects are reduced if I take it immediately after a meal. I only take it when we have been going at it for a couple of days straight. I don’t need it if we haven’t had sex for a few days. I have to say, its a great drug.


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!


You’ll get the same fast effect by dissolving your dose in an ounce or two of water. The taste is so nasty. Drinking it down is preferable to me because I’m not left with that aftertaste. What’s happening in mouth or water dissolving is that you are getting a higher peak plasma level of the drug than taking it in pill form, hence a quicker result.

If you take it right after a meal, how long does it take to kick in for you?




What do you think about the Indian generic version of Viagra? Here is a site you can get 30 100 mg tabs for $125 plus shipping and no consultation fees…

I also found that US Doctors are unable to supply the generic version of the drug because of lawsuits that may be filed against them by Pfizer …


Last edited by Modemmer : 10-04-2002 at .

I haven’t had a lot of ED problems, but the ones that I’ve had are probably a result of a diabetic condition.

I did try Viagra, and it worked fine, except for the headache it gave me a few hours later.

"God is dead"-Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead"-God


There was a time in the not far past when I would not have tried generic compounds and urged others not to do so either. Generic sildenafil citrate is now made in China as well as India and the Net is packed with sites offering all sorts of deals in many price ranges. At our ED sites, “customers” reported paying money through credit cards and not receiving the goods or receiving something that didn’t work. There are lots of fly-by-nighters on the Net; take you money and run?

On the other hand, there are sites I’m sure (I don’t know of one yet) that offer the real thing at an affordable price. And there are individuals buying s. citrate by the kilo which they sell through word of mouth. Culling through the snake oil salesmen is the problem. And you won’t see US doctors pushing generic V. until Pfizer’s patent runs out and legit labs are allowed to produce their own safe, refined products.

This has all come down to caveat emptor since there is no effective safety regulation of Net drug sales. What I worry about most is the poor jerk who has an unknown heart condition or doesn’t know the prohibitions, buys whatever and corks off.




Thanks, I was just wondering about the validity of this generic version. Also, I think if you order with a credit card and don’t receive the goods you have the option to protest the purchase and then the card company will deal with the people involved.


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