Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Low Libido


Low Libido

According to an article featured in Netscape, the most untalked about problem in men is low Libido. Stress is a major factor in low libido as well as sickness. This was eye opening to find out that this was a real problem among men and Not ED nor size—but just lacking interest in sex. I’m sure the 18+ group will not have any problems but for the older guys among us this is probably true. How many of you are dealing with this? If so, let’s start a string and see what we’re doing to overcome it. I’ll start by stating that Ginko Biloba in higher amts are reviving the feelings. Chocolate (don’t laugh) makes most horney. I don’t really try this. Also, I found that exercise helps to bring up those younger feeling as it increases the endorfs. Certain food like cabbage and califlower salad are great for churning up action. You may not want to respond but we’re all here to help one another in some way. Thanks, Steve

I take Yohimbe regularly. Working out makes me feel great, and when I am at my Peak physically, I feel more sexual. (and right now, because of the holidays I am not at this point)


1999: 6" EBPL X 5.25" EG ~ 2001: 7" EBPL X 5.75" EG ~ 2003: 7.25" EBPL X 6" EG

Current (Jan 2013): 7.125 EBPL X 6"EG ~ GOAL = 7+" (anything more is fine) EBPL X 6.5" EG

I take a shit load of vitamins daily, also a male sexual stimulant. I must say, PE has had a positive effect on my libido. I’m hornier that hell all the time now. Wifey is enjoying the new me as well. She really likes sex!

The Plumber Starting @ 6.5x5 bpe 12/20/03 Now 7.0"x5-1/8" bpel 1/20/04 Goal @ 8.5x6.5 bpe

Stopped drinking, started exercising and eating healthy. I’m into weight lifting and hiking. My diet includes a lot of protein and high fiber foods, plus vitamin supplements and L-arginine before PE.

Being in shape and running on good fuel has been the best for my libido. Before I started PE and my change of life program, I was well on my way to a limp noodle, but all of that has completely reversed. PE has been like the fountain of youth for me.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

These are great responses—like I had hoped for all of us. Thanks and keep the string going, Steve

My libido began to decline in my mid 30s. Now in my late 30s it had declined even more. I started taking a men’s multi-vitamin and Damiana a few months ago and the libido has improved a lot. Now I need to get back in shape and that is bound to help even more.

take horney goat weed with arginine in it

horny at 50

I don’t know about you guys, but I think I am horner now than in high school, especially since starting PE. I know I’m getting more pussy, although I’ve only gained an inch or so. I take a shit load of vits, including L Argine 3000 mg a day, yohimbe, 1,000 E multi Zinc and C for healing. I’ve recently lost 133 pounds, I now power walk or jog 4 miles a day and swim every night. After hitting the big 50 I’ve been obsessed with self-improvement. Maybe I’m just going through mid-life crises, second childhood and feel I have to prove myself, but at fifty I’m driving my 59 yo girlfriend nuts. Before I started PE I had ED, and although I couldn’t get it up without the little blue pill, the drive was still there. Now going on six months of PE the ED is nearly gone and drive is stronger than ever. I have an appointment with my urologist next week; I’m going to have to prove myself still impotent in order to get another years prescription of Viagra and Yohimbe. I only use these drugs now for enhancement and for PE, but I don’t want to lose the RX. I’m afraid once the doc sees my battle-scared dick or if God forbid I pop a woody during the exam he may not continue my prescription thinking I’m using the drugs only for PE. I don’t think he’ll notice my gains (the man sees a lot of dicks) but the PE damage is unmistakable.


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Sorry to ruin the party on this thread…

I would say I have a Low Libido.

Here are my reasons:
-My refractory time after sex is very long. (My GF gave me a blow job around 5 hours ago and I cant get an erection now, only a semi).
-My erections dont feel that strong or rock hard, and my erection angle is around 8-9 oclock when I Kegel, lower if I don’t.

I am looking to change this naturally (I’m 22 and dont want to start taking L-arginie or Yohimbe really). I love sex and would love to be able to have more of it. Should I Go and have my testosterone level checked at the docs?

Any advice on this is welcome. thanks… melv


Do you drink a lot? If not, I would say something sounds a bit out of whack for your age. Maybe a trip to the Doc would be in order.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

I’m going to have to prove myself still impotent in order to get another years prescription of Viagra and Yohimbe.

Why are you getting Viagra scripts when you can go on-line and get generic Viagra for a fraction of the price?
Unless you have some kind of plan that covers it, generic is the way to go.
It works exactly the same way.

You get a prescription for over the counter Yohimbe or did I just misunderstand that?

I am looking to change this naturally (I’m 22 and dont want to start taking L-arginine or Yohimbe really). I love sex and would love to be able to have more of it. Should I Go and have my testosterone level checked at the docs?

Why is it when were young we don’t think we need anything to help us out in this department?

I’ll bet your testosterone is just fine. We all need a little help, our lousy diets are probably mostly to blame.

Check out what I wrote in this thread, I’ve had problems with recovery, long before age 22 even.

/forum/showthre … &threadid=23282

Originally posted by gprent101
Do you drink a lot? If not, I would say something sounds a bit out of whack for your age. Maybe a trip to the Doc would be in order.

I havent drank since the week before christmas. However I usually drink about once a week, usually 4-8 units max! I might try giving up on the booze for a while.

Originally posted by EZ Rider
Why is it when were young we don't think we need anything to help us out in this department?

I'll bet your testosterone is just fine. We all need a little help, our lousy diets are probably mostly to blame.

Check out what I wrote in this thread, I've had problems with recovery, long before age 22 even.

/forum/showthre … &threadid=23282

Thanks I read your thread. I think diet may be an issue. I have recently (the week before christmas) turned back to eating meat from being vegetarian since the age of 11. This was to improve my general health as although being vegetarian is very healthy if you choose carefully what to eat, I would never watch things like my B12 intake etc. So decided to switch to eating meat again.

But I would say I get a good diet now. I’m considering a trip to the doctors, after all it wont cost me anything. Wouldnt mind to find out what my testosterone level is!

I also agree with your level of correlation of sperm build up and strength/energy. I used to goto the gym a lot and train in martial arts, and would never feel the same edge during training if I had masterbated before!

Thanks… Melv


Just out of interest how do they measure testosterone?

Is it a blood, semen, urine sample?


Blood, there’s different tests within the test for testosterone though, like many blood tests,
you need more than just one test of a particular hormone’s properties to determine what’s going on.

For example, TSH (Thyroid stimulating hormone) the test for it is usually comprised of four completely
separate tests that tell a whole story.

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