Thunder's Place

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Male nipple Sensitivity/ Stimulation--Better and Quicker Erections


Male nipple Sensitivity/ Stimulation--Better and Quicker Erections

Congratulations Avocet (“et al”) for this new area of the board. I’m assuming that this topic belongs here. It ain’t “BS”, but it also isn’t strictly applicable to PE. Some of you may know that this topic has been an interst area of mine for some time.

I did a search in Google, and got two answers only, one of which was a piercing site, and the other a discussion board not unlike this one, —but on general sexual issues— and way smaller.

It just goes to show how little info there is about this topic out there.

My own experience as a middle aged man is that nipple sensitivity can be LEARNED. The discussion site contained the (mis???) information that only some guys like having their nipples played with, “end of story”.

Many of my sexual partners have tried stimulating my nipples in past years, and up until a year or so ago I always stopped them….but during masturbation recently—-say six months ago, I just squeezed my nipples, kneaded them , grabbed them and half an inch of flesh underneath and rolled and generally tortured them, and worked right through the pain threshold, and after maybe 10 mins —- almost suddenly there was a tingling in my balls and in my dick like I’ve never experienced before….:-) :-)

(I had also started a bit of vacuum pumping on them which made them a bit more reactive a year or so back).

After the “torture” session my nipples were sore for a few days—but I could feel that the session had “awakened” them and any touch stimulation (almost) now has me off in a blissful state of sexual arousal. Even very light touch from the ends of my fingers or the fleshy area of my hand near my thumbs— both at the same time—gets me going. There seem to be a never ending set of ways to stimulate them—- hard squeezing one and just touching or circling the other—for instance.

I have ejaculated with deep feelings of satisfation several times, just with the nipples ALONE being stimulated ….and the reaction in my genitals is just wonderful—-like being in my 20’s again—-only different.

There seems to be a direct connection between the nipples and the genitals, and I can even feel that different and repeatable types and areas of stimulation have effects on specific genital areas— some more the penis, and some more the testicles.

I just wanted to share this with you all. Getting and sustaining an erection is also easier—and nipple play is now a standard part of my own foreplay—and general sexual repetoire.

With all the attention they are getting, they have also grown a fair bit, and can now be seen pushing out a tight tee shirt.

I realise that this is all much more common in gay encounters than between straights— but hey— it feels good, and gets me better erections —-and as no-one taught me, I feel a duty to share my journey odf discovery with the world.

I also wonder if touching my nipples up lots of times a day and getting part or complete erections and ball tingles also may release more testosterone and also HGH????? Just a thought…..

Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!

Last edited by P9 : 09-15-2002 at .

Yes to nipple play


I’ve enjoyed nipple play since my early twenties when while jacking off I brushed my nipples by accident and found that an incredible and intense sensation was set off in my genitals. For awhile I used to think that I was unusual in having such a strong erection reaction to my nipples being rubbed, squeezed, gently pinched and eventually sucked. For me, having my nipples sucked by my spouse creates a more intense horniness than having my dick sucked. What I really can get off on is having my wife give me a slow blowjob while using both of her hands to gently squeeze and rub each nipple. The combination is unbelievable!

If any guys have never experimented with nipple play either alone or with a partner, they should really give it a try. Once you’ve felt the intensity, there’s no going back. If this is a first time, I suggest starting off slow by giving yourself a hand job with one hand and gently using your other hand to hold a nipple between two fingers and gently rub. It might be too sensitive at first, but be patient. The results will be quite worth it.

If you are a newbie to this technique and now wish to experiment, let us know how your experimentation turns out.


Celebrity and nipple play

I just remembered that years ago I was watching the Arsenio Hall late night talk show, and he commented on how he had been introduced to nipple play that week by one of his new girlfriends. He went on about how he never knew how good having his nipples sucked and rubbed could be, and that this was a new experience that he had been introduced to. Arsenio Hall is one celebrity that I know confirmed his enjoyment of this form of stimulation.



It’s amazing how much unexplored territory there is in sexuality, and it’s exciting to find new grounds. Sometimes I wonder why did god or evolution or whatever needed to conceal all this deep spots of ecstasy so they will be so hard to find.. it doesn’t seem to make any sense don’t you think? I also wonder if there was once a culture that knew all this stuff and the knowledge just got lost along the way, or maybe only lost in the western culture due to all the sexual taboos in modern religions?

Anyways - I’ll give this nipple stuff a try soon :)

P9 - just wondering: did your ball pumping permanently enlarged your balls?


nipple play

My girlfriend comments to me a lot that I am the only man she has ever been with whose nipples get erect during foreplay. My nips have been sensitive since puberty and it a great feeling when you are with a woman that knows how to exploit that region. Has anyone found any internet links on this subject? I would be curious to read a bit about it.


Interesting that yours became suddenly eroticized, awakened, by torturing them.

Mine have been a turn-on area since puberty _but_ I can’t deal with any sort of even mild pain or stress there and if that happens, say through pinching or biting, I start losing the erection.

I’ve decided this must be because of my own mental wiring. Certainly there are a lot of men who are very turned on by the same level of activity that turns me off.

peforeal wrote: “What I really can get off on is having my wife give me a slow blowjob while using both of her hands to gently squeeze and rub each nipple. The combination is unbelievable!”

Oh, yes!




I am ‘wired the same way. I guess the reason I am chiming in is because we are all ‘wired’ differently- both men and women. It is really important that you communicate with your partner. Just because the last X-rated movie you watched showed the guy biting a womans’ nipples and she went wild doesn’t mean you should do that to every woman you sleep with. I have been with a lot of women with super sensitive nipples. They can’t stand pinching or biting, but if you do ‘butterfly kisses’ on them they go nuts. Try to communicate before sex- I used to just ‘fuck their brains out’, but now I try to spend a few minutes trying to find out what she wants. It makes a huge difference in the quality of sex if you can just get beyond the shyness/embarrassment of talking about likes and dislikes- plus the odds are very good there will be many repeat performances because very few guys take the time. I think it makes her feel like you think she is special.

Hey Breaker--Not my Balls!!

Sorry for the lack of clarity in my writing— it was my nipples that I was and still occasionally vacuum pump with those little nipple attachments that you may have seen in the shops…

The message I was trying to get to the wider public is that if your nipples seem unresponsive, then they might “wake up and stop just being along for the ride” after a kick start such as I suggested.

Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!

nipples are an erogenous zone for both men and women. There is no reason that a man cannot get enjoyment from having his nipples fondled and kneaded and even sucked.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

not me

I have tried and tried and had it done and the nipple thing does NOTHING for me, in fact
it turns me off somehow because it does not feel good to me.

Now I feel inadeqate……….

Well, on second, thought…………naw

Men and women differences

There is such a variety of differences between what men and women are supposed to enjoy sexually. Whereas I really get high stimulated by nipple play on myself by my spouse, she herself doesn’t really enjoy having her nipples stimulated. She prefers having her neck region gently sucked,manual stimulation and of course oral sex - which we both enjoy.

When we were first going together, I just assumed that all women, including my wife, loved the many variations of breast and nipple stimulation. It was a turn on for me to manipulate her breast and nipples, but I then found out later that this did not do much for her. I had to switch my own mental gears, and realize that women are quite unique in their individual sexual likes and dislikes. My previous partners loved breast and nipple play, but my wife had her own preferences. Got to be flexible and keep the communication lines open!


I have been following these nipple posts and feel I have to chime in. When I have my nipples stimulated I get more out of the idea of my nipples touched/aroused than I do by the actual “feeling.” I rarely ever feel it in my groin, but am interested in trying to “kick start” them, like was suggested.

I am currently using a nipple bulb and bands to increase the size of the nipple tips. I have found that the nipple pumps typically increase and inflate the entire areola, resulting in an unnatural look. The nipple bands, however, only increase the size of the teet.

But now I’m curious that if by putting small bands around my nips throughout the day, am I trading bigger looking nips for less sensitive nips? Any thoughts?

Originally Posted by ziplock78

But now I’m curious that if by putting small bands around my nips throughout the day, am I trading bigger looking nips for less sensitive nips? Any thoughts?

If you really want to increase the sensitivity of your nipples, I strongly recommend “supplenips” at
You won’t regret it.

Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

I agree with SunShineKid nipples are an erogenous zone for both men and women. I think that sometimes we have to have the right type of stimultion and/or partner to help us explore new methods of sensual and sexual pleasures.

Not going to lie, didn’t read all the post but, I have to say since getting my nipples pierced they have been WAAAAY more sensitive. The girl I am with now can just rub the left one and instant st-iffy. So I have to say the piercing has made it a lot more sensitive.


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