Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Mandingo called a "Fraud"

Mandingo called a "Fraud"

Just saw a porn with Mandingo and Caramel before she got implants.

I’ve seen Mandingo in a couple other porns where they showed his flaccid to erection process in stage by stage detail. He pulls out an extra normal 3-5” flaccid. Gets oral and it starts to extend to about 8” or so but not “filled with power” the last stage is the 9.5-10” cock with a full shiny head and all the penis anatomy on the underside filled and full.

On this caramel vid he never got hard with her. His normal flaccid got to a soft but larger 6-7” but never stretched out to get hard.

Some of the guys who never seen him get hard thought he wears one of the fake prosthesis. But here on thunders guys always knew he had a normal flaccid.

Originally Posted by djrobins
Just saw a porn with Mandingo and Caramel before she got implants.

I’ve seen Mandingo in a couple other porns where they showed his flaccid to erection process in stage by stage detail. He pulls out an extra normal 3-5” flaccid. Gets oral and it starts to extend to about 8” or so but not “filled with power” the last stage is the 9.5-10” cock with a full shiny head and all the penis anatomy on the underside filled and full.

On this caramel vid he never got hard with her. His normal flaccid got to a soft but larger 6-7” but never stretched out to get hard.

Some of the guys who never seen him get hard thought he wears one of the fake prosthesis. But here on thunders guys always knew he had a normal flaccid.

Right, if the guy ever felt the need to do PE that would QUICKLY change! He, and other big dudes on there, are naturally big and usually quite humble about it. One could learn a thing or two from their example.

There is no try, just do...

Originally Posted by beyond9
Right, if the guy ever felt the need to do PE that would QUICKLY change! He, and other big dudes on there, are naturally big and usually quite humble about it. One could learn a thing or two from their example.

Actually many of the guys in porn do PE. If you’ve watched for a while, several of the performers gained an inch or two during their career. The most notable example is “Brian Pumper”. He was literally a lean muscular guy, with around 6” if that. Now he’s probably 7.5”. There are a few other guys who made the same gains while they were in porn.

On the “humble” thing. The greatest performers have the biggest egos and most pride, the ones who make the masses the happiest, usually never reveal it, and act more humble than they are because they KNOW they will be attacked. Others are allowed to display it, if the group really likes them and find their antics entertaining.

I don’t need to feel these top performers are more humble than myself to feel good about myself? Why should they ACT much smaller than most people when it’s a lie? This is why some of the ones who many think aren’t “humble” are actually not that arrogant, but they get in trouble when they tell the truth, because they get tired of lieing. When you have that much, the lies make you weaker.

Anyway, there is more than one way to look at it, and i hope i helped you to see another side of it. But yes, it’s safest to appear “humble” because otherwise you will be attacked.

Originally Posted by djrobins
Actually many of the guys in porn do PE. If you’ve watched for a while, several of the performers gained an inch or two during their career. The most notable example is “Brian Pumper”. He was literally a lean muscular guy, with around 6” if that. Now he’s probably 7.5”. There are a few other guys who made the same gains while they were in porn.

On the “humble” thing. The greatest performers have the biggest egos and most pride, the ones who make the masses the happiest, usually never reveal it, and act more humble than they are because they KNOW they will be attacked. Others are allowed to display it, if the group really likes them and find their antics entertaining.

I don’t need to feel these top performers are more humble than myself to feel good about myself? Why should they ACT much smaller than most people when it’s a lie? This is why some of the ones who many think aren’t “humble” are actually not that arrogant, but they get in trouble when they tell the truth, because they get tired of lieing. When you have that much, the lies make you weaker.

Anyway, there is more than one way to look at it, and i hope i helped you to see another side of it. But yes, it’s safest to appear “humble” because otherwise you will be attacked.

I question the basis of your logic, but you do you.

There is no try, just do...

Originally Posted by beyond9
I question the basis of your logic, but you do you.

We all have to do us.

So one clear example was top female gymnast for several years Simone Biles is chock filled with powerful positive energy. Its IN her. She’s had fans try to bully her down and make her act less confident than they are. Which is literally impossible unless you destroyed her self confidence. She’s a nice person . The people thought it made them uncomfortable. I can dig up some articles. But the better you are the more will oppose you.

There are others. If they are a fan of one guy they’ll allow him to show “arrogance”, they call it confidence in that case.

If they are not a fan of the guy they’ll call it arrogance.

Most of us are humble because we worked very hard to get where we are and we are not entitled to it. We know it can be taken or destroyed by others. We are gracious and appreciative for the people who have helped us. And for qualities we’ve been able to develop.

Whereas many of the people who want you to humble yourselves beneath themselves are prideful, selfish and entitled people.

Each one of us have to take care of ourselves.

Originally Posted by djrobins
We all have to do us.

So one clear example was top female gymnast for several years Simone Biles is chock filled with powerful positive energy. Its IN her. She’s had fans try to bully her down and make her act less confident than they are. Which is literally impossible unless you destroyed her self confidence. She’s a nice person . The people thought it made them uncomfortable. I can dig up some articles. But the better you are the more will oppose you.

There are others. If they are a fan of one guy they’ll allow him to show “arrogance”, they call it confidence in that case.

If they are not a fan of the guy they’ll call it arrogance.

Most of us are humble because we worked very hard to get where we are and we are not entitled to it. We know it can be taken or destroyed by others. We are gracious and appreciative for the people who have helped us. And for qualities we’ve been able to develop.

Whereas many of the people who want you to humble yourselves beneath themselves are prideful, selfish and entitled people.

Each one of us have to take care of ourselves.

I work fuckn hard and I am and have always been a show off, fuck it each one is here to play a role. I’m here to make a difference

Haters gonna hate

Originally Posted by Edubrsurf
I work fuckn hard and I am and have always been a show off, fuck it each one is here to play a role. I’m here to make a difference

Haters gonna hate

If ya getting hate like that you must be going the right direction. Keep going…

I stopped my PE due to septum limiting further growth. Now these threads. ( kyrpa, tut. Igigi and others ) are saying US heating provides new growth in such a situation. Praise god.

Originally Posted by djrobins
If ya getting hate like that you must be going the right direction. Keep going…

I stopped my PE due to septum limiting further growth. Now these threads. ( kyrpa, tut. Igigi and others ) are saying US heating provides new growth in such a situation. Praise god.

Surely, will you going after the biggest gains possible, even if it makes no reproductive sense?

There is no try, just do...

Originally Posted by beyond9
Surely, will you going after the biggest gains possible, even if it makes no reproductive sense?

Not me. I’ll end up with a 14” useless tribesman cock. All I need is another 1/2” to get over the magical 9 BPEL and I’m happy. In my case the septum artificially limited gains. When pulled tight, the underbody was wide, fat and spongey. It didn’t stretch out narrow like a pencil for the guys who weren’t septum limited.

US heat is also said to greatly improve EQ.

Originally Posted by djrobins
Not me. I’ll end up with a 14” useless tribesman cock. All I need is another 1/2” to get over the magical 9 BPEL and I’m happy. In my case the septum artificially limited gains. When pulled tight, the underbody was wide, fat and spongey. It didn’t stretch out narrow like a pencil for the guys who weren’t septum limited.

US heat is also said to greatly improve EQ.

Awesome, will you be trying it to get to your number?
How about maintenance?

There is no try, just do...

Originally Posted by beyond9
Awesome, will you be trying it to get to your number?
How about maintenance?

US heat combined with my old routines in my PE stats should get it done. There were a few things i could’ve done better, now i can do it.

What even is US heat?

Originally Posted by daddyimpulse
What even is US heat?

Ultrasound. It heats up the insides first. With IRL ( Infrared light ) it goes thru the skin and heats up outside first. Skin may get too hot. Guys are getting new gains with US heating. Check out threads by “igigi”, “kyrpa”, “manko” and others on US heat.

Originally Posted by djrobins
Ultrasound. It heats up the insides first. With IRL ( Infrared light ) it goes thru the skin and heats up outside first. Skin may get too hot. Guys are getting new gains with US heating. Check out threads by “igigi”, “kyrpa”, “manko” and others on US heat.

Seems like this Generation really hates doing any kind of homework. I feel for mods who constantly have to direct these newbs to resources easily found with keyword searches!

For instance, put in US in the search field and those users threads are at the top, or near it!

There is no try, just do...

Originally Posted by beyond9
Seems like this Generation really hates doing any kind of homework. I feel for mods who constantly have to direct these newbs to resources easily found with keyword searches!

For instance, put in US in the search field and those users threads are at the top, or near it!

Agree b9, we’re fckd

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