I don’t think they just meant “men desire sex without a condom,” they meant “some men, especially when depressed, will develop a very strong appetite for high-risk sex that would probably turn a lot of other guys off.” It’s a mental health issue. Depression causes most to lose libido, but might cause some to just be reckless.
That aside, I agree with Ben that condoms totally suck. Of course venereal diseases and unwanted pregnancy suck a lot more than condoms, so I wear a condom if I’m having sex with someone I met recently or who isn’t using some other kind of birth control. However, if I’m in a monogamous relationship with someone on the pill then I’ll definitely 86 the condom as soon as possible. Feels much better for both partners in my experience. I mean, half the pleasure of sex is the sensation of bare skin against bare skin (or mucuous membrane), right? How much less would you enjoy a kiss if you had to put seran wrap in your mouth?
Began @ 6.25 NBPEL X 5.00 EG, Now @ 7.00 NBPEL X 5.00 EG, Goal: 8.0 NBPEL X 6.00 EG