Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Methods to prolong sex?



Where’d you get the pills? Sounds fun.

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My Doctor gave me a prescription for them… It is the lazy way to deal with pre ejac but they (the pills) are a for sure deal… You have to keep your head out of the gutter the next day because if you are a work or in a store and see some hot ass you WILL get hard! Only thing I don’t like about it is that it stays in your system for like 24 hours…


only two ways to go, lol. Seriously though, both have made me last for hours, although I never had that super rock erection with alcohol. Paxil is just amazing. It’s like having a super dick or something. Back when I used to take it I could last 3 hours and didnt even go the least bit soft. I actually had to stop taking it because my girlfriend was about to kill me, lol.


How this Paxil will work ? Better than viagra ?

Paxil is a SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) used to treat depression and anxiety. If it’s similar to the SSRI I take, Celexa, it’s good because it delays ejaculation.

I can just fuck and fuck on it, basically for as long as I want — staying just on the edge of orgasm. Then when I want to cum I can just focus and I’ll spew within a few minutes.

It’s not so good for masturabation where the stimuli are not as intense as sex with a partner. Sometimes I don’t have an hour to spare jacking off when I need quicker release.

I find I’m not nearly as horny as I used to be though. For me, that’s almost a good thing. I work at home where it’s too easy to get distracted.

Methods to prolong sex?

Use condoms.
Fuck while high on painkillers.
When/if you finally do cum, it’ll be an intense and long orgasm… that is if you’re lucky enough to cum.

Becoming.... Godsize


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