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Methods to prolong sex?


Methods to prolong sex?

I remember being with this hot Puerto Rican chick that just loved to scream when we were having sex. For some reason the screaming distracted me and kept me going forever. This girl thought I was incredible in the sack and wanted it all the time.

However, with my current girlfriend I seem to cum so much faster. She’s not really a screamer and she has a big bootie and it just gets me so excited that I ejaculate immediately. I know this is all a mental thing. I just can’t seem to get over it. By the way, we usually have family or friends around so screaming is out of the question. Besides even if we were alone she probably wouldn’t scream anyway.

Can you guys offer any suggestions on prolonging sex with my current girlfriend?

Become a Rockies fan. Oh wait, you’re just trying to last longer, not lose the wood. Never mind.

here is a list, i have sometimes used


keep your eyes closed
more time during sex
or keep the light off
If your excitement is visual it will help.


It helps to break the monotony.
Missionary is not the best to keep control.
Try her on you, or many others.


When your excitement raise,
try to keep your breath like this:
2 seconds insp., 6/8 esp.


To calm and relax abdominal
muscle, push like you were
doing…some abdominal excercises.




Keep a rithm of some penetrations superficial
and one very deep (like 6 sup. and 1/2 deep)
Resist to the tentation to keep
all your movement very deep

Anyway there are some movements
which stimulates you more than others.
And you can feel if you need to stay more
superficial or more deep in relation to your excitement.

Also, try to stimulate her clits more
Ex; in the missionary position,
assuming a position more high than normal
respect to her, you stimulate her more
on the high zone of her.


Sometimes i have proved to concentrate
to some chakra (like: the third eye, some points in the back, on the column vertebral,
or the KI point , like three cm; under the navel… to keep the energy more in moviment
and not to focus too much on the sensation of orgasming.


Ok, I have developed personally a lot of methods
to stay long during sex, even like half, one hour.
For my personal research, becouse I was frustrated
to last the normal time.

Anyway, actually i feel that , also thanks to PE, which has
improved my lenght and probably desensibilised a little
my head; and PC flex…is not so necessary for me to
use any particular technique.

I would use some technique…only in some situation
i feel too excited or ..not feeling confortable.


Becouse I have understand that making love
is something that must open us,
and put us in contact with the other lover.
So, the best for me is to do this.
To think at the other people, to feel
her body, her emotion.
Not to focus on me.

The more I do this, the more
I broke the power of my Ego, the more
love comes good, and lasts…too.

Is like asensation of abandoning myself,
trusting in the other people,
and concentrate on her, and not too much
on me.

Maybe THIS is the essence of sex.

Hope to have been useful .
Only my opinions, hum?



Hey montanarealty,

I sometimes have the same problem as you do. The thing that helps me last longer is different positions. The position that I can last the longest is when my girl is on top of me, and then strokes front to back. This position stimulates her clit way more then you penis.

Hope that helps,
John S.

xaixoit has the right idea.

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

Zig Ziglar

Take the edge off a couple hours before hand, if you know what I mean.

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

1) Concentrating on HER pleasure, and your DESIRE

2) Keep your PC relaxed

3) Slowing down or stopping or changing up (maybe switching to oral)BEFORE the POINT OF NO RETURN (better safe than sorry)

Bunch of very good Tantra links. Haven’t checked them in a while, some may be dead.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Anal breathing, obviously.

But seriously, I think that breathing is the most useful thing for me. Practice it while masturbating. Notice how, when you approach the point of no return, if you begin breathing deeply and consciously, you can avoid orgasm while maintaining the same external stimulation.

Also, as someone else said, simply masturbating shortly before sex will make you last forever.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.


hi , when im with my girlfriend , and im getting ready to come , i just stop and breath for a while ( some sec ) as i do i this i start kissing her , really gentle then when im better ( it only last like 3 sec ) i start again while im looking at her. She finds that really sweet . hope this helps :P

i agree with jerking off some hours before , thats good too.

These are some good ideas. A little too much thinking though. That’s where the “art of sex” comes in I guess. Thanks!

Good ideas ...

DarkTricks suggestion is good and what also works is pulling out and going down for a bit till you calm down. She stays hot and you get your break.

Or just let it go and get her to go down on you till you are ready again and the next time will last longer.


I love your posts, every one is like a poem,
I start to read them, and I keep on going,
And even though they rarely rhyme,
I like to read them all the time.

As for the methods to prolong sex,
I’m not the one to know, just ask my ex,
All I know is you need good communication,
And to look up a thread called ‘delaying ejaculation’.


Previous to me killing my premature ejaculation problem (avg 3 - 10 seconds after insertion) what saved my baccon was the mightly BLUE PILL… The thing with Viagra is that you can dump your nuts 3 times and your dick only gets harder… There were times I actually wish it would go soft because it starts to hurt.. Try one, your wife will either hate or love you for it!



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