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Methods to stretch Shaft Skin, Foreskin restoration and Turkey neck

Methods to stretch Shaft Skin, Foreskin restoration and Turkey neck

Would these basically all be the same thing. Stretching the skin around the turkey neck to stimulate new skin growth and pull the balls down. Well I have like a noticeable amount of turkey neck since the gains. When I pull my foreskin back and like right down so the skin is tight it looks pretty perfect. So I’m guessing I need to get another inch of skin. So the methods to like restore a foreskin could be applied to stretching shaft skin and getting rid of turkey neck correct?


I have been doing foreskin restoration for several years, and have developed a very slight turkey neck. I’m not sure how much or a turkey neck I had before restoring my foreskin, so it’s not a very reliable observation on my part. My only conclusion is that I have gained considerable foreskin and I have only a slight turkey neck now.

I recall a post on here, perhaps two or three years ago, where someone, while doing jelqing, put a cock ring on their penis (only the penis, not the whole package), and pushed the ring down as far as possible. The object, as I recall, was to prevent the ballsac skin from riding up the shaft when doing jelqs. Maybe you could use this information for your turkey neck problem.

Hope this helps,

Originally Posted by Damfino

I have been doing foreskin restoration for several years, and have developed a very slight turkey neck. I’m not sure how much or a turkey neck I had before restoring my foreskin, so it’s not a very reliable observation on my part. My only conclusion is that I have gained considerable foreskin and I have only a slight turkey neck now.

I recall a post on here, perhaps two or three years ago, where someone, while doing jelqing, put a cock ring on their penis (only the penis, not the whole package), and pushed the ring down as far as possible. The object, as I recall, was to prevent the ballsac skin from riding up the shaft when doing jelqs. Maybe you could use this information for your turkey neck problem.

Hope this helps,

Even if you don’t jelq and just hang or stretch and gain length, you’re just increasing the inside not the skin so still need to grow more skin and I don’t see how the cock ring would really help besides stoping the skin riding up during jelqs.

Originally Posted by TLCTugger
I think any shaft skin you expand will only reduce the amount of scrotal skin pulled onto the shaft during erection.

Sounds logical. I wonder how people do foreskin restoration then, just stretch the skin at the end instead of base? Maybe I’ll just do a regime of stretching all of the shaft skin.

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