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Foreskin restoration

Foreskin restoration

I believe that circumcision is largely accountable for many of the issues that some of us face, such as hairy shaft, penile scrotal webbing, high testicles and turkey neck.

I was circumcised as a baby (Jewish family), but I live in UK and so I have been made more aware of the advantages to keeping intact than I would have been, had I grown up in America.

My circumcision was pretty tight and I suffer from all of the above problems to varying degrees, which have been diagnosed to be, a direct result of my aggressive circumcision.

Foreskin restoration is kind of similar to p.e, except only the skin is targeted, usually by constant, relatively gentle tension. The restoration forums are full of men reporting that the above problems are at the very least reduced, by restoring some of what we were supposed to have had.

It took me a long time to believe, let alone accept that circumcision could cause these things. But, over time, I have become pretty damn sure of it.
I’m writing this to let you know that foreskin restoration may be a solution to these problems that have, many times, been mentioned in these forums.

I have recently started the process of stretching my skin, not in an effort to get back my foreskin, but just to (hopefully) alleviate somewhat, my annoying problems.

I agree with your assessment andrewj. A search of our forums for “foreskin restoration” using the search button, top right of every page, turns up about 200 threads that contain those words. Limiting the search to thread titles only will bring that number down considerably. The topic is not unfamiliar here. I’ve undergone my own restoration. I never got complete flaccid coverage, only about 3/4, but it’s enough to make a difference in the appearance of my glans when erect (shiny and smooth) and I have the appearance of a normal intact man when not erect.

Thanks for your post.

Ok sorry for being such an amateur. I know how annoying it can be when people don’t search.

Actually, we’re sort of used to it. :) I should have included the search stuff last. My real reason for responding was to agree with you.

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