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loss of flaccid hang from foreskin restoration?

loss of flaccid hang from foreskin restoration?

I have started to do foreskin restoration by using 3m wrap tape and putting it in X’s across the head of my penis. However, when doing this, my flaccid hang drops an inch. Could it be I’m cutting of circulation? I don’t feel I am. My flaccid girth has also dropped significantly. Any ideas what’s going wrong?

You’re not doing anything wrong. If you eventually intend to use the t-tape method you have to start by getting some extra skin growth. The method you’re using will do that. It’s usually used by guys with tight circumcisions and no loose skin. PEers seem to develop loose skin anyway, so if you’ve done PE for any length of time you might not need to use the x tape. It’s a rather slow process because it works by compressing the penis into it’s skin tube and putting a slight inward stress on the ligaments. As the ligs want to return the shaft to its normal position they press against the restriction of the x tape and this stress helps the extra skin grow. Since the penis is compressed when using this method it isn’t surprising that flaccid hang and girth are affected. It won’t change your circulation.

Do methods like this and other push rod restorers like the 4restore lead to permanent loss of flaccid length?

I agree completely with WestLA. No permanent loss of flaccid length should result. By putting tape in the form of “x’s” you are simply inducing the “turtle” effect which is discussed on this board in other threads. It is only temporary. As you progress from using the initial (or beginning) “x” taping method to something more advanced (such as t-taping), flaccid hang will return to normal or (more likely) increase.
I have restored my foreskin about 75% and have a far greater flaccid hang now than before restoration was started.

No worries.


So push rod restorers that press the penis inwards will still not cause losses?

Originally Posted by hunglo77
I have started to do foreskin restoration by using 3m wrap tape and putting it in X’s across the head of my penis. However, when doing this, my flaccid hang drops an inch. Could it be I’m cutting of circulation? I don’t feel I am. My flaccid girth has also dropped significantly. Any ideas what’s going wrong?

hunglo77, don’t use tape, It hurts, also there is a device out there that works really well and can be removed very quickly and easily (like 3 seconds) to urinate. It can also be put back just as fast. I also believe it can help in gaining not only foreskin but penis size. I use it. It is pricey but you can make your own using the same concept. I hope I don’t get chewed out for this by one of the moderators but check it out.

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