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Effect of ephedra use on flaccid hang


Effect of ephedra use on flaccid hang

Does anyone have any experience with this? Does ephedra use cause shrinky-dick?

I’m about to embark on a 90 day intensive workout regimine, and am considering adding an ECA stack, but don’t want to shrivel up any :)


YES! There is nothing you can do about it either. I used to do the ECA, someitmes it’s be Xenadrine or even some of the thremo drinks. it shrivels the lil guy FO SHOW!

I think it does shrink the flaccid, I’m not sure if it would effect gains though.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

I work for a manufacturer of these ECA stack products. It basically herbal speed, and we all know what speed does or other illegal products do when you take them, You shrivel up like a stack of dimes.


just out of curiosoty - do you guys know if coffee has the same effect. sometimes a drink a ton at work and when i pee in the middle of the day i just kinda look down like - “what happened????”

It definitely shriks the flaccid but like luvdadus said, I don’t know that it would effect gains. In my experience with it which was playing around with it in highschool and taking way more than you should for that heart racing buzz you can get, my dick would shrink up to next to nothing but if I wanted it to get hard and played with it a bit it would come on out of its shell. I think it mainly retreats when you are not doing anything particularly sexual. It would probably come on out of its shell with just visual stimulation, so I dont really think you are going to do any harm as long as he continues to get the attention he deserves.

Some say that energy drinks like Red Bull and Rockstar are just low dose speed. Even though that’s not true, caffeine is said to have an effect on your (male) reproductive system.

That said, I usually drink caffeine only on the weekends, when I need it (in the mornings). I personally don’t notice any difference in my flaccid size; and on the weekends, I’ve usually got bigger problems than having too much caffeine.

Re: Effect of ephedra use on flaccid hang

Originally posted by RB
Does anyone have any experience with this? Does ephedra use cause shrinky-dick?

I'm about to embark on a 90 day intensive workout regimine, and am considering adding an ECA stack, but don't want to shrivel up any :)

I used Xenadrine great product to lose weight it just seems to melt the fat off. But it did give me the shrinky dick. But then again my dick was pretty small to begin with. There were other side affects that to me just were not worth it. Good Luck RB.

Re: Effect of ephedra use on flaccid hang

>Does ephedra use cause shrinky-dick?

It’s commonly reported that it does, but I wonder if the effects wear off given enough time. I’ve read that the jitters, sleep problems, etc. that ECA often causes eventually go away, yet the thermogenic effect remains. Cycling prolongs the adverse effects.

Would one still be shrinky after several months of taking ECA daily?

If you do buy it goes easy on this stuff. I heard in the news people even young have gotten heart attacks from taking ephedra.

This site has information about the safety of ephedrine. IMO, all the current fuss is media hype.

small Dick....

I feel worried that I have a small dick…

I don’t know how about the rest of u guys here, any 1 here has a dick which less than 5 and 1/2 inch here?

Can this program help to increase the length? Please share thanks…


PCC, pe works for probably 98% of men. I started with a 5” long penis, It is now over 8” long…

Yes, it does really work :)


That shit gives me shrinky dink and I have trouble getting hard if I take anything with that shit in it, also makes me ill tempered and feeling weak. It does help you lose weight though. I have been trying metabo-drene a little from the vitamin shop it has no Ma Huang in it. It works makes me a little jittery and sometimes it bothers my stomach a little but it seems to work a little not as well as the Ma Huang products. Also no real shrinky dink from it.


I personally take the new Ripped Fuel by Twin Labs. It’s ephedra free, but works great. I’ve taken the original Ripped Fuel with the ephedra in it, and several other products including ephedra and the new Ripped Fuel works just as well as these products.

Twat - "A dead skunk on Beaver ave? Probably smelled like fish already anyway."

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