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My bud's hormone results - opinions advice please guys

My bud's hormone results - opinions advice please guys


A friend of mine had his hormones checked as he is going slightly bald at the crown of his head. He got his results + asked me to look through them. They were taken by saliva samples, by a company in the US called Medlean.

I don’t know much about hormones etc, but judging by the “optimal” scores mentioned in his results, he seems to be quite ‘off the mark’ in most of his scores, so I ask you guys for some sound opinion/advice..

He is 31 years, about 180 lbs, 6 feet tall, very active - he works out/plays sports 3/4 times a week, doesnt smoke, drinks alcohol rarely, has a good balanced diet, doesnt take any supps other than fish oils, green tea and a multi vit, has never done roids etc. He says he feels generally good, no depression or anxiety, but has noticed a drop in morning wood and a slight drop in sex drive and erection quality.

Here are his results (he got 5 different hormones tested, don’t know why he didn’t get the full 8 tests this company offers!) he took the samples at mid day-

1. Testosterone - 27.1 pg/ml (the results sheet states ‘75-95’ is “optimal”)

2. Dihydrotestosterone - 7.2 pg/ml (the results sheet states ‘20-40’ is “optimal”)

3. DHEA - 994 pg/ml (the results sheet states ‘250-450’ is “optimal”)

4. Estradiol - 1.4 pg/ml (the results sheet states ‘0.8-1.5’ is “optimal”)

5. Cortisol - 8.9 pg/ml (the results sheet states ‘3-6’ is “optimal).

What do you think?

If this were me, I would be concerned about these levels. He should go to his doctor and have him interpret the results. Possibly and Endocrinology specialist. Messed up hormone levels can cause all kinds of problems. Don’t mess around.

Probably this product for those that are interested.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

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