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Advice for a newbie, please help guys


Advice for a newbie, please help guys

Hey guys I am relatively new and have been into PE for about 3 months now , guys I haven’t seen any improvement in length or girth during this period . I PE everyday, the only improvements are increased veins and the skin has become tougher. My BPEL 5.25 EG-5 . My routine goes:

5 min warm wrap

5 min manual stretching

10 mins jelqing

5 minutes warm wrap

Please help me out guys.

Take some days off. The Newbie Routine is two days on, one day off as it is. Toughened skin is a sign of over-conditioning yourself I’ll bet.

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I think you need to do 2 days on 1 day off so that the tissue can repair itself

How are your erections hard or soft..!?

Originally Posted by etresed

I think you need to do 2 days on 1 day off so that the tissue can repair itself

Agreed. Go easy and add kegels to your routine. Also avoid ejaculating on your off days if possible.

"I don't understand how America doesn't understand Thug Life... America IS Thug Life!"

- Tupac Shakur

Give yourself a break of about 2 weeks. In this time your penis can heal completely and you can start up again with a healthy penis. Pick up your current routine after the break.

Hey guys my erections are sometimes hard and sometimes weak, I had my exams so I took break for a week . Can you suggest me a good routine and can you please tell me how to properly perform kegels.

Guys there is one more thing bothering me , my girlfriend s coming to town next week and I am certain she wants to get physical with me . I am worried whether she will be disappointed My BPEL 5.25 EG-5.

I don’t think she’d be disappointed. It’s around average and what not. I think that’s the type of size where the “motion in the ocean” can make all the difference in the world. Certain positions might not be the greatest but it should be fine I’d think.

Starting Stats (5/21/06) - BPEL: 6.75 | NBPEL: 5.75 | EG: 5.75 (Mid) 6 (base)

Current Stats (8/21/06) - BPEL: 7.00 | NBPEL: 6 | EG: 6.0 (Mid) 6.375 (base)

My new Goal: To have the volume of a Coke can (21.65625 cubic inches ;) )

So what do you suggest butterbean?

Does she not already know the size of your penis?

If not, show her that you can fuck her brains out with whatever size you got.

Thanks beasty one

Don’t let your girl put you down, if she really likes you she wouldn’t care and also it’s how you use it not necessarily the size.

Thanks Andy that’s very insightful.

Hey guys one more question , what is the ideal size girls have in mind generally ? And is 5 5.2 small?

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