My cure for Prostatitis
For many years I was diagnosed as having frequent prostate infections. This started at about age 25. So the urologist would prescribe the standard run of Cipro and it would fix the symptoms. My symptoms would come on as difficulty urinating, lowered sex drive and minor ED.
But this would happen somewhere around five times a year. I am now 34 and it took almost nine years for me to finally figure out what the problem really was. And I believe there are many other men out there who could possibly benefit from my solution.
After I had my first cystocospy (quite painful, determined to never have that done again), I was told my prostate was not enlarged, bladder was fine, no strictures in the urinary tract, but yet I want you to start taking Flowmax. Well I have never taken any prescription medicine and after researching the side effects of Flomax by actual users, I said to myself I am not going to start now as the side effects were in one sense worse then the ailment.
So here is a doctor stating my prostate and PSA were fine, but yet I want you to start taking Flomax (didn’t make much sense to me). Well I never opened the bottle. Instead I opened my internet browser and started researching like a madman.
Here is the conclusion I came up with for my symptoms and also the solution.
I was a moderate coffee drinker and I love Red Bull. Well whenever I was prescribed antibiotics (for the supposed prostate infection, which I never tested positve for any bacterial infestation) I would of course drink nothing but water and massive quantities of it. The symptoms within a day or so would completely leave. I could piss like a race horse and my dick would get rock hard again when the wind would blow by. So for nine years I would go through this routine like five times a year.
So after the scope experience and searching through the tunnels of the internet. I found that in Europe they treat many men with BHP with a natural product called Quercetin with Bromelain.
Quercetin is a natural anti-inflamatory and a natural anti-histamine. I started taking this when I was at the point I thought I was going to have to be catheterized to take a piss. So I started taking it and a liquid intake of only water. With in a couple of days I was completely back to normal and have been ever since.
It has been over a year now since I have had any symptoms. That is when I started taking Quercetin and quit drinking caffeine.
My conclusion is after much self-observation and viewing the past with 20/20 vision. I have an allergic reaction to caffeine which caused swelling of the prostate. I can get away with maybe one drink per week containing caffeine. Even at that I will get a slight hint of a symptom, but then I just flush a bunch of water through my system and of course the magic bullet Quercetin which I take twice a day everyday.
I hope this may help other men who drink caffeine and are experiencing enlarged prostate like symptoms.