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no morning erections


no morning erections

I havent had a morning erection since I was about 20 - Im 27 now. Nor ‘unprovoked’ erections during the day (like a kid of say 13 gets every 5 minutes). My erections during foreplay/sex/masturbation etc are great and give me no problems whatsoever. Should I be worried about the lack of erections in the mornings and the lack of unprovoked erections in the daytime?

thanks all

I believe that it is abnormal for someone your age to not have morning wood, but I can’t speak from experience. I’ve had that problem since my mid-teens. However, I’ve been pumping lately, and before I go to bed I do a short pumping session at very low pressure (about 3/4 hg) and I’ve noticed an increase in nocturnal and morning erections. They’re pretty rare for me, and I’ve been having them several times a week since I’ve been giving myself this before-bed-pump.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

Wondering if…

Could you tell us more about your situation? Like how long you work during the day, what your activities are like? Are you physically exhausted when you go tot bed? During the day are you on your feet or sitting down?
When I was working a night shift and on my feet all night I never had an erection unless I was having sex. When my routine changed so did my “boner count”.


IW8 4/2003 5.5 BPEL 4.5 EG 218 lbs 4/2004 6.875 BPEL 5.0 EG 198 lbs

Next stop 7.0 BPEL !

I’m 27, work out 5-6 times a week, dont smoke, dont drink much (maybe once every 2-3 weeks). I’m very fit and healthy (resting heart rate is about 55bpm).

I’ve had different jobs over this period some include sitting down for legthy periods, others were outdoors/physical.

The only thing I have in the mornings is a very full bladder and a kind of large flaccid/maybe a 10% erection.

I also notice that I seem to have cold feet quite often (when the rest of me is warm) - maybe it is a circulation problem.

Any further views/advice are welcome, thanks

It’s possible that you are sleeping through nocturnal erections. They occur during rabid eye movement sleep (REM); since we experience REM more often in the last 3 hrs of the night, this is why we wake to morning wood. You may have a different REM sequence or wake from REM so slowly that the last of the series of nocturnals has already subsided.

Try taking 1 gram (1000 mg) of L-arginine 3 x a day, the last gram at bedtime. L-a often takes a week or more to kick in, but you are likely to see a difference in your nocturnal erection pattern after some use. Possible side effects: diarrhea and gas but this usually goes away completely in a week or two. If you tend to get cold sores and take much more than 3 grams a day , the L-a may cause them to happen more frequently.

There is a simple test for this called a RigiScan. Your urlologist will provide you with a little machine you can hook yourself up to. It will record the frequency, duration, and hardness of sleep erections. As you age, nocturnal erections become more and more important since they perform the “housekeeping” tasks of maintaining good penile health.



Avocet, did you mean “Rapid” instead of “rabid”???

A loving doe, a graceful deer- may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be captivated by her love. Proverbs 5:19

p-pal: Yes. And that is funny.

And I don’t think I’d be real comfortable sleeping with someone who had rabid eye movement. ;-)



I’m 18 and I don’t get any morning erections.

This isn’t bad is it? I also masturbate a lot so I have an extremely low sex drive.

Hi Wondering,

Just a note concerning my experiences because I thought that I had also lost morning wood for quite some time (prior to PE), but as it turns out it simply subsides most of the time before I wake up. One day I mentioned it to my s/o and she informed me that I am sporting wood most, if not all mornings (she wakes up earlier than I do). Just thought I should share my experiences because I, like yourself, was a left wondering what had happened to my morning pick me up.


thanks guys- maybe I am just asleep through wood-time!!

I’ve orderded some arginine just to throw it in the mix to!

Originally Posted by Imperator
I’m 18 and I don’t get any morning erections.

This isn’t bad is it? I also masturbate a lot so I have an extremely low sex drive.

When my morning wood went away, my flaccid size sharnk considerably. When I was in my flaccid length usually hung around 4-4.5 inches. Now it is 2-3, sometimes worse. Luckily, I’ve noticed that it is starting to hang longer since I’ve been pumping. I’m hoping that my normal (I’ve always considered the 4-4.5 hang my normal) hang will become more frequent and eventually an every day, almost all day thing.

Also, as Avocet said, sleep erections keep our penises healthy. They’re important—which is why I wanted mine back.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

If you’re you could do the stamp test.
Get a strip of stamps ( one’s that you lick, and have the perforations between each stamp) long enough to go around you when you are flacid(with a bit of lee-way, not constrictive), with enough to overlap by 1 stamp or so.

Wrap around, lick stamp so that a ring of stamps is formed ( I suppose you could lick more of them to try and hold it in place).
Goto sleep.
Hopefully, when you wake up, the band of stamps is broken. This indicates that you had some wood while you were sleeping.

I remember reading that you get hard every 1 1/2 hours or so during the early morning, and is liked to the cycles of your sleep. With so many (myself included) people being awoken by alarms, it’s no wonder its not there when you wake up.

In healthy men with no ED, 4 - 5 nocturnal erections is “normal”, each lasting about 30 minutes. That’s a lot of “housekeeping” going on.



Originally Posted by avocet8
In healthy men with no ED, 4 - 5 nocturnal erections is “normal”, each lasting about 30 minutes. That’s a lot of “housekeeping” going on.

This makes me think that sleep might be more important to PE and overall penile health than I had previously assumed. The longer I sleep, the more likely I am to have an erection more often. If I sleep 3-5 hours as usual, sometimes 6 or 7, I’m missing out on a lot of potentional erection time and “housekeeping” as you so aptly call it. Especially now that I’m beginning to have erections more often. I had an erection several times last night. They kept waking me up when I rolled over on ‘em. It was great. I’m glad to see that I’m not all turtled in the morning; that I have an erection or a deflating erection isntead is great.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

I’m 27, fit do weights and jog and I don’t get the morning bugler either. I blame it on the poison they call propecia (for hair loss). I’ve stopped taking this crap and have started using L-Arginine I will report on my progress

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