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Anybody PE early in the morning


Anybody PE early in the morning


I’m used to pe’ing at night and have been trying to do it before work about 7:00 am. I can’t seem to keep a good hardon, shit I can’t keep my eyes open. Is this normal until you get used to it .
I’m not a morning person, but this is my only free time for PE. Any advice from you morning guys.




It’s very normal to pee at night or in the morning after you wake up. You shouldn’t consider this abnormal, nor you need to see a urologist. There is a simple solution to that minor problem: try not to drink prior going to bed.

I only do stretches in the morning, that way no hard on required but I do still get them they just fade quicker.

Sounds like you’re quite awake yet, maybe its worth waking up 1/2 hr earlier and drinking several cups of coffee or taking some brazilian marching powder or any other stimulant. Or going for a jog first (yuk). Very hard to do PE asleep :|

dearest Dino

Try exercising for renewed energy, even better nutrition, and maybe even hypnosis to feel more completely rested and renewed. That way this acts an investmest and soon you will reap the divedends.

In there i am pretty sure you will find more time to do the things you really want. The key is acting smart to see what can be trimmed. As Lincoln said on the quotes Give me 6 hours to chop down a tree and i will spend 4 sharpening the axe.

I suggest looking for books at on these subjects. Time management is most likely the best route. Exercising for energy too is an excellent investment. I myself have been told a book called "body by Life" is good for this by some of the Guy’s on PE Forum.

Also maybe compartmentizing your Pe may fit your schedule quite nicely. 15 minutes here, 20 minutes there it all adds up.

PS I was not a morning person also.But 5 years of Preload shift at UPS loading and sorting packages let me adjust. I also love morning classes at school too now. getting up at work at 3 does have some good changes for me. Now as a college student I can sleep just about any time, stealing catnaps all over the place.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.


I’ve tried PE both late and early in the day. I found that for me later is not as effective. After a day of work I’m mentally tired and tend to be apathetic about doing yet more work.

In the morning my testosterone level is higher than it’s going to be all day; once I’m awake, I find that’s an advantage. One thing I have learned is to go very easy on coffee - caffeine is a negative for erections. Further, having finished PE early I’m done with it and don’t have to think about it until the next day. And it’s fun to go into the work day with a pumped up dick.




It takes a couple of weeks to get used to waking up an hour earlier, but it’s completely worth it compared to a night schedule. I woke up an hour earlier for 3 months, and now I’m having to take a break (into week 3) from PE. I can tell a big difference between waking up an hour earlier and getting that extra hour of sleep.

Here’s the difference: When I woke up an hour earlier to do my workout, I found that the motivation coming from PE got my ass out of bed fast and gave me extra energy all day. But since the break and the extra hour of sleep, I wake up only to smack the hell out of the snooze button before I do my zombie-like walk to the shower. I’ve felt lazier since the break, overall.

As far as motivation to keep up the good pump, I usually thought of sex. And I also found some good pictures on the internet, printed them out and used that as well.


It might be easier to keep your hard if you don’t empty your bladder when you first get up, assuming you do.


"Sadly, however, seconds after its launch, it undergoes SMEF, or Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure,and disappears." Douglas Adams

Thanks guys, I just need to get used to it the hardest thing is just staying up. My hats off to you guys who also work out in the morning. I tried going to the gym at 5:30 once almost fell asleep on the bench press. I will just keep going and my body will adjust. I’m not a big coffee drinker I stopped for almost a year, now I have maybe 3-4 cups a week.



I have found early morning workouts problematic for manual stretching as first I need to get rid of the morning wood. Then after warming it up and trying to stretch it starts getting too hard for a good manual stretch. But for 3/4 erect jelqing early morning workouts are great.

I have the same problem Dawolf has. I’m just not a morning person at all. I have trouble doing manual stretches in the morning, but doing jelq sessions are great earlier in the day. Since I like doing my manual stretches first, then my jelq routine, I’d rather just wait til later on in the day so I can do them both together.

I’d rather hit the gym later on in the day too. I guess I just have more energy later on.

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."


Nobody made any comments about Christopher’s reply to this post in the top, I just couldn’t stop laughing literally rolling on the floor! I mean - just try to read Dino’s first post with pee instead of PE in mind, it’s hilarious! :chuckle:

But I’m not if he meant it as a joke?

Christopher's reply

Braker. I am just getting caught up and that had me ROTFL, too. As to the topic, I start early AM, too- and I find that pre-programming my coffee pot helps a lot. I am always pretty hard, so I have to wait a while until my unit subsides to start hanging, but this would be an advantage for jelqers.

I think the research shows that your testosterone and HGH levels are higher in the early morning- but my guess is that your biorhythms play a larger part in it. You are either a morning person or you aren’t. After a while you can get used to getting up and at ‘em early- but I think most ‘night owls’ just survive until their own rhythm kicks in.

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'


It was funny. One of those Rosanna Rosannadanna moments.



AM Workouts


I do nearly all my workouts in the morning, between 6:45 a.m. and 7:45 a.m. Wife’s already gone to work, kids aren’t awake, it’s the only time I have total privacy. I wake up, pee, and immediately start hot wrapping while I shave. I then immediately launch into my workout. I think that there is some benefit to working out in the morning and it seems like I’m able to leverage my semierections from morning wood because I do the workout within a short time after I wake up. Privacy issues forced me to work out in the morning, time constraints inherent in the morning cause me to be more efficient and intense in my workouts.

J Meister "Building a phallus worthy of worship."


I was being nice about the pee thing, I remember when I was a newbie and skim reading a post and giving advice that was totally retarded once I fully read the post. SNL for sure!


Oh yeah still working out the morning thing.

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