Thunder's Place

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One day squirt,next day dribbles.

One day squirt,next day dribbles.

I’ve been scratching my head over my situation.I’ve searched and read threads here about it. I’ve been working the BC/PC muscles (kegals) almost every night for the past year. I used to be a squirter in my teens and early 20’s. 3 to 4 times a day was no big deal. I could regularly hit my chest and chin with big loads. Now I am in my late 30’s. I workout and walk a lot. Basically, I am doing what I did in my youth to get fit again. It’s slow going.

Back to the squirting issue. If I masturbate after not having any sexual contact for 4 days,I can manage a 6 inch squirt straight up in the air, while laying on my back. Probably about 1.5 to 2 fluid ounces.24 hours later, if I masturbate, all I get is a little dribble, between a tea spoon and table spoon full. It seems to take 4 days to recover. Edging doesn’t always help. Two things I can tell from one day to the next.

  1. The orgasm spasms to ejaculate aren’t as strong.
  2. It feels like my muscles are pumping air instead of a thick liquid like the day before.It literally feels like my muscles are heaving against a solid heavy load on that first day.
So what’s the deal? Am I over doing the kegals? Is my body in such poor shape that it can’t recover, even after 24 hours? I drink lots of fluids,water. I’m not real sure which way to go to get the volume and distance back. My loads have always impressed my SO until recently. She’s not really turned on by squirting. That’s just for my enjoyment. This past week I’ve laid off the kegals and I have been stuck at home,so no gym time.

Last edited by memento : 02-22-2015 at . Reason: Reformatted for readability

You are getting old :P
Same for me. Its not about the strenght of the muscles as you are capable of shooting if you wait some days. Its jsut that your system isnt producing so much to produce babies everyday anymore which is totally normal.

There is a thread about increased laods in the supplements forum. Stuff like celery seeds can help.

I agree. Chalk it up to getting old. The only way I can get a decent shot off these days is to go 3 or 4 days without ejaculating. The longer I abstain, the better the load.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

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