Update 2:
I went to the Doctors Friday and its not good news :( .
She said everything was fine, liver/kidney, all food and vitamin related stuff and my thyroid, when she said that I felt tearful, I really thought I would be sorted out but then to add to the insult she started talking about anxiety, I laughed because even though I suffer with a mild form of agoraphobia, when I say I’m going to go some where I do, the hardest part for me is getting out the door, once I’m out, I’m pretty much fine.
So I told her no its not that and how things were actually getting better for me when I started getting ill, thankfully my Mum then said my breathing isn’t right, I can walk upstairs and get out of breath, answer the phone and talk or even talk in person and I’m trying to catch my breath.
The Doctor started talking and I said again how I was exercising 6days a week and although a little overweight, I was fit and that my diet (which she can see from the results) was good accept for maybe to much fizzy drink on the weekend (my treat) then I told her I would rather be dead then stuck like this (I don’t want to die by any means but at the age of 20 not being able to even talk, I currently cant do anything, I’m just sitting down all day :( ) I think hearing that plus what my Mum said surprised her because she then offered me a chest x ray and 12 lead electrocardiogram which I should be going for next week.
I’m now scared as to what the results are going to be, I don’t think I have a heart problem but my lungs is a different story and here’s why:
My Nan died from COPD, her son (my Dad) then developed COPD, the house was very heavily infected with mold and it was removed, I moved in with my Dad in April 2007, I used to run the stairs, 5months later I realized I couldn’t run them any more then one of my cats was having breathing problems (we thought it was fur balls) and died :( (vet didn’t really say what it was), over the following time I noticed walking to the top I was a little breathless, then 7months ago I had to stop exercising and things got worst and here’s where I am now, also there is still a little mold that grew back in my Dads room, I don’t go in there but I sleep above the area, he finally removed it just be Christmas, so there is a high risk chance there’s mold else where and the smell of the place makes me believe it, its terrible, my Dad cant smell it but hes in hes own world since losing hes Mum, getting COPD and suffering with depression.
These are the things that give me some hope:
Even though my peak flow reading used to be 750 and its dropped since being ill to as low as 500, last night I got 678 which made me very happy as a lung disease would damage the tissue, once its damaged it won’t get better so for my reading to be higher than it has been for a long time, it gives me a lot of hope that my lungs aren’t damaged.
My lymph nodes are up and they wouldn’t be from COPD and to the best of my knowledge with other lung diseases that are permanent, also my other symptoms don’t fit a lung or heart disease.
Also my Doctor told me my thyroid was swollen (which is basically a Goiter) last time I was there, well she didn’t mention that this time and a swollen thyroid can only be a number of things, ranging from something that pushes on to the wind pipe (which would cause air hunger), thyroid diseases or cancer, that linked with the fact I have had hair loss on my head, pubic area, legs, eyebrows, my heart has raced a few times, feeling hot, swallowing is a pain sometimes, constipation, oral thrush and swelling around my eyes, also the receptionist told my Mum that my thyroid levels were slightly out when my results came back, this could be due to my Doctor not realizing the safe range changed a few years ago, not that it matters as you can still have a thyroid disease even if your results come back ok (at least with T3, T4, fT3/4 are a different story but I wasn’t tested there).
One thing that has shocked me is her not mentioning the fact my thyroid is swollen, it has been for 7months and I would have thought it would make her want me to have a ultrasound even more as cancer of the thyroid can give normal thyroid readings, plus I have always said its like I have to take a deep breath to expand my wind pipe, I think its also too much of a coincidence that my breathing problems started when I noticed my neck was feeling tight and that my thyroid was swollen.
I did mention my penis problems and I was about to pull my jeans down but as I was feeling upset/worried and the fact she didn’t even know what a Lymphocele was and said in a cockey way "What? well I’ve never heard of that in my life, there’s a Lymphatic vessel there but there’s not a Lymphocele" I then said yes its the Lymp fluid in the vessel that becomes trapped due to swelling, what makes this more funny is its on the NHS website (UK free medical treatment) and she works for the NHS, NHS:
LymphoceleA lymphocele is a hard swelling that suddenly appears on the shaft of the penis after sex or masturbation. It occurs because the lymphatic channels (which make up part of the lymphatic system along with lymph nodes or glands) in your penis have been temporarily blocked. The swelling should soon subside and will not cause any permanent problems.
What is this lump on my penis? - NHS
So I said leave it, its not like I can use it due to my breathing being messed up, she did say to my Mum as I was walking out, I need to get the tests done, when 5minutes before she was trying to put it down to anxiety lol, I’m going to go for the tests hopefully next week (I’m praying these come back perfect), my Mums then going to get me a different Doctor and then I will get my penis looked at as well as ask the new Doctor to get me a ft3/4 thyroid test and an ultrasound of my thyroid (this is if my heart and lungs come back good).
I’ve attached a picture of one of my eyes and my tongue so you can see the inflamed/swollen tissue.
I covered my teeth as the camera made parts of them look very yellow, I think its the light and being in macro mode.