Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penis Shrunk In Size, Erections Problem


The nurse that took my blood rushed it through due to my eyes looking so bad (she asked how much weed I smoke and I don’t smoke weed), the Doctors had my results on Monday and I was due to go there tomorrow but it won’t be until next Friday now (shes teaching), the receptionist did say my thyroid levels are outside of the normal range but I won’t know what will be done until next week now.

I’m hoping she can put me on thyroid medication there and then and that it will sort me out, I’m also hoping she can give me something for my penis there and then, maybe the tissue has remained hard due to my immune system being messed up, it would be great to be of normal overall health and my penis being back to perfect form 3weeks after I see her, I could then start exercising my body (want to lose weight) and get back into pe.

I doubt I will be that lucky, I’m leaning more towards she will send me to hospital/urologist for my penis and will want another blood test and a scan of my thyroid, time will tell I guess, I’ll update the thread when I get more news :) .

Update 2:

I went to the Doctors Friday and its not good news :( .

She said everything was fine, liver/kidney, all food and vitamin related stuff and my thyroid, when she said that I felt tearful, I really thought I would be sorted out but then to add to the insult she started talking about anxiety, I laughed because even though I suffer with a mild form of agoraphobia, when I say I’m going to go some where I do, the hardest part for me is getting out the door, once I’m out, I’m pretty much fine.

So I told her no its not that and how things were actually getting better for me when I started getting ill, thankfully my Mum then said my breathing isn’t right, I can walk upstairs and get out of breath, answer the phone and talk or even talk in person and I’m trying to catch my breath.

The Doctor started talking and I said again how I was exercising 6days a week and although a little overweight, I was fit and that my diet (which she can see from the results) was good accept for maybe to much fizzy drink on the weekend (my treat) then I told her I would rather be dead then stuck like this (I don’t want to die by any means but at the age of 20 not being able to even talk, I currently cant do anything, I’m just sitting down all day :( ) I think hearing that plus what my Mum said surprised her because she then offered me a chest x ray and 12 lead electrocardiogram which I should be going for next week.

I’m now scared as to what the results are going to be, I don’t think I have a heart problem but my lungs is a different story and here’s why:

My Nan died from COPD, her son (my Dad) then developed COPD, the house was very heavily infected with mold and it was removed, I moved in with my Dad in April 2007, I used to run the stairs, 5months later I realized I couldn’t run them any more then one of my cats was having breathing problems (we thought it was fur balls) and died :( (vet didn’t really say what it was), over the following time I noticed walking to the top I was a little breathless, then 7months ago I had to stop exercising and things got worst and here’s where I am now, also there is still a little mold that grew back in my Dads room, I don’t go in there but I sleep above the area, he finally removed it just be Christmas, so there is a high risk chance there’s mold else where and the smell of the place makes me believe it, its terrible, my Dad cant smell it but hes in hes own world since losing hes Mum, getting COPD and suffering with depression.

These are the things that give me some hope:

Even though my peak flow reading used to be 750 and its dropped since being ill to as low as 500, last night I got 678 which made me very happy as a lung disease would damage the tissue, once its damaged it won’t get better so for my reading to be higher than it has been for a long time, it gives me a lot of hope that my lungs aren’t damaged.

My lymph nodes are up and they wouldn’t be from COPD and to the best of my knowledge with other lung diseases that are permanent, also my other symptoms don’t fit a lung or heart disease.

Also my Doctor told me my thyroid was swollen (which is basically a Goiter) last time I was there, well she didn’t mention that this time and a swollen thyroid can only be a number of things, ranging from something that pushes on to the wind pipe (which would cause air hunger), thyroid diseases or cancer, that linked with the fact I have had hair loss on my head, pubic area, legs, eyebrows, my heart has raced a few times, feeling hot, swallowing is a pain sometimes, constipation, oral thrush and swelling around my eyes, also the receptionist told my Mum that my thyroid levels were slightly out when my results came back, this could be due to my Doctor not realizing the safe range changed a few years ago, not that it matters as you can still have a thyroid disease even if your results come back ok (at least with T3, T4, fT3/4 are a different story but I wasn’t tested there).

One thing that has shocked me is her not mentioning the fact my thyroid is swollen, it has been for 7months and I would have thought it would make her want me to have a ultrasound even more as cancer of the thyroid can give normal thyroid readings, plus I have always said its like I have to take a deep breath to expand my wind pipe, I think its also too much of a coincidence that my breathing problems started when I noticed my neck was feeling tight and that my thyroid was swollen.

I did mention my penis problems and I was about to pull my jeans down but as I was feeling upset/worried and the fact she didn’t even know what a Lymphocele was and said in a cockey way "What? well I’ve never heard of that in my life, there’s a Lymphatic vessel there but there’s not a Lymphocele" I then said yes its the Lymp fluid in the vessel that becomes trapped due to swelling, what makes this more funny is its on the NHS website (UK free medical treatment) and she works for the NHS, NHS:


A lymphocele is a hard swelling that suddenly appears on the shaft of the penis after sex or masturbation. It occurs because the lymphatic channels (which make up part of the lymphatic system along with lymph nodes or glands) in your penis have been temporarily blocked. The swelling should soon subside and will not cause any permanent problems.

What is this lump on my penis? - NHS

So I said leave it, its not like I can use it due to my breathing being messed up, she did say to my Mum as I was walking out, I need to get the tests done, when 5minutes before she was trying to put it down to anxiety lol, I’m going to go for the tests hopefully next week (I’m praying these come back perfect), my Mums then going to get me a different Doctor and then I will get my penis looked at as well as ask the new Doctor to get me a ft3/4 thyroid test and an ultrasound of my thyroid (this is if my heart and lungs come back good).

I’ve attached a picture of one of my eyes and my tongue so you can see the inflamed/swollen tissue.

I covered my teeth as the camera made parts of them look very yellow, I think its the light and being in macro mode.

(22.3 KB, 66 views)
(21.0 KB, 56 views)

Did you have these problems before you moved into the house?

You say the house had mould, and that is was removed. What was used to remove it?

It seems that your problems are related to breathing. Your cat died, so it would suggest there is something in the house that you are reacting to, and even poisoning you

Have you mentioned the mould problems to your doctor?

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

I was fine for the first 5months and then I noticed a very slight shortness of breath when walking up the stairs, my cat then died 4months later, he was my older cat (9) that went out every day, my younger cat (3) doesn’t go out as I haven’t had him done and don’t want him fighting or getting an infection and he is fine (thankfully), this also made me think he would be having trouble or dead due to being in doors 24/7 if it was related to mold.

The council hired specialists to remove the mold, the kitchen ceiling/bathroom floor was removed and the area was cleaned and then a new ceiling/floor as well as the surrounding floor boards changed, the mold I spoke of that was in a small area in my Dads room (in the top corner, the bathroom is next door) he finally removed it after a year of me nagging him to with a anti fungus wall cleaner.

No, as I’m not really meant to be living at my Dads, it would force me to change Doctor and that’s not possible due to the agoraphobia, if she had asked have I breathed anything in I would have said I had some in my bedroom (at my Mums) to see if she thought it was related.

I did mention that my Nan died of COPD and that my Dad has it and could it be possible that I have the alpha 1 gene (genetic COPD) and she discarded it straight a way, she didn’t even ask if certain things make my breathing worst, I think its due to COPD being seen as a diseases that needs long term exposure to things that can harm the lungs, my Nan/Dad as well as hes two brothers lived with the really bad mold for 4years (brothers are fine), my Nan also done a job that let off fumes and my Dad used to remold car tires and breath in all the crap.

Sorry for the double post, I forgot to add this.

My Dad gets out of breath always when doing something physical, it can be just walking to the bathroom (15steps), he doesn’t get out of breath sitting or talking.

I get out of breath when talking in a flowing conversation but I can walk to the bathroom and be fine (its 50/50 here) and when I left the Doctors the last two times, me my Mum and sister walked to the chemist which is a 10minute walk and my breathing is fine, my breathing is hit and miss it seems, last night when I got out of the bath and walked down stairs I was fine but as I went to say something I had to take a deep breath, other times I get out of the bath and walk downstairs and I need to force air in, while typing this (just sitting down) I have had to force air in twice, it does make sense that I will get out of breath doing something physical if I do sometimes from just sitting or talking, it doesn’t make sense that sometimes I don’t get out of breath when doing something physical (I’m hoping this adds to no lung damage or heart problem) also when I feel breathless when talking I have made a habit of checking my heart rate and it seems to be beating normal.

Have you tried doing a Google search on Breathing Problems? And have you had your lungs X-rayed (sorry if you have mentioned it) Ad the main point When did this problem start - Have you had it since birth . If not where were you when it started?

Those are basic questions. If you could think around those and take note when it is less or more troublesome you might find a lead to avoiding the problem.

These are things from the top of my head. Sorry if you have tried them all. But thinking around them may just trigger a thought which could lead you to the cause.

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Last edited by petitfaun : 02-01-2009 at .

Man you sound in bad shape.
I wouldn’t trust the first doctor you see especially NHS. (You should of punched her)
How old is the house? Because if it’s very old it could of had Asbestos, so when they removed the ceiling and stuff could of thrown it up into the air.

It sounds like lymph fluid, I think your penis is fine it’s the rest of you which needs to be sorted.
The tissue under your tongue looks quite swollen.
I hope your going to be ok.
And I hope the next Doctor ain’t a retard.(I still think you should have punched her)

I hope your results come back safe.

Get well soon.

Mr whiskers

Current Stats: 6.9BPEL/6.4NBPEL 5.5MEG.

Current Goal: 7BPEL/6.5NBPEL 5.75MEG.

Originally Posted by petitfaun
Have you tried doing a Google search on Breathing Problems? And have you had your lungs X-rayed (sorry if you have mentioned it) Ad the main point When did this problem start - Have you had it since birth . If not where were you when it started?

Those are basic questions. If you could think around those and take note when it is less or more troublesome you might find a lead to avoiding the problem.

These are things from the top of my head. Sorry if you have tried them all. But thinking around them may just trigger a thought which could lead you to the cause.

Yep, I think I’ve tried every possible search string and it always leads to thyroid problems given my other symptoms and without the other symptoms it could be COPD or another lung problem.

I should be having an x ray this week as well as a electrocardiogram.

It started 5months after moving in to my Dads, I didn’t think any thing of it at the time as it was just a tiny difference, then 7months ago I had the symptoms I have now.

The Doctor did say my lungs were clear from listening with a stethoscope the first time I was there and the strange thing is I was struggling with breathing due to taking deep breaths for her.

Thanks for the reply :) .

Originally Posted by MisterWhiskers
Man you sound in bad shape.
I wouldn’t trust the first doctor you see especially NHS. (You should of punched her)
How old is the house? Because if it’s very old it could of had Asbestos, so when they removed the ceiling and stuff could of thrown it up into the air.

It sounds like lymph fluid, I think your penis is fine it’s the rest of you which needs to be sorted.
The tissue under your tongue looks quite swollen.
I hope your going to be ok.
And I hope the next Doctor ain’t a retard.(I still think you should have punched her)

I hope your results come back safe.

Get well soon.

Mr whiskers

lol She is actually a very good Doctor, she sorted my Mums problem out and my sisters when she had been to hospital twice for it, I think shes better with women, if I wasn’t so ill I would have sent her the print out from the NHS website.

I’m not sure, I will ask my Dad when I see him later, its at least 100years old though.

The work was done around four years ago I think, so I’m hoping it would have been sorted, I also just read this:

“The symptoms of these diseases often do not appear for between 20 -30 years after exposure to asbestos.”

I am in doors near enough all the time, so I haven’t even been getting fresh air, which would probably make the symptoms come out quicker.

I do have two other penis problems, I have also now noticed I cant get an erection when laying down, it explains why I haven’t been getting morning erections but this is definitely more important.

Thanks :) .


I had my chest x ray and ECG on Thursday (just gone).

Here’s what happened, I go in and have one x ray done by a female radiologist, she then tells me to wait outside in case another is needed, I get called back in five minutes later and I presumed it was because I hadn’t held my breath and messed up the test, she then wants to do another x ray for my lower ribs/lungs (I’m tall and very broad) while shes moving me, she asks if I play Rugby, when I say no she says I should, I just laugh and the test is done.

I then go outside and she comes outside and says my Doctor will have my results within 7 to 10days.

I then thought, if my lungs looked scarred or damaged, surely she wouldn’t be saying I should play Rugby?

She looked fit her self, especially for her age (around 60 I would say), the people that were in before me, she walked out and said you can go and then walked back in, with me she told me when my Doctor would have the results, I think this was because I said thank you after both x rays, 7 to 10days is standard so this gives me more hope that my lungs look fine, I’m sure if there was damage they would be sent through quicker (my form says “Shortness Of Breath? Cause”).

I had the ECG and the nurse asked if I done a sport (lol I have gained weight since being ill and feel/look like shit) at the end she said “looks like a pretty normal ECG to me”.

Only a Doctor by law is allowed to say if anything is wrong or not, it was obvious the ECG nurse said that to let me know my hearts ok, I’m just praying the radiologist made the Rugby comment because she can see my lungs are fine.

I think I noticed a lymph node up in my chest (my neck ones have been up for over 7months), I looked it up and came across a disease called Sarcoidosis, I think its possible this is what I have.

It most commonly arises in young adults. (I’m 20)
Symptoms usually appear gradually but can occasionally appear suddenly. (Mine was gradually)

Common symptoms are vague:

fatigue unchanged by sleep (I wake up more tired than when I went to sleep)
lack of energy (Sometimes)
weight loss (No)
aches and pains (I sometimes ache in my arms, its not painful though)
arthralgia (No)
dry eyes (Yes, I also found another site that says the corner tissue swells and mine is swollen)
blurry vision (Colors can sometimes drag, not really blurry though)
shortness of breath (Yes :( )
a dry hacking cough (No)
skin lesions (No, my skin has gone dryer)

Originally Posted by Wiki
The exact cause of sarcoidosis is not known. The current working hypothesis is that in genetically susceptible individuals sarcoidosis is caused through alteration in immune response after exposure to an environmental, occupational, or infectious agent

This fits in as well, as I moved to my Dads.

Originally Posted by Wiki
Thyroid disease

In women a substantial association of thyroid disease and sarcoidosis has been reported. The association is less marked but still significant for male patients. Female patients have a significantly elevated risk for hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and thyroid autoimmunity and it appears that autoimmunity is very important in the pathogenesis of thyroid disease in this population. Thyroid granulomatosis on the other hand is uncommon

This would explain my swollen thyroid and thyroid symptoms (hair loss ect)

The good news is this:

Originally Posted by Wiki
Approximately half of the cases resolve or can be cured within 12-36 months and most within 5 years. Some cases persist several decades.


I Phoned for my results and was told my x ray was fine :D .

I have to take the heart results in to her, even though I know shes going to say there fine.

I’ll update the thread on whats going to happen next.


I’m still alive and still having tests |-{ .

I had another blood test for:


Glandular Fever Screen

Clinical Boichemistry:

Renal Profile
Thyroid Profile
Liver Profile
Vitamin B12
Bone Profile





I also had a Thyroid Ultrasound Scan.

The blood test results showed very high thyroid hormone levels which my new female Doctor said was causing ALL my symptons, which would be fantastic, I’m not so sure though.

Here’s what the Doctor (one that scanned my thyroid) wrote regarding my thyroid ultrasound results:

Both lobes of the thyroid glands are normal in size.
There are multiple small hypoechoic nodules seen in both lobes and ishthmus measuring 2 to 5mm.
No other abnormality seen.

There are several small lymph nodes seen in the left jugular chain. All of these have morphological features of reactive nodes.

I didn’t go to the Doctors, my mum went for me and she said the Doctor wrote a letter and faxed it off there for me to see a specialist, she then said she doesn’t want to worry me but I will need some more tests, lol basically the nice way of saying we have to rule out cancer.

If anyone was interested in what the scan results meant:

hypoechoic nodules are more likely to be cancer
the ishthmus is the middle part of the thyroid that connects the two sides
the lymph nodes in my left jugular chain are a sign of a infection
reactive nodes mean the infection is still there

I think they may want to remove my thyroid whether its cancerous or not, just to be on the safe side, if it fixes me I’m not bothered, my penis is still messed up, I’m pretty sure I have mondor’s disease due to the hard lump in my dorsal vein, when I go and see my Doctor in 2weeks I will get her to look and demand a scan, I’m positive she will give it to me, especially since the thyroid results show I wasn’t exaggerating when I said I noticed a change in my neck/thyroid.

I’m just praying this can all be fixed, it seems like an unbelievable dream when I think if it was the hormone I could be fixed and exercising my body/penis and feeling good and then start studying, maybe I’m just thinking that since I’ve been like this for so long, my breathing hasn’t appeared to have got worst which is obviously good.

I had so many goals I wanted to achieve for when I turned 21 (which was yesterday), the only one I done was quit smoking, I done that 3weeks ago today but I should have been sorted psychically (felt good about myself) started A levels, been seeing a councilor and maybe even gained some penis length lol, I suppose its not a big deal as long as I do get fixed and am able to move on and do everything once I’m better, just seems like I’m on pause at the moment, then I get un paused told one thing (more tests) and then paused again, things should pick up quick with the specialist though and I think a positive way of looking at it is I’m more closer to having this sorted than not (I would say 65% now).

I will update the thread once I see the specialist :) .

I’m sure everything will be fixed and one day you’ll be one of us big gainers. All the best and keep us updated.

Originally Posted by marinera
I’m sure everything will be fixed and one day you’ll be one of us big gainers. All the best and keep us updated.

Thanks a lot and I will :) .

I have an appointment in two weeks with an endocrinologist (29th May), I will update the thread with what happens after.

Little update:

Saw the endocrinologist (he was a professor as well) and he seemed a bit of a waste of time, I don’t think he liked the fact I didn’t want the female student in the room who’s nickers he was probably trying to get in to, he asked me if I had a scan when my doctor sent him the results, I said yes and told him the results to which he said nothing, he then felt around my neck and said everything is fine, even though my scan results show problems lol.

Anyway hes testing my blood for more stuff (around 9tests) and a urine sample, its not actually my thyroid hormone that’s high, its my parathyroid hormone, which fits in with some of my symptoms but not my shortness of breath, my new doctor has promised me (in fact 3times in the space of 20minutes, shes really nice ;) ) that she will fix me, she thinks the breathings down to anxiety, I really hope it is and I do think there’s a chance as I have been suffering with a lot in the last two years (depression, agoraphobia, mum attempted suicide, cat died, interrupted sleep for 10months due noise next door, as well as worrying about sorting my life out) plus parathyroid problems can cause anxiety.

Only thing is I don’t feel anxious, I have made a thread about that in the The Blue Chair section of the forum.


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