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Penis vs. Ruler

Penis vs. Ruler

Was just looking at the ruler I have next to me (just got done taking measurements b4 my next experiment) and happen to glance at my bpel spot of 7.75 and I’m like “Wtf there is no way my dick is that big, I refuse to believe it reaches this far on the ruler). Everyone should really look at their ruler for a second and just realize actually how be you are. I looked at my goal spot of 10” and i’m like “wtf do I really need that, at 10” I won’t have to worry about the chicks being scared and running, but more worried about scaring the shit out of myself if I look at it without being prepared”(yes I actually said all that to myself aloud, I think verbally quite often lol)

Side note: Did anyone just see nate diaz get german suplexed 3x like some chris benot/eddie guererro type shit lol?

Start:7.5 BPEL X 5 MSEG

Goal: 7 MSEG

Heere We GOOooh!

Last edited by LordVayne : 05-01-2011 at . Reason: spelling error

Originally Posted by LordVayne

Was just looking at the ruler I have next to me (just got done taking measurements b4 my next experiment) and happen to glance at my bpel spot of 7.75 and I’m like “Wtf there is no way my dick is that big, I refuse to believe it reaches this far on the ruler). Everyone should really look at their ruler for a second and just realize actually how be you are. I looked at my goal spot of 10” and i’m like “wtf do I really need that, at 10” I won’t have to worry about the chicks being scared and running, but more worried about scaring the shit out of myself if I look at it without being prepared”(yes I actually said all that to myself aloud, I think verbally quite often lol)

Side note: Did anyone just see nate diaz get german suplexed 3x like some chris benot/eddie guererro type shit lol?

It mostly depends on the individual person’s perception of things, but to me 8bpx6 dose not seem that big to me.(last measurement I taken in Nov ‘10)

Maybe it’s just me then but the numbers look waaay bigger on the ruler

Start:7.5 BPEL X 5 MSEG

Goal: 7 MSEG

Heere We GOOooh!

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