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Perineal Hernia

Perineal Hernia

So I think I may have a problem, in the form of a hernia. I’ve never had one before, so I don’t know what the symptoms are like. However, I find that when I brace my midsection with a lot of pressure (like under a heavy squat) I can get a dull ache that can range from uncomfortable to “holy shit, it’s on fire!” The pain is right in my perineum a few inches behind my sack. However, it will only tend to kick in when applying a TON of force, and only then after several reps/sets. The first time this happened was 7 years ago. I had a constipation problem while I was in high school. Since, it reoccurs rarely, but I’ve been going after some really heavy weights this summer training.

What kind of doctor can help me with this? If I have to get surgery, should I be worried about my boys and my penis? While this isn’t debilitating, some of the hernia problems I’ve read are rather worrisome if not treated.

Perineal hernias are extraordinarily rare in people who have not undergone pelvic surgery. Obturator hernias are somewhat less rare, but still very uncommon, but there the pain is usually felt in the inner thigh area, and they are more common in women.

I think it is more likely that your symptoms are due to muscle strain in the pelvic floor muscles. If you go to an MD with these symptoms, I suspect you will wind up having a CT scan done.

Thank you. I read through there and that is not where I feel pain at all. I guess I’ll go to my general-practitioner on this one, and not an orthopedic or anything.

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