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Pimple or herpes picture inside

Pimple or herpes picture inside

Ok so I just noticed a small white lump on my penis after I got out the shower.

To me it looked like A pimple but I want to be sure. I did pop it and white stuff came out like

A pimple. I was Masturbating allot because I haven’t seen my Girlfriend in A long time and I

Mention this because I read somewhere if you masturbate allot you can cause a pimple to

Grow on your penis. So I hope I get a good answer because I really don’t want to go to the doctor.

Sorry if the picture is to blurry but that’s the best I can do.

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Please anybody reply I’m really worried

Can I get at least one reply.

I don’t think it is herpes. I had a benign tumor on my unit years ago that doctors mistook for a wart, and it was darker and raised off of the shaft.

My guess is that you have a pimple.

Thank you for your reply.

Originally Posted by gbe600
My guess is that you have a pimple.

That’s my guess too, but it’s kind of blury so we can’t be 100% sure.

p.s: What is wrong with your writing ?

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

Pimple or ingrown hair is my guess. But the pic is blurry. Who could tell?

Check with your doc if you are worried or if it does not clear up.



It’s is clearly a pimple. Leave it alone for a few days and stop all PE that causes friction in that are. Keep your self clean, KEEP ALL OILS AWAY, and warm up frequently. Before you know it, it should be gone before late next week. Trust me I know pimples in that area.

What bothers me about your thread is why would you think it was herpes? If you are putting yourself at risk then maybe this scare should clue you in to be a hell of a lot more careful when it comes to sexual practices.
Read up as much as you can about the 9 sexual diseases (11 if you found scabies and crabs), go purchase a condom wallet, and keep a level head whenever it comes to sex. I am not trying to make you gel bad, I myself have had a big scare in the past and had to protect myself from that point on.

Even if you did have herpes is not a big freggin’ deal anymore. It’s a skin rash not something that will compromise your immune system and lead to a painful death.

Looks like a pimple and white pus sounds like a pimple.

If the pocket was larger and had somewhat of a clear liquid some out of it then you might get checked for herpes.

Take care,

4Foreskin ;)

Doesn’t look like herpes to me.

Yes, looks like a pimple. What would make you think its herpes, especially if you have a girlfriend and I would assume you’re masturbating because you’re not cheating on her? Does she happen to have herpes? Just curious why you would possibly think that.

And lastly, not to be a dick, but this is a forum not live chat. You will get a reply because everyone here is very helpful, but you need to have a little more patience than 3 posts in 20 minutes complaining about not getting a reply.

If this is herpes then you should be able to see some fluid in the vesicle soon. There might a few more of the blisters growing around the single “growth” and they are usually quite painful and itchy.You may also feel really tired before the development of the symptoms. This usually runs it’s course after a 1 or 2 weeks when all the blisters disappeared.

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