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Pink patch on penis after masturbating

Pink patch on penis after masturbating

I get blisters that pop and soar over and completely heal within a week if I masturbate with no lotion. Well this time, I did its and it hurt and it scabbed over and I masturbated again and I pulled the scab off that was attempting to heal, It stung and it hasn’t went away for exactly a month tomorrow.

I need some help. I just bought scar away last night, but wondering will this bright pink ever even out. I’m dark skinned and it looks raw pink and bad. Need help who had this before.

I wish I never played with my self that night

Any help please?

I presume you are circumcised.

It’s very easy to damage yourself with an intense masturbation session. The skin of the penis can take a long time to even out. If it’s actual scarring, it will fade over time but it will take many years and probably won’t ever be as it was. More likely it’s simply fresh skin and you are continuing to rub against it and keeping it from healing properly. Try masturbating just the glans for a while until it evens out. Like any minor skin injury, air and leaving it alone will reap rewards.

Also, try to avoid picking of scabs. They form for a reason.

Generally, though, actual blisters are an unusual side effect of masturbation. They may be indicative of an STD but are more likely over enthusiasm. If you think it’s the latter, then try to treat your penis a little more carefully. It’s possible to reach orgasm without even touching yourself, so you can certainly do it with a little more care.

I hope that helps. Sorry you had to wait so long. Maybe more responses will follow.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Thanks, it looks real bad, I have scar away pads on it now hope it goes away, its completely healed I think

But if I never pulled that scab off I would be fine

I hope scar away works

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