Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penis Size


Penis Size

When deciding whether penis enlargement is something you should pursue, it is worth considering whether your initial size is a problem to you and why it’s a problem.

For a heterosexual man or a gay man of limited experience, judging how one’s penis size fits into the spectrum of what is normal can be very hard. Porn provides a vastly skewed image of normal and partners who have complained about size might have motives other than being truthful. It’s worth considering, therefore, whether your desire for a larger penis is based on your lack of knowledge about the size of the average penis or maybe whether it’s based on feedback from a partner attempting to hurt and concentrating on something that is seen as central to the male ego.

Penis Size Surveys

If you want to skip this section, the average length of the penis is between 5 and 7 inches and the average erect girth is between 4 and 5.5 inches.

If you aren’t from the US or maybe think NASA should measure everything in metric, view the metric version.

Kinsey Report

Dr. Alfred Kinsey provided a large scale survey of penis size. Below is a graph showing the length results, alternatively see this penis length table. To compare your size to this graph: measure your penis whilst fully erect, from the top, with the base of the ruler from the point at which the penis meets the skin around the pubic area without pressing in. If you are uncircumcised ensure your foreskin is retracted.

Enlarged Penis Length Graph

Below is a graph of erect girth against the percentage of men with that girth. To measure yourself, use a tailors tape or string and measure around the middle of the shaft when fully erect. Alternatively view the data in a penis girth table.

Enlarged Penis Girth Graph

This data was reinterpreted by Jamison and Gebhard (Journal for Sex Research 24: 177-183. 1988) to produce median results:

Standard Deviation
Flaccid penis length 3.89 0.73
Erect penis length 6.21 0.77
Flaccid penis circumference 3.75 0.65
Erect penis circumference 4.85 0.71
Erectile increase in length 2.30 0.71
Erectile increase in circumference 1.11 0.52

Kinsey has a survey size of 3,500.

The Definitive Penis Size Survey

This survey is something that leverages the power of the Internet. It is therefore self reporting but the similarity of the results to Kinsey are striking and so it seems reasonable to assume that bogus entries are overwhelmed by good entries.

The sample size is currently 2,545 which is slightly smaller than Kinsey but certainly enough to to provide good results. In this survey the length results are measured BP, which means the ruler is pressed into the pubic bone on the top of the penis. This removes the effect of the fat pad over the pubic bone which can easily be over 0.5”. Most people on the forum push as as hard as possible when using this method, which may mean they are measuring longer than people in this survey for the same physical length. The girth shown is also larger than in Kinsey but girth is harder to measure and tends to increase if the erection is allowed to fade slightly whilst measuring, it is not unreasonable to assume that respondents will attempt to measure the maximum dimensions rather than the fully erect dimensions.

Standard Deviation
Flaccid penis length 3.4 1.1
Erect penis length 6.4 1.2
Erect penis circumference 5.0 1.0

This survey is well designed and comprehensive, also probing the psychology of penis size.

The Definitive Penis Size Survey

Still Unsatisfied With Your Penis Size?


  1. Your erect length is less than 5” and your erect girth is less that 4”, you are below average.
  2. Your erect length is 5-7” and your erect girth is 4-5.5”, you are average.
  3. Your erect length is over 6.21” and your erect girth is over 4.85”, you are larger than the majority of other men

If you fit into category 1, it’s worth remembering that you need to be well below average to be considered truly small or suffering from microphallus.

If you fit into category 2 you are perfectly normal. Your penis size is the size penises are meant to be. You are perfectly capable of satisfying a lover and in fact an increase in size may negatively impact on your sex life.

In category 3 you can walk down the street safe in the knowledge that the majority of men you meet will be smaller than you. Does that help?

What Penis Enlargement Won't Do

Penis Enlargement is a physical thing, it’s about taking something of one size and transforming it into another, it will not:

  • Mend a broken psyche
    If you are worrying about your penis size it is probably simply a focus for something bigger. If you change your penis size the original issue will not be fixed.
  • Give you a better chance of bedding more people
    A larger penis will not suddenly make you incredibly witty and capable of talking someone into a blow job behind a club
  • Fix a broken relationship
    If you think you will be able to satisfy your partner or bring back to life a dying relationship, you are as wrong as those people who think having a child will fix their relationship.
  • Make you a sex god
    If you can't use your dick effectively or you are simple crap in bed, a larger penis will not change this.

If you expect any of these things from penis enlargement, you are expecting too much and you may want to look at what the real problem is. If you can’t get a romantic or sexual partner, when was the last time you asked someone? If your long term relationship is not working out, do you even talk about things other than bills or maybe offspring and when was the last time you had sex when you weren’t tired and incapable doing more than falling into the same old positions and durations?

Penis Enlargement will focus you on your penis and it may, especially if it doesn’t work - and it may not, make you feel a lot worse about yourself than you currently do. For it to succeed at all it needs to be run like a military operation and if you can’t spare an hour in your day 5 days a week, you will become quickly frustrated.

If you want to succeed, you must bring a skeptical but positive attitude to it and be willing to spend a great deal of time over a period of one or two years.

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

Make a Donation This place runs on donations, help out if you can. Thanks.

That’s what I’ll have to do. Run my PE like a military operation. There’s no other choice in my case. This is it. My life hangs in the balance.

Wow really good information here!

Note: Clamplover is a pseudonym of Stillwantmore, a previously banned member. He has a commercial interest in "The Penis Clamp" and previously had an interest in the “malehanger”. Please treat any of his posts with suspicion.

Great thread Thunder. You da man!

Started PE 6/14/13. BPEL 6.5", NBPEL 5.5", MSEG 4.75"

7/18/13 BPEL 6.75, NBPEL 5.75, MSEG 4.875

8/9/13 BPEL 7", NBPEL 6", MSEG 4.875

Thanks! I remember there was a thread on the penis size of Thunders Place members based on the starting statistics, but I can’t find it anymore. Could someone drop a link?

Start 08/01/2013: BPEL 6.50 EG 5.70

First goal: BPEL 7.00 EG 6.00

Thanks for sharing this wonderful information. The penis length table showing really good information.

It’s crazy to me that Kinsey’s results (old school) suggest an average NBPEL of 6.21”, while thunder’s place (new age/internet) suggests an average BPEL of 6.4”. It seems like a few things could be happening: 1) Kinsey’s data overestimates, 2) My penis is smaller than average, so maybe I’m just jealous, regardless of the results, 3) differences in diet and exposure to chemicals and wavelengths are shrinking our penises, 4) contrary to belief, our fore(skin)fathers already knew about PE.

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

Originally Posted by NateTheGreat4
It’s crazy to me that Kinsey’s results (old school) suggest an average NBPEL of 6.21”, while thunder’s place (new age/internet) suggests an average BPEL of 6.4”. It seems like a few things could be happening: 1) Kinsey’s data overestimates, 2) My penis is smaller than average, so maybe I’m just jealous, regardless of the results, 3) differences in diet and exposure to chemicals and wavelengths are shrinking our penises, 4) contrary to belief, our fore(skin)fathers already knew about PE.

Many of the survey’s put the erect legth of a mail in America at slightly under 6” measured without pressing in. Girth is around 5”.

I watched a porn interview with a currently active porn actress. The interviewer guy asked, has guys ever been intimidated cause you fucked and sucked so many dicks, many of them huge? She said, “that’s for the viewer. If I ever had a boyfriend that was Lexington Steele size, it’s not happening. That shit hurt. I make it look good for the camera but in reality my ideal size is far smaller, maybe a little above average. I believe an average sized dick, which most men have, was made for average sized pussies. If course there are exceptions but for the majority it holds true

Try to have an impressive dick, rather than an intimidating one. Bigger is not always better. Find a happy medium

Originally Posted by NateTheGreat4
It’s crazy to me that Kinsey’s results (old school) suggest an average NBPEL of 6.21", while thunder’s place (new age/internet) suggests an average BPEL of 6.4". It seems like a few things could be happening: 1) Kinsey’s data overestimates, 2) My penis is smaller than average, so maybe I’m just jealous, regardless of the results, 3) differences in diet and exposure to chemicals and wavelengths are shrinking our penises, 4) contrary to belief, our fore(skin)fathers already knew about PE.

For what is worth, Kinsey study was self-reported. The guys measured their own dicks. Studies where medical personal do the measuring put average length at under 6 and girth at right under 5.

Indiana University Bloomington

Originally Posted by Kinsey Institute
]Men were asked: "How long is your penis, measuring on the top side from your belly out to the tip?" They were each given a pre-stamped card to take home, and instructed to mark the length on the card when flaccid and when erect. Approximately 2500 men participated.

Also, during interviews with over 4,000 men, the interviewer asked the subject to estimate his penis size. The interviewer would hold out a ruler (the numerals were not visible to the subject) and move his finger along it.

There was a slight underestimation of penis size, compared with actual measurements.
(Gebhard & Johnson 1979, p. 116.)

Ansel Condom did a study where medical professionals measured the guys. Average was 5.877 x 4.972. -condom-stuff.c … on/research.htm

Originally Posted by Ansel/Lifestyle
Erect Penis Length

The average erect penis length was 5.877 inches (14.928cm).
Standard deviation was 0.825 inches (2.096cm) with 54% of the effective sample measuring between 5.5 inches (14cm) and 6.3 inches (16cm).

Erect Penis Girth

The average erect penis girth was 4.972 inches (12.63cm).
Standard deviation was 0.508 inches (1.29cm) or with 53.33% of the effective sample measuring between 4.725 inches (12cm) and 5.118 inches (13cm).


It is fair to say that in all cases, where medical staff has measured erect penis size, the average length has been below 6 inches and in every case where the surveys rely on self-measurement and voluntary reporting the average leaps over six inches. Interestingly average girth remains around 5 inches in all surveys.

Using the figure of 5.877 inches from the LifeStyles Condoms Average Penis Size Survey it appears that men on average exaggerate their penis length by a quarter to a half an inch when they are permitted to measure and report their own size.

Last edited by sta-kool : 08-29-2014 at .

The hardest part about this chart is that it’s NBPEL. If I were to do NBPEL, which is how I originally started, the measurements differ all the time. It’s because I can’t seem to place the ruler in the exact same spot. It’s okay to be 1/16”-1/8” off when your just collecting data. But when your PEing, every 1/16” counts and we want to see it.

BPEL Start: 5 15/16". BPEL Current: 7 1/4". Short Term BPEL Goal: 7 1/2". Long Term BPEL 8"

BEELIT Start: 6", BPELIT Current: 6.1/4"

EG Start: 5". EG Current: 5 1/8". Short Term EG Goal: 5.25". Long Term EG: 6

Here the group has some graphic or current study shows that the variation in height and penis size, among users, which will average the group.

I missed this thread.

Firstly, what Thunder says initially is bang on.

This isn’t psychotherapy.

This won’t save relationships.

And it won’t make you better in bed.

What it will do, if you treat it like a military operation, is change your life completely and comprehensively.

Even a 1/4” growth in either direction will evangelize you to the point where you can do nothing but continue to grow.

Then, taking this work ethic into other areas of your life, you can attain growth in those areas also.

Thunders is life then. Live on!

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Originally Posted by a-unit
I missed this thread.

Firstly, what Thunder says initially is bang on.

This isn’t psychotherapy.

This won’t save relationships.

And it won’t make you better in bed.

What it will do, if you treat it like a military operation, is change your life completely and comprehensively.

Even a 1/4” growth in either direction will evangelize you to the point where you can do nothing but continue to grow.

Then, taking this work ethic into other areas of your life, you can attain growth in those areas also.

Thunders is life then. Live on!

Damn straight!

Problem solving with fire.

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