Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Position Dependant EQ and Loss Of EQ


Position Dependant EQ and Loss Of EQ

Hello. I can’t post in "Men’s sexual health" , I would appreciate if a mod could move it there. Thank you!

So I don’t really know when this was an issue, but since I started PE I am more aware of anything that happens with my member.

I almost never have a problem with getting a good erection. But lately I have noticed it easily fades away rather quickly, especially if I change my position.

If I sit on the edge of the bed, with my legs apart, I easily get a 10.5/10 erection. But if I stand up it starts to go away within seconds. Also, If I lie on the bed and I get a full erection, it’s like 1cm shorter than my measurement on the edge of the bed.

My morning woods are also less often these days, the only thing that didn’t change is my max erection level.

I am doing PE for 2 days now, just manual stretching and moderate jelqing. No negative PI, physically.

So my question is, if you get rock hard, does it fade away without stimulation?

I also feel my libido low, but would that affect the EQ maintaining part? Because it is the only thing that worries me.

I will completely stop porn and ejaculating for now and I’ll be back with updates.


How old are you? Could be early stage ED, could be other things.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

I’m 35.

But I was thinking and I think it’s mostly a libido problem and perhaps too much porn (daily, in the evening).
Sometimes I just scroll through videos and nothing seems exciting enough. That is when EQ is not at it’s best.
But sometimes I feel horny and any video looks exciting enough. That is when EQ doesn’t seem to be a problem (if I remember correctly).

I even noticed a big ejaculation volume difference between the two states.
And I said 2 days, but I am practicing PE for 2 weeks, after reading 100s of posts here.

Also read a lot about venous leak and that is what worries me. I don’t see how it can be natural to be hard in one position and as soon as you change or get out of bed it starts to go away rather quickly.

I guess I will see how it goes with 0 porn and masturbation for one month and decide if I should get a doppler ultrasound to check the blood flow.

Also, my lifestyle (and mostly the amount of food consumed) was not the best in the past two weeks, lost a little bit of weight (and I’m pretty skinny), feel fatigued during the day.
So all in all, I think it is mostly a lifestyle induced condition. I hope.

How was your EQ goal treating you, btw?

Noticed it was your priority

Stress, poor health or feeling not up to par, tiredness are all potential EQ zappers. I agree with cutting porn ro help the problem. You didnt mention mastubation, but too much can also have a negative impact.

My situation is different from yours, and different than most guys. I do have ED and as a result I pay close attention to penis health and EQ. I take 5mg cialis every day, pump regularly, even if it is just a quick session just to get fresh blood circulating fhrough my penis. If I suspect something is off I quickly adjust my process to get back on track. I’m also on hormone replacement therapy to keep my T level up.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

I’m glad you have the dedication and self-management to keep things under control. I guess you got used to it.

I don’t know how I forgot to mention one thing. Two actually.
1. 3 days ago, in the morning (I was not awake but not sleeping) I felt a sharp pain in my upper shaft, close to the glans. I think that was the spot but not sure. Short duration, 1-2 sec, like someone put a needle in it.

2. I don’t feel pain, but sometimes I feel a. Feeling in my groin area. Like a mild pressure, I just feel that zone, mostly the pubic bone zone.
As I mentioned, in the 2 weeks of PE, I went pretty easy, I guess. Dry jelqs with moderate pressure (I am uncut so I use my skin as lube). With stretches though, I use a little bit of force, but heat up really well before my exercises. Let’s say 100 jelqs (OK + V) and 10-15 mins of stretching.
In my last session (2 days ago), I had to take a lot of breaks, I kept getting too erect, without porn or any mental stimulation. Even stretching was at about 20-30%. Did some light stretching before jelqs and moderate + a little force after jelqs.

Should I take a break from PE for now? Or just continue it with extremely low intensity?

Originally Posted by GoGainsGo
I felt a sharp pain in my upper shaft, close to the glans. I think that was the spot but not sure. Short duration, 1-2 sec, like someone put a needle in it.

I had that happen occasionally for the first year after I started PE. I think it’s just angry nerves unkinking or something; it never affected EQ as far as I could tell.

Being a hypochondriac, the first time it happened, I was sure I’d wrecked myself, though.

Andy, I honestly never felt like it would be a problem to be honest. And I still think it’s not, just a reaction to effort, probably a nerve, yes. I’m also a bit hypocondriac, so I feel you.

Originally Posted by GoGainsGo
Andy, I honestly never felt like it would be a problem to be honest. And I still think it’s not, just a reaction to effort, probably a nerve, yes. I’m also a bit hypocondriac, so I feel you.

I don’t mean to worry you extra, but I have read that positional ED can be a sign of cardiovascular issues.
How good is your cardio health and fitness? Do you get exercise on a regular basis?

STARTING: BPEL: 5.9in EG: 5.0in

2018: BPEL: 6.7in EG: 5.3in

NOW (start 1/2024): BPEL: 6.9in. EG: 5.4in

Originally Posted by richardfitswell
I don’t mean to worry you extra, but I have read that positional ED can be a sign of cardiovascular issues.
How good is your cardio health and fitness? Do you get exercise on a regular basis?

I guess my body needs more than average recovery time, I know it does for muscle mass gain, a bruise disappearing and so on.

The thing that bothers me is that I don’t know what the "texture" of my tissue means. My flaccid is clearly bigger and fuller than before PE, but it is also a little hard, spongy. Not entirely flaccid. My 80% erection feels also really spongy and elastic and I am having trouble maintaining one. Also, can’t go to 100%.
I tried to masturbate last evening after the session, couldn’t get a proper erection. And it felt different, very little excitement and sensation. Orgasm and load were also low.
I have also read about position ED and it’s link to venous leak, but I don’t think that’s the issue, because it is not consistent. Also woke up with a decent morning wood this morning which made me happy.

Well I do smoke for 20 years, I am planning to quit these days. And I will.
I am underweight, I work as a bartender so I don’t just sit around, cardio is not an issue.
Past couple of weeks I had bad appetite and lost a little bit of weight (2-3 pounds), which is not common for me because of my metabolism. I have had roughly the same height/weight in the past 20 years or so. But that lack of appetite was mostly due to extreme weather (very hot), since a lot of my friends experienced that fatigue and loss of appetite.

I am starting today some bodybuilding exercises since I am really looking into taking care of my body.

Originally Posted by GoGainsGo
My flaccid is clearly bigger and fuller than before PE, but it is also a little hard, spongy. Not entirely flaccid.

That’s normal, and generally a desired result.

My 80% erection feels also really spongy and elastic and I am having trouble maintaining one. Also, can’t go to 100%.
I tried to masturbate last evening after the session, couldn’t get a proper erection. And it felt different, very little excitement and sensation. Orgasm and load were also low.

That’s generally a sign you’re doing too much or too extreme PE. However, orgasm and ejaculation problems are usually an indication that there’s some other problem. Because I began detailed life logging when I started PE, I know that, at least for me, EQ will begin to suffer a day or two before flu or seasonal allergy symptoms become apparent.

I have also read about position ED and it’s link to venous leak, but I don’t think that’s the issue, because it is not consistent. Also woke up with a decent morning wood this morning which made me happy.

Definitely not a venous leak. As I understand it, a venous leak is something you’re born with, and it doesn’t get better without surgical intervention.

I am underweight, I work as a bartender so I don’t just sit around, cardio is not an issue.
Past couple of weeks I had bad appetite and lost a little bit of weight (2-3 pounds), which is not common for me because of my metabolism. I have had roughly the same height/weight in the past 20 years or so. But that lack of appetite was mostly due to extreme weather (very hot), since a lot of my friends experienced that fatigue and loss of appetite.

Personally, I’d blame the EQ problem on that. Keep on with your PE routine for now; if EQ doesn’t improve when the weather gets better, ease up on the routine a bit and see what happens.

Past the early 20s, EQ varies all the time. Someone with an average sex life might never know. But when you’re doing PE you’re paying a lot more attention to your penis, and you learn all kinds of interesting new things to worry about.

I am starting today some bodybuilding exercises since I am really looking into taking care of my body.

A lot of board members start general improvement programs after starting PE. No use having a big dick if you look like a scarecrow or Jabba the Hutt.

Have you done a fitness program before, or is this your first time? Do you have the budget for a gym membership or your own equipment, or are you going to have to make do with what you can do in an apartment or rented room, on the cheap?

I might be able to make some relevant suggestions. There are some guys here far more experienced than I am who might chip in as well.

Andy, thank you so much for your responses.
I am pretty sure nothing is wrong with my member, it is just different since I treat it differently.
I will ease down the exercises, my routine was:
7-8 min warm up with rice sock, until I feel heat emanate out of my member and the groin area turns just a little red. I also add a cup of water in the microwave, it makes the sock a little moist.
3-4 mins light stretch (15 sec all directions with rotary stretches between changing directions)
30 dry jelqs + 20 V jelqs (3 sets)
5-6 mins moderate stretches, about 40 sec in all directions + rotary between. Apply some force in the last 10-15 seconds of the stretch.
I do dry jelqs because I am uncut and also working on fixing a mild phimosis. I use my skin as lube

I think I overdid the stretches, and over squeezed the glans, because it changed color and got slightly deformed. Went back to normal after a few helicopter shakes.
But it also looked pretty dry at the end of the workout. Pushing blood into it made it shiny and smooth, though.

I think I will switch to a 1-1 routine, since I know my body usually takes more time to heal and doesn’t react very well to intense and long workouts of any kind.

I have read a lot about body types (I am the definition of an ectomorph) and I lifted weights before and studied nutrition, but was never consistent and quit way too early for seeing results.

I work 15 days/month, as a bartender. A job which provides movement and being active without intense effort.

So my plan is to lift weights in my off days, so my bodybuilding program would be 2 on - 2 off 3 on - 2 off - 2 on - 3 off ( this covers two weeks)

I plan to start with full body workouts, something like this:
3 x bench press sets (chest)
3 x pull ups (back)
3 x squats (legs)
This would be main groups, but also activate arms, shoulders and calves.
Every day I would add another 3 exercises, maybe today shoulders, calves and triceps, tomorrow biceps, lower back and forearms.

Again, thank you for your answers!

Oh, and I recently bought a multifunctional bench and 90kg worth of weight which I have set in my living room. I find it more comfortable than going to the gym, at least for now.

I also just came back from the pharmacy and I got some L-Arginine and L-lysine.
Tomorrow I will also stop smoking, forever (been doing it for 20 years, enough is enough)

Originally Posted by GoGainsGo
I think I overdid the stretches, and over squeezed the glans, because it changed color and got slightly deformed. Went back to normal after a few helicopter shakes.
But it also looked pretty dry at the end of the workout. Pushing blood into it made it shiny and smooth, though.

I’d back off on intensity and still do the same number of stretches or jelqs.

I plan to start with full body workouts, something like this:
3 x bench press sets (chest)
3 x pull ups (back)
3 x squats (legs)
This would be main groups, but also activate arms, shoulders and calves.
Every day I would add another 3 exercises, maybe today shoulders, calves and triceps, tomorrow biceps, lower back and forearms.

You’re not a beginner, and you have a bench and weights, and access to them whenever you’re home. You’re in a lot better position than many people!

If you haven’t decided on a specific routine yet, you might give the stronglifts-com site a look. That’s the routine I’m using at the moment. It’s not exactly what I want, but I’m not experienced enough to know what that is yet, so I’ll work on that until I make up my mind.

For sure I will check the site out, thank you!

That’s what I will do, I will reduce intensity in my PE exercises for now.

Had a really good erection this evening, but I noticed something 2-3 days ago, which I forgot to mention: my left testicle stays in a weird position. When my sack hangs, it hangs normally, inside it. But when I am aroused, or erect, it hangs on the left side of my member, it stays parallel with it.

Also, I ejaculated and it was more than good, with a hard erection, but my load was extremely different than what I was used to.

Normally (or until now), I have a rather liquid load, pretty discoloured. This evening it was really thick and gluey and more full in color (white-yellowish).

I also did pelvic floor relaxation exercises before it, so I don’t know.

Is the testicle thing something I should get checked?

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