Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PPP Removal At Home


Originally Posted by richardfitswell
I went into it meaning to just do a few, then wait for them to heal before proceeding to do all of them, but once I got going and felt like I was getting the hang of it, just a few turned into well let’s do the next series, then pretty soon it was: well I’ve gone this far, I might as well go all the way and heal only once!

But the prudent and responsible thing would be to do a test and once you see the final result, then continue.

Since you are evaporating them, there is some crisped up residue left which turns into a scab soon after. Since it is essentially a burn, the immediately surrounding tissue is pretty pissed off as well, so it gets red and a little inflamed.

I did test some regular skin a couple of days before I actually zapped all my PPP and you get a microscopic little hole, surrounded by red inflamed skin for about 2 weeks.
I did have to do a few zaps on a few of them, and those areas were angrier longer after, so it’s a balancing act. I keep reiterating that it was a very quick very high-stakes learning process on how much was enough, but not too much.

Thank you. Makes all sense. Will start with low power (4 or even 3) and test it out. My papules are also way less prominent than yours and fullpower might be overkill for me. If redoing half-done papules is no problem then this should be the way.

Does the zapping of papules also have an acoustic feedback if it was a “good one”? Like popping? Would be interesting to know.

Your pics weren’t that clear but I believe you also had shallow, almost pimple like papules instead of just long flexible ones. Hope you understand what I mean. How did they react to the plasma pen? Is there even a difference? I have some one the edge of glans corona. Looks like it all evened out in your case and even tightened the skin there which is nice. Maybe I’m too over-worried lol

Start: B=D

Goal: BD

This is…. Intriguing.

When I was 19 or 20 and found out PPP happened to like 40% of guys I tried to get rid of it. Went toothpaste and got as smooth as it could be but once I stopped they came back quickly. Years later I tried again but ended up burning myself. Most definitely due to another brand/kind of toothpaste. Never bothered again. I don’t think women think about this at all to be honest.


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