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Problems Keeping An Erection

Problems Keeping An Erection

Hello to everyone

This is my first post on this board, and I feel like this is my last resort. I’m 22 years old 5’11, 228 lbs, and I’m having serious problems getting a good erection. It’s not something I’m comfortable talking about with people. I don’t quite know when it started, but I think I started noticing maybe a little over a year ago. First they started to lose firmness, and now it has gotten to the point that I can’t even keep a FIRM erection for more than 20 seconds or so without some sort of “sensation” to it to keep it up - whether thats masturbation or sex itself. I have gone to the doctor, and the initial look on his face told me that he doesn’t know much about what’s going on. I had already figured I had a low testosterone problem since I was so lazy, and blood results showed it was around 214 out of a possible 850 i think. He prescribed Androgel in 5 gram doses for me to take daily for a month. I’ve been on a serious weight training and cardio program for the past 3 months, and have even started taking supplements such as whey protein and amino acids. I’ve also been dieting since mid November. Since dieting, I’ve lost up to around 22 lbs from 250 to 228. But I’ve also put on some muscle.

I just got off the androgel and have a doctors appointment set for monday. I’ll say I feel a bit better than I did in november, just before I started my diet and regular exercise. The androgel gave me more energy, but I really couldn’t tell if I had more daily erections or not, and I no longer seem to lose erection during masturbation, but the problem is still there. I have never done any kind of steroid or anything that I know of that could cause this. I am drug free and try to drink around a gallon of water(no soda since november)daily. I have NEVER done steroids.

Now I’ve run into another problem……

I have a date with a female this SATURDAY, and I know I’m going to have to perform sexually. I am certain that if my penis doesn’t keep some sort of physical sensation 70% of the time it will go flaccid quickly. I’ve even had problems switching positions during sex. I often lose erection during the transition. And if I’m REALLY working hard and sweating during intercourse, It’ll take longer for me to get another erection once that one is gone. Not only that, but it’s like I can’t last very long during intercourse without ejaculating anymore. Oral sex I can go on forever and I CAN’T ejaculate even if I want to, but intercourse is the opposite.

I can remember being in situations as an adolescent when I thought about sex 80% of the day, and spontaneous erections were REGULAR. All I could think about was sex. I used to be able to run and jump around with an erection, but now I struggle to get one just sitting down even when I force myself to think about sex. Can someone please help me out here? I don’t know what else to do. I’m tired of feeling like this. I’ve even tried PE and kegels for a month or so and that did nothing. I feel like something is SERIOUSLY wrong with me….

Hi Machine1 and welcome to Thunders. As a question, have you ever had your blood sugar checked for possible diabetes? One of the symptoms is a decreased ability to maintain an erection, along with others. Since you have been on a T supplement I’m not concerned with that.

As far as your big date goes, first of all the mind can do HORRIBLE things to erections, especially if you have any performance anxiety (and from the sound of your post that would be in the affirmative). Relax, let nature take its course, and who says that you have to perform sexually on this date? Where is that written in stone? It might be better off if you didn’t feel that need.

Keep us posted on what is going on, and once again, welcome.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Your story should be a lesson to all those who too quickly dismiss the idea of T deficiency just because of a young age. Please have your Dr check out your pituitary hormones and thyroid hormones as they are all related. A few thoughts. It sounds like you started out with troubles from T deficiency then when you noticed a difference you began to have a component of anxiety related erection toubles. For a quick fix Viagra Cialis or Levitra would work. If you don’t have bp or health problems a yohimbine product could be helpful. Are you addicted to porn? compusively masturbate? If so quit it and your issues will soon improve.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Hey, thanks for all your help. We ended up going out LAST night and luckily I didn’t have to perform much. She just gave me oral sex as she said she was on her period. I was pretty relieved. I would say that whatever anxiety related problem I was having has maybe subsided. At one point during oral sex she had to get up to take care of something for about 2 minutes or so and I kept an erection the entire time. I was THOROUGHLY surprised and pretty happy, so I didn’t get up or move around too much as I feared that if I did I would lose it.

Even though I did keep one for a pretty good duration, it still wasn’t as strong as I’d like it to be. Seems like my erections are maybe 70%-80% of what they used to be. I remember times when I would simply smell a woman and have an instant hard on that wouldn’t go away unless I forced myself to think of something other than sex. Is there any chance of me ever being to achieve those brick hard erections again? Again, thanks everything.

Machine 1,

Glad to hear the date turned out o.k. I’d definitely check out all the medical possibilities. Sounds like performance anxiety to me. We’ve all experienced it at times. I believe it’s unavoidable.

Of course, there’s hope for you. I’m three times your age, and with PE, my erections are getting harder and harder. Don’t give up on the kegels. Keep them up, and give yourself more time. Lighten up. The more you worry about it, the more often you’ll lose your erection. If you’re more comfortable with your date, and the better you know each other, the less likely it will be for you to lose your erection during intercourse. Remember, if there are no medical problems, it will pass. Good luck with PE, and welcome to Thunder’s Place. You can learn a lot here.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Hang in there,
I was having some problems since I was taking propecia for hair loss. About a month ago I quit and what a difference, sorta.
For the first week after quitting I had zero sexual drive, but the next two weeks it was like I was 18 again. Third and fourth week have been somewhere in between (though at this moment its on a downswing) I figure it might take another month till things even out.
I feel your pain Buddy, but listen to some of the advice givin here and you will do allright.


Grow long and prosper Start 3/04 Bpel 5.75 Eg 6.25- 6.75 Goal Bpel 7.5 Eg 7.5 :)

Hey everyone,

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted, but I’ve been very busy lately and haven’t been around much. As an update to my situation, I feel much better. I’ve been able to keep pretty strong erections lately, and the problem I was having hasn’t resurfaced. It’s really shocking to tell you the truth. But there a few more things that I still don’t understand. Now it seems like I don’t have very much cum, and if I do it’s kinda watery looking and it seems to just kinda “leak” out instead of shoot like it used to. It doesn’t have the stickyness(yeah, I know it’s nasty to talk about) that it used to either. I also can’t seem to ejaculate from oral sex, even if it’s really good. Can anyone tell me why? Is there something that I’m missing from my diet or anything I can do to change this? I don’t masturbate or have sex TOO often, so I can’t understand why there isn’t much coming out these days. (Thanks)thx for all your help.

Glad to hear the improvements about erections. For your cum situation try taking a zinc supplement this will increase your load. Also if you want a crazy cum shot try doing this it works wonders for me. When you feel like your going to cum do not. Make sure sure you do not reach the point of no return. If you have to pull out and give your girl oral it’s what I do or pull out and play with her. Now every time you feel like your going to reach your point of return do this and subside. Now after 3,4 or 5 times feeling like your going to cum and not doing so. Let yourself cum and do not hold back. Using the PC muscle and deep breathes helps you reduce the point of no return just make sure you do not cum. A good idea is to practice while masturbating. Try this watch porn and stroke slowly and fast at some points 4 20 to 30 mins After 30 mins cum you will notice a nice cum shot. Also learn your point of no return. The point of no return is the point where you can not stop your urge to cum. So learn to stop the urges before you get to this point.

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