The Ice Queen Cometh
One of the most intense orgasms I ever had was in a cat house in Palma Spain. This cute little senioritta did this trick with a douche bad full of ice water, she was famous in Blood Alley as the Ice Queen. The trick cost a whopping ten pasadas and this was back in the days when the best pussy in Spain only cost five. She would fill the water bottle with ice cubes and ice water and then blow through the enema hose till the bag was full of air and about the size of a basketball then she would click the little plastic clamp closed and hang the douche bag from a hook over the bed. She would slowly work the vaginal attachment (not the little enema plug but the big pussy plug) up your ass while you were fucking her. Just a split second before you began to come, she would release the clip and all that air pressure would shoot that ice cold water up into your ass. I’m not sure exactly what this did, nor am I sure it was safe, probably flash-froze the prostate, but all I know is once you started coming, you couldn’t stop until the bag was empty. Then it was a quick hop skip and jump to the head for the bowel movement of your young life.
Ah, yes. Navy days.
2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7
No Nukes
Last edited by Big Girtha : 04-06-2006 at .