Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Seminal Kung Fu and Crown Chakra Orgasms

You’ve got lots of company.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

No doubt.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

I have tried Silvy method that allows you to control your body better and helps to become smarter. But I stopped doing exercises because I had found out that this method can be dangerous. I read about people who saw demons during exercises. I’m not kidding!

I would start learning SKF but I can’t. In Poland this book isn’t offered:( Even I’ve tried to find PDF in the Internet, but I’ve found this book in German only:(

Hopefully, I do exercises to be multi-orgasmic man (or something like that).

I am looking forward to reading this book someday:)

Xenolith, Thank you for sharing your experience:)

Start time: 16.02.2005 NBPEL 6.6 EG 5.12 - No PE at the moment, but building ADA in progress.

Cripes! I can’t believe it! Somebody with some fricken’ sense! Good for you neo. I’d learn german if I were you. In terms of benefit to my life, nothing I’ve ever read has had more of a positive effect than has this book. Time to start sprechen sie deutsch, eh? :) .

Good luck in your book search or your german lessons.

Oh, and you’re welcome. Thanks for saying so.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Last edited by xenolith : 02-15-2006 at .

Is SKF safe? Has it some side effects like Silvy method?

Btw, Have you tried Silvy method or any another method that helps to control mind and body better?

I always want to improve myself, off course if it is safe;)

I strongly don’t recommend Silvy method! You can easily sell your soul to demon.

Start time: 16.02.2005 NBPEL 6.6 EG 5.12 - No PE at the moment, but building ADA in progress.

Last edited by neochrysaor : 02-15-2006 at .

I don’t know what Silvy method or Silva is.

It is safe. The main thing I would caution you on is to either accumulate chi at your crown center to the point of orgasm, or move it along your microcosmic orbit. Don’t leave it at your crown center. Chi accumulation in the crown center will really bring out the asshole in anyone.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Do you know other books about improving sexual life or becoming more smart/calm? Maybe some of them are available in Poland.

I practise kegel exercises but I think that it can’t be compare to SKF.

Start time: 16.02.2005 NBPEL 6.6 EG 5.12 - No PE at the moment, but building ADA in progress.


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Xenolith, all of this stuff sounds incredibly interesting, thanks very much for keeping the thread going and responding to everyone’s questions.

I was just wondering whether you regard CCO’s as by far the best ‘type’ of orgasm a man can have - because unless it is absolutely magnificent it does not seem worth the huge effort to learn the art, although I am certainly interested in reading and learning more.

I have recently started investigating ways to better enjoy my sexuality, which is the main reason I joined thunder’s. I have pretty much mastered ‘holding back’ ejaculation using a strong kegel while having an orgasm, but I gather that this is just a baby step from regular ejaculatory orgasms, compared to CCO’s. I have also experimented with the ‘key sound’ multiple orgasm (from jack johnson’s site) - and in just a few months I have had some great success with this. Have you experienced key sound orgasms (they seem pretty amazing to me) and if so how do they compare to CCO’s?

Also, are there any other ‘types’ of orgasm of which you are aware, or is this list comprehensive:
Non-ejaculatory ‘PC squeeze’
Prostate (using aneros)
Key sound (jack johnson)

I would assume there would be some other types of ‘tantric’ orgasms? But I think I need to do a fair bit more reading before I get stuck into that sort of stuff

Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated

Whoa.. I’m very impressed. Gotta learn about this tantric stuff.


>>>Xenolith, all of this stuff sounds incredibly interesting, thanks very much for keeping the thread going and responding to everyone’s questions.

It is tremendously interesting. And an incredibly useful and powerful tool for nourishing one’s body and mind. You’re welcome and thanks for saying so.

>>>I was just wondering whether you regard CCO’s as by far the best ‘type’ of orgasm a man can have - because unless it is absolutely magnificent it does not seem worth the huge effort to learn the art, although I am certainly interested in reading and learning more.

Personally, I don’t have an orgasm hierarchy. But I do like variety. The closest analogy with which I can describe CCOs to someone who hasn’t experienced them, which, BTW, I’m very sorry to say, is everyone I’ve ever met (including mrs. x), either in person or electronically, is an LSD trip. Now, if a person hasn’t experienced an acid trip, well, then I’m pretty well limited in my ability to communicate the experience again. But, yes, CCOs are a lot like peaking on an acid trip. Very intense. There aren’t any hallucinations, but one does ‘lose track’ of one’s body. ALL of one’s consciousness is focused on the experience taking place within their own consciousness, to the point where awareness of one’s body is lost. With one exception. One is aware of the electrical dynamo, the energy coursing through their microcosmic orbit. One feels that energy circulating within one’s body, but the body per se, is not sensed. It’s the experience taking place at the crown that dominates one’s consciousness during a CCO. I’ve stated it elsewhere in this thread, but I’ll do so again, the most overwhelming ‘thought’ that one has during a CCO is that they are a pure energy being, a self contained dynamo, in an infinite energy field. The vastness of the energy field is simultaneously unbelievably beautiful and unbelievably humbling. To be quite honest, the feeling is not unlike what I imagine it must be like for a fly on a bug zapper. Well, without the being electrocuted part. But you do feel like you’re ‘frying’ in the LSD sense. It’s an extremely lonely feeling, not necessarily in a bad way, but one senses very deeply how unique, defined and isolated their dynamo is and how small it is in the overall energy field. Personally, I become overwhelmed with a desire to liberate some of the energy in my dynamo. To do so requires another energy being. IOW, a person. In particular, a person of opposite electrical charge. IOW, a woman. So that energies may be exchanged in a complementary way, simultaneously releasing energy and receiving energy. Sorry, my gay friends. (Single cultivation) CCOs are still possible, but not dual cultivation CCOs by my understanding, which is to say, in accordance with traditional Taosit SKF practice. As difficult and time consuming as it was for me to learn how to achieve CCOs, I estimate dual cultivation CCOs to be several orders of magnitude harder.

With regard to single cultivation CCOs, I don’t pursue them often because they are very intense. Much as like I wouldn’t want to pursue peaking on an acid trip on a regular basis. And I haven’t at all in the last 16 years or so. For those who might be wondering. But I do them several times a year. For the primary purpose of reaquainting myself with my own energy. And experiencing the infinite energy field. It reinforces my sense of self. And encourages my desire and love for my wife. She knows when I’ve had a ‘nectar shower’ :) .

>>>I have recently started investigating ways to better enjoy my sexuality, which is the main reason I joined thunder’s. I have pretty much mastered ‘holding back’ ejaculation using a strong kegel while having an orgasm, but I gather that this is just a baby step from regular ejaculatory orgasms, compared to CCO’s. I have also experimented with the ‘key sound’ multiple orgasm (from jack johnson’s site) - and in just a few months I have had some great success with this. Have you experienced key sound orgasms (they seem pretty amazing to me) and if so how do they compare to CCO’s?

I don’t know anything about them.

>>>Also, are there any other ‘types’ of orgasm of which you are aware, or is this list comprehensive:
Non-ejaculatory ‘PC squeeze’
Prostate (using aneros)
Key sound (jack johnson)

I consider your “Non-ejaculatory ‘PC squeeze’” and “Prostate (using aneros)” to be the same. I can’t say, not knowing anything about them, but knowing what I do, if “Key sound” orgasms are non-ejaculatory, then I would expect them to equivalent to prostate orgasms as well.

>>>I would assume there would be some other types of ‘tantric’ orgasms?

I really don’t know. But based on what I’ve learned so far, I don’t think there are. All I know is traditional Taoist SKF and the type of orgasm possible with it, CCOs. Others people, such as zane, have indicated that orgasms are possible at other locations, in her case, she claims heart chakra orgasms. With respect to traditional Taoist SKF, such are not described. I strongly suspect that those making claims of orgasms in locations other than the crown center (chakra) are describing what I’ve come to refer to as “leaking chi” orgasms. Which, for lack of a better description, I think can be thought of as energy releases from the microcosmic orbit at locations lower than the crown. Indeed, in accordance with traditional Taoist SKF, organ nourishing is achieved this way. But is not considered orgasmic.

I hope you find my comments helpful.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Xenolith! I finally got the book and Ive been trying the principles. Its been a week now and i feel a lot more energetic. In fact, I sleep less now and usually behave like a super charged electron. Lol.

Walk slowly but never backwards.

Good post.
But are you guys talking about Chi? I think there are many members who have no idea about “chi”, so may be a note won’t hurt.

For those are not familiar with Chi, be caution please.
Chi kung is not martial art, it is not for everybody, someone trying to learn chi kung is suppose to be guided by a teacher.
In China, almost every book about Chi kung have a note like this:
Be caution! If you don’t understand the topic, please refer to a professional for guide.If you make a mistake, you can hurt yourself or even go insane!

I am not joking.

Originally Posted by sabbatia
Good post.
But are you guys talking about Chi? I think there are many members who have no idea about “chi”, so may be a note won’t hurt.

For those are not familiar with Chi, be caution please.
Chi kung is not martial art, it is not for everybody, someone trying to learn chi kung is suppose to be guided by a teacher.
In China, almost every book about Chi kung have a note like this:
Be caution! If you don’t understand the topic, please refer to a professional for guide.If you make a mistake, you can hurt yourself or even go insane!

I am not joking.

True! I was talking to someone about Chi and this person narrated a story of a friend who did kundalini yoga and ended up with some serious pyscho somatic illness. He apparently lost his memory for a couple of months and later spent 6 months with the shrink.

Although, its been only a forthnight, I have personally noticed a severe case of high energy. I refuse to sleep for more than 4 hours at a stretch and usually cant end up sitting quite. Ive got way too much energy for my liking and im hoping that it doesnt translate into any kind of illness of my mind. Maybe xenolith can suggest some calming methods. I must also admit that its a rush when you feel the energy move around in your body. I guess most breathing exercises do good to the body in one way or the other. If you have suggestions regarding Chi, please let me know

Walk slowly but never backwards.


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