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Seminal Kung Fu and Crown Chakra Orgasms

I don’t understand why nobody has any interest in learning these techniques. Becoming multi-orgasmic and having unbelievable and transcendent orgasms seems just as useful a pursuit as PE. The main point of PE is so that you can have better sex—these Taoist techniques offer the tools to give you tremendous skills in bed, and no one here will even bother to try reading the book, let alone put in the effort to achieve these abilities?

Just finished reading this thread. As someone who teaches various "Internal Arts" (Tai Chi Qigong, Iron Crotch Nei-Gong, Iron Body Nei-Gong, Tai Chi Quan (Yang & Chen), mediatation, 6 Healing sounds, Stasis Qigong, etc.), I’d like to add and clarify somethings, as time permits. In the spirit of this thread, this is for anyone who is interested in pursuing these amazing systems, and all they can do.

You do need to understand the terms. This is science, just a science not familiar to most Westerners. I would advise getting the following book:

http://www.amaz … /dp/B0050IKDY0/

The author Ted Kaptchuk, is associate director of the Center for Alternative Medicine Research and Education at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston and an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School.

It’s one of the clearest explanations you’re going to get in English of these concepts, with footnotes, references, & bibliography.

I would also highly recommend William Bodri’s Meditation Expert site.

Nan Huai-Chin and William Bodri

William Bodri is the foremost Western student of Nan Huai-Chin, one of the greatest spiritual teachers of the past 100 years. A household name in Asia, Nan Huai-Chin is practically unknown in America. He is regarded as one of the premier experts on Zen, the Esoteric school, Taoism and Confucianism and is also recognized for his expertise in Chinese medicine and the martial arts. More importantly, he can do everything he teaches, & can teach you how to replicate it yourself.

The main book you should get of his, and one of the few in English, is the following:

http://www.amaz … /dp/087728542X/

His student William Bodri, continues his record of excellence, and being able to back up what he teaches. He has over 1500 pages of articles and documentation on his site of all aspects of spiritual cultivation. More importantly, he clearly shows that this process was both known and practiced, with various levels of understanding, by every major culture in the world.

I would advise reading the following articles first:

Basic Meditation Teachings Have You Focus on Learning Some Meditation Technique and Understanding Certain Fundamental Principles

How to choose a meditation technique to use

Sexual Tantra - WHat No One Will Tell You

Kundalini Yoga and How to Practice It

The Difficulties of Celibacy on the Spiritual Path of Meditation

Dealing With Sexual Desire For Meditation and Spiritual Practice

Here’s how to handle the problem of sexual desire and sexual urges and meditation or other spiritual practices

Celibacy and Yoga Spiritual Attainments

Chakras and Kundalini

5 Things You Should Know About Kundalini and Chakras

Microcosmic Circulations, Chakras and Spinning Your Qi

In these articles is more Gong-Fu knowledge than any number of books. He clarifies a number of things for Western cultivators.

On the following page, scroll down to the bottom, and download the free PDF he has on "Gong-Fu Transformations In the physical Body". Insightful, yet very practical stuff.

http://www.medi … com/stages.html

He no longer teaches the stages course to anyone. He told me that finding people who could both understand and, most importantly, do and stick with the process in this society was becoming almost impossible.
From my own personal experiences teaching, I agreed with him, although I’m a bit more optimistic about the number of people out there ready to learn, if they only had access to correct knowledge. I hope these
Posts help.

I’m going to break these posts up. Getting a little long. Summarizing thousands of years of knowledge will tend to cause this to happen :)

With regards to one of the earlier posts talking about seeing Demons from doing Gong-Fu:

Spiritual Visions and Hearing Voices

This is also discussed in the "Tao & longevity" book I referenced in my previous post. When your chi rises up the back, known as the Governing vessel, Dumai or Dumo channel, when it gets to different areas of the brain, it can cause different effects. These include auditory and visual phenomena, that usually relate to subconscious thoughts. That’s why you’re told to ignore these phenomena, so that the chi can work it’s way through the brain, and go down Jenmai or Jenmo, also known the conception vessel that much more quickly.

I know a lot of this is pretty out there for some folks. But if you do the practices described by Bodri, and don’t "leak", you can verify it for yourself. There are various physical changes you go through that verify it. If the changes don’t occur, you’re in all likelihood deluding yourself.

Most "heart chakra openings" are just movements of wind chi through the heart mai. Amazing, yes. But a real opening feels like you’re about to have a heart attack. Some people call 911, because they think that’s what’s happening.

What Xenolith is discussing, with regards to CCOs, can be accomplished by a number of cultivation processes. The Taoist tradition, of which Mantak Chia is a member of, is just one way. You also have to keep in mind that while Mantak Chia has a lot of very useful information, there’s a lot missing. Whether it’s unknowingly or intentionally, I have no idea. Taoism, like a lot of ancient spiritual practices, has been distorted over the years.

The practices that Chia emphasizes, are known as force techniques. Force techniques can be very dangerous if not handled correctly, with proper supervision, and only until you get past your initial beginning stages. Then you reduce or stop them.

Also the current Western emphasis on chakras is over emphasized. The goal of true cultivation is to stop clinging to the body. Anything that reinforces bodily attachment over meditation work is not the true path, and is to be avoided. It can lead to various neuroses, psychoses, obsessions, ego inflation, & a general deterioration of the personality.

If you’ve weakened your vehicle through constantly ejaculating, it takes longer for the various physical Gong-Fu phenomena to appear. That’s one of the reasons that cultivation timetables can vary among cultivators. Everyone has different levels of what’s called "pre-natal Qi". This is the baseline constitution you inherited from your parents. Your core life-force, genetic potential, etc.

There’s also what’s called "post-natal Qi". This is the air you breath, the food you eat, the water you drink. The variables that can affect your epigenetic switches.

You can’t change your pre-natal Qi. What you got is what you got. Some people can jerk off 10 times a day, smoke 3 packs of cigarettes, drink moonshine for breakfast, & still live to a spry 105. Other people do everything "right", and get sick just from breathing. Pre-natal Qi is the reason for this. People have different levels of life-force energy.

According to Taoist cultivation theory, there are 3 treasures. Jing, Qi, & Shen. Jing is your endocrine & enzymatic systems, your sperm, your semen, ovum and vaginal secretions in women. It corresponds to water. Qi is the agent of function, it’s energy, your ability to do in the phenomenal realm. It corresponds to vapor, to steam. Shen is your highest level spiritual energy. It corresponds to light.

The goal is to sublimate jing into Qi, qi into shen, and shen into nothingness. The analogy Taoists like to use is think of a pot with water in it. The pot is the body, specifically the lower dantien, 4 finger-widths below the navel.
You heat the pot with fire, which is the breath. The water in the pot is the jing. We all know when you heat water, molecules speed up & get further away from one another. The water (jing) sublimates into steam (qi). The steam further sublimates until you can’t see it, you can only see distortions of the air from the heat to know that it’s there. That’s Shen.

You can force qi up the spine to have a "CCO", using breathing, pressing huiyin (the perineum), combined with visualization. But more often than not, without sufficient qi from filling up with jing, you’ll basically be deluding yourself that something’s happening. A lot of cultivator’s "microcosmic orbit", "Kundalini awakenings", & "heart chakra openings" are just initial movements of wind chi. The real deal doesn’t happen until you open up the central channel, or chong mai / chung mo. This runs from the baihui point at the top of the head, through the center of the body, down to huiyin. It’s basically the same thing as Yoga’s sushumna channel. It’s where the positive polarity channel of dumai on the back, meets the negative polarity channel of jenmai, down the front of the body. Opening this channel causes the igniting of your bod’s true qi or "Yang Qi", what practicers of yoga call "Kundalini".

But keep in mind that "Yang Qi", "Kundalini", is still a low level stage! There’s a whole lot more to go through on your way to the Tao, if that’s what you’re looking to do. If that is what you’re interested in doing, get the books I reference, read all of Bodri’s site, and get all of his books. There’s nothing else like them in English for Westerners. I’ve been doing these practices for over 20 years. He’s the real deal.

http://www.amaz … /dp/0972190716/

http://www.amaz … /dp/1452869367/

http://www.amaz … /dp/0972190783/

http://www.amaz … /dp/0972190791/

In a nutshell, you can use the method that Mantak Chia describes. Or, you could just detach from thoughts, images, & identifying with the body, and the same Gong-Fu will occur. Usually faster.

I experience CCOs as Xenolith describes at this point without even thinking about it, in waves, with no direct stimulation. It’s a byproduct of correct cultivation, and your jing and qi being full. This is what various traditions talk about
When they’re discussing "Bliss". Nan Huai-Chin calls them "happiness orgasms". At initial stages of deep cultivation (samadhi), they occur more and more, and get stronger and stronger. What Xenolith calls CCOs, is part of the phenomena known as "Ching-An". It’s an initial stage Gong-Fu phenomena. You can also force it into occurring, but these are called "semblance dharma". Not the real thing. The real Gong-Fu occurs naturally as part of cultivation practice.

If you’re just doing it for sexual pleasure and a different sensation and thrill, you may want to leave this stuff alone. You can cause yourself a bunch of unnecessary hassles in the long run. If you don’t let go of various emotions, specifically fear, anger, & lust, you WILL eventually have issues. These practices strengthen these forces to a very high degree. It’s also why meditation is essential

Finally, the trick to retaining your semen without damage to your prostate & urinary tract, is what’s known as "emptiness meditation". If you don’t learn this meditation method, you WILL injure yourself. I’ve gone for over a year without "leaking", without any issues. But I meditate at least an hour a day, and have done so for close to 20 years.

I hope this helps those of you that are searching. Cheers :)

Thank you for your very informative contributions LBM1. As it feels right to you, please continue to do so.


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Thanks Xenolith. I’ve always been of the view that if others before me have done something, and verified it, why should I attempt to reinvent the wheel?
I learn the steps they’ve shown, and if it’s legit, I’m able to replicate their results repeatedly. True science.

Bodri just came out with a new book on Saturday, that I’m sure a true seeker such as yourself may be interested in:

https://www.cre …

Take care. Cheers :)

Bodri’s good people. Thanks for the “hot off the presses” update on his latest text.

Thought that I’d offer an excerpt from a PM today to another member that addresses one of the big misconceptions about SKF (seminal gong fu): that it’s about semen retention…no, it’s about energy transformation. Anyhoo, here’s a (very) brief explanation from today’s PM:

The one thing that it is critical for you to know and understand is that seminal gong fu practice is not about semen per se, it’s about harnessing jing, which is sexual energy, which you clearly have and transforming it into qi. This is a very common misunderstanding, or lack of understanding, both are common actually. It’s important to understand that jing energy emanates from all of the male reproductive system…this is key: it’s vibrational energy…that increases in amplitude with arousal. It is this jing energy that SKF seeks to tap…like a hummingbird sips nectar, so does the SKF adept sip the vapors of jing energy that emanate from the Semen Palace (as well as from the rest of the male reproductive system).

Follow your path with diligence - Siddhartha


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Thanks lbm and xenolith as an American these are concepts I’ve never really heard about but find very interesting. I know most people go through life never knowing what amazing spiritual experiences can occur. Fortunately I’ve had some amazing ones, and am going to look into your suggested readings to see how I can focus better spiritually at this point of my life. God Bless.

@Xenolith: Excellent summary on the PM.

Diligence indeed. Gong: Meaning to cultivate through hard work, perseverance, dedication, & consistency.

Your Gong-Fu is strong :)

@ Gmoney28: Glad to be of help. Great fortune on your journey. As the I Ching says, “perseverance furthers”

Cheers :)

Thanks for the link to that site xenolith - some interesting stuff there.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Happy to be of service firegoat; and thank you for pointing out that there are other resources there as well.


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Hi xeno,

I read the Mantak Chia book about 6 years ago, but have never gotten the energy past the sacrum/lower back area, at least not intentionally or reproducibly. I practiced it quite often for the first few years, and since then, more sporadically. It is a difficult subject to explain, and Chia is not fluent in English, so the explanation in the book left much to be desired, and also left a lot open to personal interpretation. I’m thankful that you decided to write about your experience, as you’re the only English speaker on the entire internet, at least that I’ve found, that has experienced the CCO’s with this practice and written about it. I’ve just read through this whole thread, and have some questions I’ve wondered about for years, and some more that were sparked by this thread.

As some context for where I’m coming from, I have experienced a multitude of chi energy flows, pulses, pings, movements, radiance, shocks, rivers of light, crackings, meltings, et cetera, et cetera, as a result of both SKF practice, and other yoga practices during the last 6 years. I’ve attempted to open the MO for several years, and while I can feel certain parts of it, other parts are completely “dark”. While I have read all of the Mantak Chia book, it has been a few years since I reviewed that material.

Regarding the correct level of genital stimulation and “temperature” of the chi. How aroused should I be when attempting to raise the energy? I saw you mention moving the “about to cum” feeling up the spine, which would imply a very high level of genital arousal. At other places, and in Chia’s work, there’s a warning to not be too aroused because the chi gets too “hot” to move. What limited success I’ve had at getting to the sacrum has been at what I would consider fairly cold levels. For example, looking at porn for a few minutes while stimulating myself, and then removing all stimulation (erection subsides but there is still sexual energy present) and moving the energy like that. It sounds like you use a continuous genital stimulation

Along the same lines, when I am successful with getting to the higher pumps, will it feel like I am siphoning off the sexual energy from the genital area? I.e. constantly losing genital arousal as it travels up the spine, and needing to replenish that genital arousal continuously?

Regarding the “beginning” and order of the energy flows. Pump #1 is the heart. How should I involve that? I have a decent awareness of the channel from heart to cauldron to sperm palace. That is one area that I can often feel the energy. When practicing this, should I start my awareness at the heart and move energy from there toward the genitals? Currently I don’t do anything with the heart and just start at the genitals or the cauldron.

Regarding Pump #2 BC and the “hand-off” to Pump #3 Sacrum. I’m glad you wrote about this because like you said, it is not described well enough by Chia. Your description gives some more color, and maybe you can confirm that I’m understanding it correctly. We stimulate the genitals, and as sexual energy builds, move it with our attention toward the perineum, basically by placing our attention on the perineum, and waiting and hoping that the sexual energy moves in that direction. (I have felt it move to the perineum, but it seems mostly a matter of luck for me, most of the time it’s just wishful thinking on my part). But if it does move toward the perineum, we execute a BC flex at the correct timing while moving our attention to the sacrum (A series of BC flexes? A single short flex? A flex and hold?). The BC flex “propels” the already moving energy toward the sacrum, and we “catch” the energy in the sacrum by flexing the pelvis forward (top picture in the attachment? i.e. flattening the lower back toward the ground if you were lying on back?). Once you have “caught” the energy by bringing the sacrum closer to the perineum, you flex the lower back in the opposite direction (second image, moving the sacrum upward, and arching the lower back) which propels the energy higher up the spine? How long does all this take? A second or a few seconds? You mention that good timing is very important so I assume the BC flex must occur at the moment the energy hits a certain point around the perineum (or does it initiate the movement toward the perineum?) and then the sacral pelvic tilt flex must occur at a precise moment when the energy has moved somewhere beyond the perineum but before it reaches the sacrum. Do the muscle movements occur immediately one after the other? It also sounds like a stronger BC muscles is important and the stronger the flex, the more “momentum” the energy has going toward the sacrum? I’m curious why you continue to prioritize the strengthening of your BC muscle when you’ve already learned the timing necessary to practice the CCO’s? Does a stronger BC muscle make it easier when the chi is at “hotter” levels, i.e. during dual cultivation and “the big draw” ?

Regarding adequate supply of chi and refraining from ejaculation. How long would you estimate is required to refrain from ejaculation in order to have enough chi to work with to successfully move it up the spine, for a man in his 30’s? My experience is that the longer I refrain, the more I can feel all chi movements. There is just more energy in the system in general. However, as you mentioned, there are also risks involved in refraining for too long before understanding how to “release the pressure” in other ways besides genital orgasm. Chia is particularly hardcore about this and advocates not cumming for weeks and months while doing the practices. If I try that, I got horrible blue balls which is not healthy. So there must be a balance between holding semen long enough to effectively practice, while not holding it too long as to bring on the pain and risks of blue balls. What time ranges did you use while you were still learning?

Regarding the tongue switch. Chia seems to recommend always completing the switch by having the tongue at the roof of the mouth while practicing. The way you described it, it sounded like you may open the switch (not touching the roof of mouth) in order to allow energy to build at the crown. Do we want to have the tongue not touching while we are building the energy at the crown? And then when enough energy is built up there, we touch the tongue to the roof of the mouth, closing the switch, completing the circuit, and the energy overflows in a CCO? Or enough energy builds up and the CCO spontaneously occurs and at that time we close the switch by touching the tongue, and continue to pump for more CCO’s? Sorry, it’s a general areas of misunderstanding for me.

Regarding hydration, breath control, and storing chi at cauldron. You mentioned these as three things which are necessary to avoid unwanted energy overload effects while learning the practice. Presumably more hydration is better. Regarding breath, Chia is rather specific about his breathing, deep breathing and timing the breaths to coincide with the energy moving. But any success I’ve had with the methods seems to be better when I ignore the breath completely and focus entirely on the energy. Regarding storing the energy at the cauldron. I am able to do this to some extent, and if I do SKF training without ejaculating at the end, I try to store as much energy as possible at the cauldron. It causes the navel area to feel “full” of energy. And I can feel small energy pulses there throughout the day when I’ve “stored” an aborted orgasm there. However, I never seem to be able to store enough energy to dissipate the blueball and overload effect. No matter how much I’ve tried, if I don’t orgasm after doing an SKF practice, I get some kind of blueballs, sometimes very bad, and the symptoms of energy overload and feeling “strung out” since I didn’t cum. Over the years this has made me reluctant to do SKF practice, because it seems like I need to at least retain semen for several days, and then I get to do only one practice, and if I don’t release the orgasm after the practice, I feel like crap. Is there any way around this problem?

Regarding opening of the MO. It sounds like achieving a CCO requires that the “back channel” or “governor channel” of the MO must be known and open. And the experience of the CCO and the energy flowing down the body would show the path of the front channel. Without experience that though, it seems Chia recommends that we work on opening our MO anyway, by simply moving our awareness along the path that he describes. I’ve been doing this for years, and like I said above, there are certain areas along the path where I can “feel” it and I understand what physical pathways through my body correspond to that part of the MO. In other parts, the movement of the energy is “dark” and I don’t feel it. But when I pass through those parts anyway, and can feel the chi circulating along the MO, much better than I could when I first started several years ago. Any advice on how to practice this? Currently what I do is simply move my attention around the MO, and at the points where I can feel the energy, I put my attention on the actual moving energy itself. At the points where I feel nothing, I just consciously move my attention through that zone on to the next part where I can feel it again. One cycle of the MO can take me anywhere from 1-2 seconds, up to perhaps 45 seconds. Does your MO have a “set rate” at which the energy circulates? How long does one cycle take? Or does it change.

Regarding your questions on page 5 and 6 about other members who chimed in about higher chakra center (not crown) “orgasms” that they experienced. You were doubtful that anybody could instinctively experience higher chakra orgasms without any cultivation. I believe it was simply a language confusion. I’ve been active on another forum of yoga practitioners, and general “seekers”. People can instinctively experience huge chi energy flows without any training. In this thread you posted a list of stages of sexual cultivation. The final stages number 6 and 7 were respectively, Transforming spiritual energy beyond the mind/body, and Union of Man and Tao. It turns out that some people skip the whole sexual energy path, and go straight to number 6 and 7. And it’s possible by pure desire of truth, and self knowledge, and union, and Love, that people’s chi pathways and chakras are opened and energized, and they experience huge energy flows at the heart, or at the third eye, or at the root, or at the cauldron, or from the root to the crown spontaneously, with no practices of any kind other than a true yearning for spiritual fulfillment. In that sense it can be instinctive. It’s also possible through breathing practices and meditation to get all kinds of energy flows and chakra openings without ever pursuing a CCO or sexual cultivation. I’ve read many first-hand cases of it. Any of these energy flows could be misinterpreted as a chakra orgasm by the experiencer, just due to the sheer level of energy flow that’s possible. The only actual outward release of energy I’ve experienced has been at the heart chakra. I do think that CCO’s and any sustained crown opening requires dedicated practice. I have only had a few crown experiences, but I’ve read many accounts of yoga practitioners who work with chi who have opened the crown and experienced the huge crown energy and downward nectar flows associated with it. Anyway, you seemed genuinely interested back at the time of those questions, and this long paragraph all to say, there are many paths to get to stages 6 and 7, and they all involve these same energy awakenings at some point on the path. And it seems to me that all people who experience chakra openings or chi movements readily recognize the energy as very similar in nature to orgasmic energy.

I’m sorry to ask so many questions at once, and thank you for whatever response you can offer, if any at all.

(13.0 KB, 20 views)

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Hi BD,

Lot to cover here; I’ll reply in sections.

First Section:

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
I’m thankful that you decided to write about your experience, as you’re the only English speaker on the entire internet, at least that I’ve found, that has experienced the CCO’s with this practice and written about it.

Yes, I was surprised at the lack of accounts…I found zero…when I went looking to compare notes. There is a reason for subsequent research I discovered this assessment: “1 in 1,000 will learn of it, of those, 1 in 1, 000 will attempt it and of those, 1 in 1,000 will achieve it.” When you do that math, you get 1 in a billion…meaning there are, statistically speaking, 6 others on the planet that mastered the “Great Straight Upward Path”. My intuition tells me that the actual number is more like several hundred to possibly several thousand…but I’ve never come across one, in person or electronically. Anyhoo, I’m delighted by your inquiries and even more so to be of service to others by replying to them…thank you.

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
Regarding the correct level of genital stimulation and “temperature” of the chi. How aroused should I be when attempting to raise the energy?

A clarification first: the sperm energy is “unrefined”, which is to say it is not yet chi, or universally useable throughout the body energy…in the unrefined to chi state, sexual energy is called jing. Sexual arousal should be done slowly. The key understanding to have is that with one’s coccyx, one “sips” the refined “vapors” of chi off of the slowly heated jing. One must be careful not to allow the jing to boil, just a simmer is what is the goal. Hopefully that conveys a sense of the level of arousal most conducive to accumulating chi in the sacral pump. Once the sacral is “primed” with sufficient accumulation of chi (refined jing vapor), it is becomes very easy to propel that chi beyond the sacral pump with gentle flexing of the lower back muscles.

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
I saw you mention moving the “about to cum” feeling up the spine, which would imply a very high level of genital arousal.

That was an unfortunate choice of phrasing, likely chosen in an effort to use phraseology that would be most accessible to the most people.

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
At other places, and in Chia’s work, there’s a warning to not be too aroused because the chi gets too “hot” to move. What limited success I’ve had at getting to the sacrum has been at what I would consider fairly cold levels. For example, looking at porn for a few minutes while stimulating myself, and then removing all stimulation (erection subsides but there is still sexual energy present) and moving the energy like that. It sounds like you use a continuous genital stimulation

I think that the following description from my notes will help to answer this question further.

The experience of a CCO is foremost one of awareness, in epiphionic clarity, of one’s dynamo and of its place in the infinite energy field that is Life. The male dynamo spins counterclockwise and turns within itself as chi is delivered through penis tugs. Its like pulling oneself up a rope…with each pull, a pulse of energy is delivered to the dynamo, which churns to a higher voltage. As one sends additional chi to the crown, increasing the energy of one’s dynamo, one becomes increasingly aware of the vastness of the energy field (of Life) within which one’s own energy engine exists. I think that the energy field that I observe in CCOs is or is similar to Indra’s Web…what I observe is a pulsating web that connects all Life forms to each other. It appears as a mercurial web with reflective nodes at the intersections of the web…reflecting back to the observer (the CCO experiencer…me) the being that possess that position in the Web. It’s humbling and beautiful to the point of tears…I sob openly every time I experience a CCO. Given the understanding of the greatness of one’s own energy, yet the infinitely greater vastness of the energy field within which it (me) exists, I’m overwhelmed with feelings of humilty and lonliness. And a desire to share my energy with another energy being…in particular, a human being. A human being of opposite electrical polarity in particular. IOW, opposite gender. Connection. That’s what a CCO experiencing person wants more than anything. I see people that I know and Love and am always compelled to “leave” my node and travel out into the Web in response to that urge to connect with another human being’s. So far, I haven’t. This might be a very seriously high jeopardy action…a step that can’t be re-traced kind of thing. Perhaps when I am near death, I’ll try leaving my node…

Most important of the observations that CCOs have shown me is that as Love in my Life increases, so does the voltage of my dynamo. Simply put, I’m a Love machine. We all are. Or if you prefer, we’re creatures of Love (kudos to Mr. Byrne for his insight). This is based on my experience, but so is this:

I’ve got a hypothesis for what is taking place neurologically in CCOs. I think that SKF methods facilitate generation of neuro-electric charges within the sympathetic nervous system that, when propagated up the spinal system to the level of the cranium, become short circuited by the vagus nerve (from perineum to cranium) resulting in the experience of a CCO. Maybe I’ll elucidate on this hypothesis someday (it pertains to the relationship of the governor channel and the vagus nerve). Mostly I’d like to find others who’ve experienced CCOs in order to compare notes with them. It’s astonishing to me that I’ve not found a single person yet. .

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
Along the same lines, when I am successful with getting to the higher pumps, will it feel like I am siphoning off the sexual energy from the genital area? I.e. constantly losing genital arousal as it travels up the spine, and needing to replenish that genital arousal continuously?

Once you get past the sacral pump, expect many…I’ve estimated 10,000…attempts getting my chi to the cranial pump. During this phase, no it is simply the task of sipping the jing vapors (chi) with your coccyx. Once you propel your chi past your cranial pump, the CCO will spontaneously open up and occur. Once this happens, then yes, just a gentle tug will do it…with each tug, the dynamo churns.

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
Regarding the “beginning” and order of the energy flows. Pump #1 is the heart. How should I involve that? I have a decent awareness of the channel from heart to cauldron to sperm palace. That is one area that I can often feel the energy. When practicing this, should I start my awareness at the heart and move energy from there toward the genitals? Currently I don’t do anything with the heart and just start at the genitals or the cauldron.

I don’t consider the heart to pump #1, I consider, as does Chia, the Sacral Pump to be Pump #1 (to use your vernacular)…and the Cranial Pump is Pump #2 (again in your vernacular).

End of First Section.

Hopefully something of value will be found therein.

I’ll get to the Second Section as soon as I can.


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Originally Posted by xenolith
Anyhoo, I’m delighted by your inquiries and even more so to be of service to others by replying to them…thank you.

That’s excellent. Your post was very helpful but I’ll hold off on replying (mostly with more questions) for now, to avoid cross posting confusion. In the meantime I’ll re-read Mantak Chia.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Life happening in a big way…may be weekend before I can re-visit this…


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama


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